Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1248, the end of the past, said early

I don't know how long it takes, Richard Steinbeck spokes out a turbidity, whispering: "Kid, you really make me see too shallow, but I don't need to see your shadow, because Sheri is in me Hand. "

Li Fengbei picks: "I said, you will not kill Scari."

"No, it doesn't mean that it is not." Richard Steinbeck smiled, and his Sheri mentioned before, cold channel: "You let me feel the threat, if you don't hurry away, I It will kill her. "

"Don't!" Scarlet's face and struggled desperately.

It's just that her struggle does not raise any effect. For the S +-level Richard Steinbeck, she is a doll, she can be played.

"Your decision makes me surprised." Li Feng sighed and looked a little helpless.

"Excellent decisiveness is the necessary quality of strong people." Richard Steinbeck shrugged and said slightly.

His surface is mad, and the truth is true, and each executive task will ensure that there is no loss and then do it. This is what he can always live to the present.

"But you ignore it." Li Feng lifted his eyes and said with laughing.

"What?" Richard Stanker's browbood micro wrinkled, and always felt that the development of things may be overwhelmed, but he couldn't think about it for another time.

"My ability." Li Feng sighed and threw a finger to point up: "This is me."

Richard Steinbeck looked at the mist.

Then, Li Feng stretched his finger and finger: "This is you."

Richard Steinbeck: "???"

Even if the cultural difference between Huaxia and the country is big, then Richard Steinbeck also understands, this is Li Feng, saying two one in the sky!

"You dare to humiliate me?" Richard Steinbeck Avi: "I will leave here for three seconds, otherwise I immediately kill Scarlett!"

Li Feng's behavior made him lose his resistance. He has been planning. Once Li Feng doesn't leave here, he will kill Scarlett, then escape!

"3, 2 ..."

As Richard Steinbeck began to count down, Scarlet did not have before, she strongly endured to Li Feng, said soft: "Li, sorry, I should not misunderstand you, I understand now, The heart is soft to the enemy, and I will see myself. "

After the words were finished, Scarlet closed his eyes and waited for death.

Li Feng shook his head and smiled: "Your blessing is a few decades."

Scarlette: "???"

Richard Steinbeck: "???"

Just as the two were confused, Richard Steinbeck's face suddenly retired. After returning to normal, he released the hands of the Sheri neck.

At this moment, Scarlett only felt that the neck was empty, and the body fell in bed.

Because Richard Stanbeck, Si Jiali still didn't have a strong strength, fell in bed, and Scarlett felt that the body was depressed.

This feeling is very strange, lethus Jiali feel that he is dead.

Then she tried to open his eyes, but found himself or in the bedroom, um ... Is it a soul state?

Scarlett tried to support the body, but found a little strength to use, not confused: "The soul is not strong? Then I will do it later!"


Someone laughs.

Scarlett "ah", even the sleepled twist look, but Li Feng is laughing in front of it, and Richard Steinbeck will stand in Li Peak, just like Li Feng's servant.

"... I haven't died yet?" Scarlett is completely ignorant.

Why did Richard Steinbeck did not kill her? Why is Richard Stanbeck to stand after Li Peak?

Is it ... all this is two played drama? !

"Li Feng, I really didn't think you are this kind of person!"

I thought about what I thought in an instant, and my resentment shouted.

Li Feng: "???"

No ... What is the young master, why don't I know?

After half-awaited, Li Feng helpless: "Scarlette, what did you misunderstand?"

"Misunderstanding?" Scarleti laughed: "Things have been so clear, you tong this with this person to play! Say, what is your purpose?" ? "

This moment is really angry, it is really disappointed. She thought that Li Feng came to save her, the result ... she was played!

Li Feng's mouth, sigh: "Scarlette, you want to think about it, I want to play with him, let you see it, don't take him directly?"

Scarlette: "???"

No ... Li Feng said so much, she actually unresolved?

"Do you still remember Marcus suddenly promised me $ 1.1 billion?" Li Feng asked.

Scarlette smashed, nodded: "Remember, what is the relationship with this matter?"

At that time, the situation was very crisis. Markus's hand took a gun and pointed at Li Feng. Suddenly Marcus agreed to Li Feng to turn money, this case did not want to understand why.

"A person suddenly became two people, is this normal?" Li Feng asked.

"Hey ..." Scarlette thought, shaking his head: "Not normal."

"Why did they suddenly change?" Li Feng asked again.

Scarlette is tight, suddenly a light: "Is you?"

She finally understood that Li Feng's meaning, Marcus suddenly became judged by the previous moment, the reason was in Li Feng.

Li Feng shrugged: "Yes, it is me."

"My God ..." Scarlett took his mouth and shook his head: "This is too incredible."

She completely can't understand, how did Li Feng changed a person's idea? Does he have the super power to control the soul of others?

This is terrible!

Li Feng smiled and said: "I also know that this is hard to believe, but this is the truth, but this thing is said to be long, I will explain it in a short time."

"More ... this method also can't hold too long, he will soon wake up."

Speaking here, Li Feng turned to look at Richard Steinbeck.

Richard Stanbeck has suddenly been sluggish. After returning to normal, he first stunned, then smashed his eyes, this was shocked: "What happened just now ?!"

"I have awakened ..." Li Feng sighed, and the body was flashing in Scarlett, the tone was firm: "Do not worry, I protect you, even if he wakes up, I can't hurt you. "

Scarlett just felt that a heart is hit by a soft thing, full of eyes is Li Feng's figure ...

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