Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1250 is a bit of a little bit

"People say that they will no longer have three times again. You have never touched the wall, but I still have to hit, I should say that you have a brain with a pit or a brain?"

The voice of Li Feng ridicule again.

Richard Steinke Station has been shame after steadyness: "Li Feng, what do you want to do? I warn you, I am not alone, you have to dare to move me with a sweat, there will be countless strength Looking for you to revenge! "

After the words, Richard Steinbeck found Li Feng, I saw Li Fengzhi two-handed bags standing at the gate, watching him with his eyes, the expression on his face should ridicule.

"Hey, I know that it is not my opponent, so use your accompany to threaten me?"

Li Feng smiled and used him to read the heart: "Then you come to tell me, what is your organization? This time I came to Sheri to receive a command?"

"What organizes I have a friend, but I can tell you who let me come, but you have to let me, how?" Richard Steinbeck's face is ugly.

"Shadow Group ..." Li Feng whispered.

"What ?!" Richard Stanbeck's face changed, he damned, how did he know that he is a group of shadow groups!

"How much is Lawrence give you? Oh, I should change a question, complete this single task, how much can you get?"

"Oh ... deduct 20% of the draw, to 8 million US dollars?"

Li Feng slowly went to Richard Steinbeck and asked.

Richard Steinbeck is a shock: "What do you know?"

Guess is that Lawrence sent him yet, knowing how much he got a hand, he is now doubting that Li Feng is also a member of the shadow group introduced by this task!

Because only members of the corresponding level of the shadow group can see the task amount of this task, only the members of the shadow group know that this level of task is 20%!

"You should now feel worried about yourself." Li Feng smiled and played: "I want to know what I already know, you have lost the use value, do you think you still have to live?"

Richard Steinbeck has a slight change, then biting his teeth: "I am fighting with you ..."

"I remembered, you still use value, tell me where the headquarters of the shadow group, I will leave you, how?" Li Feng came to Richard Steinbeck, and said.

Richard Stanbeck's face varies several times, and finally biting his teeth: "Are you really willing to let me go?"

"Of course." Li Feng shrugged: "I have always speaking."

"Okay, then I tell you, the headquarters of the shadow group is in HSD, as for where it is ... I need to leave, tell you again." Richard Steiner spit out a touch of turbidity and slowly said.

Li Feng nodded: "This transaction is very fair."

Richard Steinbeck is happy, but the face is not angry: "Then I am going out, wait until I will use the text message to tell you?"

Li Feng nodded: "Then you should remember my phone number."

"Of course, this is to do." Richard Steinbeck took out the mobile phone: "You said, I will call you."

Li Feng sighed: "You won't really think that I believe in your ghost?"

"What?" Richard Stanker brow wrinkled, it looked very unconfil.

"You don't know where the shadow group's headquarters is." Li Feng sighed, some disappointed: "Richard Steinbeck, you make me very disappointed."

Richard Stanbeck is a drama!

How can Li Feng know his name? This is impossible, this is impossible, he is just a code inside the shadow group, no one knows what he is called!

"So ... you haven't lived the value, goodbye."

The voice is falling, and Li Feng slowly slammed a punch to Richard Steinbeck.

"I will fight with you!" Richard Steinbeck bit his teeth and greeted the boxing greeted Li Feng.

I was afraid that I was not Li Feng opponent, so I have been trying to escape. Now I have been blocked by Li Feng, then he can only fight!

Li Feng's speed looks very slow, which also gave Richard Steinbeck's confidence, but the two fists touched together, Richard Stanbeck knew that they were wrong, and it was wrong with it. !

From the side, I will see Li Feng's fist to meet the fists of Richard Steinbeck. Richard Steinkk's fist became a powder!

Then, the arm of Richard Steinbeck, then the body, allocated into flying gray!

Richard Steinbeck did not want to understand that Li Feng has more ...

"It's really unbearable."

Li Feng sighed and looked at a sense of death.

After emotion, Li Feng withdrew the real gas barrier around the living room, which is the existence of these real air barriers, and the Richard Steinkike is bombed three times.

Then Li Feng also opened the living room, and the right hand swaled up a wind, and the flying ash scattered on the ground was blown out.

After completing these, Li Feng Shi Shi saw the second floor bedroom.

"Li, have you chased him?"

See Li Feng back, Scarleti quickly asked.

"Catch it up." Li Feng nodded and quickly came to Scarry, and asked with concern: "You look very bad, what happened?"

"I ... I am not strong." Skyli strived to look at Li Feng and said that he did not follow.

"Well?" Li Feng browned slightly, and quickly used the eyes of the medical god to help her, he smiled and said: "Richard Steinbeck has entered a blood force in your body, just put it It's okay to clear it. "

"Ah?" Scarlett was a bit scared: "He put his blood into my body?"

This is a bit disgusting. Don't have any infectious diseases, then she is not a trick?

Li Feng knew that she misunderstood, and quickly explained: "Not ... The situation is different from you, the blood of blood is a form of energy, in short ... Just complete it completely, you will not have you. Any effect. "

"Oh, then it is good." Scarlettone touched, then looked at Li Feng, then said: "Can you help me clear?"

"Of course, you are lying down." Li Feng took out the silver needle bag from his arms and laughed.

"Okay." Scarlett nodded, then lying down, just underneath, she actually lie down this movement, helplessness can only help Li Feng.

Li Feng smiled and helped her to slammed the body, then leaned over the Silver needle to see the barters in the body.

After clearance, Li Feng is going straight to it, but who is the mind of Sism, suddenly reached his neck!

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