Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1251's most needed quality


Li Feng, a big, a face, a face.

What is Shergia, how to suddenly his neck, it is difficult to ... Skye wants to dig him?

Woman, this is very dangerous, do you know!

"Li, no one said that you are very handsome?"

Scarlett looked at the handsome faces close to picking up, saying pretty red.

"Well ... There are many people say that." Li Feng truthfully said.

During the high school, he was a famous school, and the college will be a lot of girls' dreams. Every time I receive a love letter of N, the class, the same, the same department, the outer system Even next to school.

After the lack of home, he is not to handle the depository procedure, and it must also find a girlfriend. After all, the girls in the university are relatively simple.

As long as you have a skill, you can find a girlfriend if you play basketball.

Of course, if you grow very handsome, the above conditions don't need it.

Unlike the society, the material foundation will become the highest proportion. Of course, men who have long and handsome can still find objects easily ...

Tell the end, this is a society that is looking!

"Hey ..." Skyli didn't expect Li Feng so unemaife, I wonder if it is a bit better.

After half, Scarlet laughed: "Then you must have a lot of girlfriend?"

Li Feng said: "How do you know?"

Scarlette: "???"

No ... I just said with the mouth. How did he admit it? Lucky hit?

"Do you really have a lot of girlfriends?" Scarlet was unsolited.

"Yeah, really." Li Feng nodded very honestly.

This kind of thing denying is meaningless, defrauding for a while, and will always frank, it is better to frank.

Scarlette: "... You don't like me?"

Li Feng: "???"

No ... What is the brain? How do you think that he doesn't like her?

But then, Western women express personal emotions are so straightforward, they don't turn around.

"I like it, of course, I like it, I am your idol ... no, it is you fans ... nor ... it is you are my idol, I am your fan ..."

Li Feng is so messy, he is not nervous, this mouth is scoop.


Scarlett was teased by Li Feng, and she stopped laughing after half, seriously said: "I said that fans like the kind of idol, but the man likes the woman."

Li Feng was scared directly by Scarlett: "Hey ... I like it, you are so beautiful, your body is good."

Due to talking about him up and down, he once again affirmed this.

Scarlette is a red face: "Shallow! Vulgar!"

It is said that she is still very useful in her heart. Which woman doesn't like to be praised by others?

"To be right, this is really very full of skin." Li Feng is attached to the head, then the arms took a turn: "Do you like a long ugly man?"

Scarlett stunged, Shen Wei: "If he is good, humorous, or if there is any other advantage, I will."

Li Feng nodded: "But is it a good person, is it humor or has any other advantages, is it time to verify?"

Scarlett Contemplas a little bit, nodded: "Yes."

"If a man is ugly, will you spend time to judge whether he has these advantages?" Li Feng smiled.

"Don't say that you are so absolute." Scarlett said.

Li Feng nodded: "Yes, the world has no absolute, there is still a beautiful woman with ugly male, and there are many handsome guys marriage with ugly women, and a large part is because one is very rich."

"In real societies, the influence of money is a big value. But our Huaxia has a sentence called starting with color, it is talented, loyal to character, so the value is also the first attraction."

Li Feng did not say full, after all, some people have been together because of true love, and at all times, they must believe in love.

Scarlette's eyebrows, there is no goodness to say: "So ... you want to say that you look at it with wealth, so there will be many girlfriends?"

"Hey ..." Li Feng was in a short sentence, and he laughed and said: "Cough, talk about the question? It is now talking about why I like you."

Scarlett blinked BLINGBLING's big eyes: "Yes, why do you like me? Ah is not ... I don't like me."

Skye always felt that he was taken by Li Feng to the pit, and it couldn't climb it.

"Why do you think so?" Li Feng is inexplicably, with countless fans in the world, is she is so faithful to himself?

"If you like me, you shouldn't say that you have a girlfriend, and you shouldn't say you have a lot of girlfriends." Skye said.

Li Feng sinks for two seconds: "It sounds very reasonable, but the reason is not so truth."

Scarlette: "... What do you say?"

It's finished, I feel that Li Peak will go in a point, and I can't understand and understand.

"What is the best quality in the feelings, do you know?" Li Feng asked.

Scarlette thought: "Sincere?"

Li Feng shook his head.

Scarlette: "What is it?"

Li Feng seriously said: "Is sincere, sincere or special!"

Scarlette: "... Is there any difference?"

"Of course, there is a difference, I said that it is more important to reflect the importance of 'sincerity'." Li Feng said.

"Well, you won, so what do you want to express?" Skyli wants to work hard from Li Feng to dig the big pit.

"If I swindle you at first, I don't have a girlfriend. How do you know how you think?" Li Feng asked.

Scarlet is a long time, and the eyebrows will chal up: "Hate you?"

"You see, so why should I lie to you, in order to let you hate me later?" Li Feng smiled, then sighed: "The feelings who have been cheated with flowers are not long, it is better not to start."

Scarlett shocks, the expression of the expression: "But I found that I like you?"

Li Feng also shock, and his face did not dare to confuse.

He didn't listen to it, is the Shergie God?

"Although your sincere moved me ... Unfortunately, you have a girlfriend, not only one."

Speaking of this, Scarlett released the neck of Li Feng and twisted his head and no longer went to see Li Feng's eyes.

Li Feng: "???"

Is this a plunger to half? I rely on, Xiaoye is now in the top eight!

Just on the occasion of Li Feng, the breathing of Scarlett suddenly became very urgently!

"Bed ... bedside table ..." Scarlet's face rose red to the bedside table, said: "Medicine ... medicine!"

Li Feng was shocked, and even the eyes of Scarlett used the eyes of medical gods. Under this, his faces have weird.

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