Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1252 Practice is the only standard for inspection truth

Under the eyes of the medical god, Li Feng found that the speed of Sheri's heart beat was almost 120 times, and the breathing accelerated, so that she had a feeling of breathing.

The reason for this is ... Dopamine suddenly secreted!

I have learned that there is a matter of dopamine. There are many factors that can stimulate dopamine secretion, and the most known thing is love.

Why do you feel happy in love? It's because this thing, Si Jiali suddenly turned this, is it to explain that her feelings are not just as simple as Li Feng?

These ideas are just a moment in Li Feng's cerebelings. After discovering this situation, Li Feng immediately opened the drawer of the bedside cabinet and found the drug required by Scarlett.

This is a drug that inhibits dopamlamine secretion, which is mainly used in the clinical use of mental illness, but the side effects of this medicine are also obvious. If it is continuously used for a long time, it will make people feel low, and even transform into depression.

"Scarlette, how long have you been using this medicine?" Li Feng took the medicine bottle in front of his eyes and asked.

"Give me ... Give me." Sheri did not answer, and immediately went to take medicine.

"This medicine can't be eaten again." Li Feng sighed and took out the silver needle: "I will help you calm down."

The voice falls, Li Feng single-handed point, several silver needles are inserted in several important acupoints in Scarlett, very happy, the rocky mood is relieved, the heartbeat is slow, and the breathing has become smooth. stand up.

"Thank you, Li." Scarlette grew up, and the face was red.

Li Feng shook his head smiled, and then asked in a weird, "Do you often have this symptom?"

"Hey ..." Scarlet is hiked, and it is shy: "I have had a few times ..."

Li Fengbei picks up: "Are you arguing with your boyfriend?"

Scarlett is more shy, but it is still acknowledging: "Yes."

She talked about two boyfriend, and she was almost walking to that step, because she had such symptoms at the time.

After the first time, she went to the hospital to check it. After several experts, she got a conclusion, she got a rare disease-intimacy stressful sessile.

Just because of the existence of this disease, she didn't come to the end with the two boyfriend, and it was a sorrowful tear.

Li Feng nodded and asked with concern: "You don't eat this medicine?"

"I have eaten a few times ..." Sheri said.

People always don't die, I know that I have to have this rare disease, she also tried a few times before, and the result was not taken in advance.

In this reason, she broke up with the former boyfriend. After encountering the former, the two feelings quickly warmed, and the former remittated water to the stream, and Scarlett said his situation.

Then there was no then ...

This is why Scarlette is 30 years old and has not yet married.

"That's okay." Li Fengshu said, he is really afraid that Sheri eats more this thing, and you will have a feeling of depression.

"You have nothing else to ask?" Skye is a bit wonderful. Is Li Feng not curious why she will have this symptom?

"If you want to say, you will tell me, you don't want to say, if I ask, I am too polite." Li Feng smiled.

Scarlett blinked BLINGBLING's big eyes: "Then do you want to know?"

"I think." Li Feng nodded, although he probably guessed, but he was more better by Scarlett.

"Well, then I have to say it ..." Scarlette deeply smoked, putting her situation simple about it.

After listening to the storytelling of Scarlett, Li Feng silently, and asked half a day: "Do you want to cure this rare disease?"

"Of course, I want to dream!" Sch Jiali out, then she sighed: "But this disease is not good, I am afraid that I am afraid in this life ..."

Speaking of this, Scarleti quickly grabbed his mouth with his hand, and a pretty face looks red.

In this case, in fact, both men and women are just the same, just that she will say that she will look too much?

"That is not necessarily." Li Feng mysterious smiled and asked: "Is there any medicine that can cure intimate stress syndrome in the system?"

"The required drug has been screened for the system." In less than a second time, the system will give a response.


The system mall refreshes, the rest of the goods disappears, and a brown small ceramic bottle is alone.

Li Feng looked at the next introduction, why: "Slim, adjust the endocrine, price 1000 system points?"

"Do you have any way?" Opposite, Scarlet is expected to look forward to the color of Li Feng too much, and more will not be unexpected.

"Yes, I have a way." Li Feng smiled slightly, took out a white medicinal medicine from the arms: "This is a self-cultivation, your illness is good after eating."

"Hey ... What are you sure?" Scarlett couldn't believe it. This Dan medicine looks whimed. Is there so good effect? She also thought that Li Feng used a silver needle to give her a few times.

"Of course, you will know it." Li Feng smiled.

Out of the trust of Li Feng, Sheri didn't hesitate, pick up the self-cultivation and raising, swallowed, the medicine of the medicinal herbs was poured into her body, nourish her limbs, Neuropolite.

After half, Li Feng asked: "How do you feel?"

"I feel ... very good, but ... I don't know if it has an effect." Scarlet is weird.

Practice is the only standard for testing truth, do not practice how she knows that the drug is effective?

"Don't worry, I said that it will be effective." Li Feng said confident.

He also can't say this, but don't you let Sheri verify? See who is verified to go!

"Although I am willing to believe you, but ..." Scarlet is a variety of fantasy, finally biting the teeth: "Do you want ... Let's try?"

Li Feng's heart is in the heart, and I asked without moving: "How do I try?"

"Just like ... Just like this?" Skye proposed.

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "When you do? Is it low?"

"What do you want to think?" Scarlett snorted, then his eyes took a turn: "Then I am from playing, the head office?"

Li Feng: "... What are you sure?"

"OK, I am a professional actor!" Scarlett said, then I can't wait to say: "Come on, let me see if your medicine has no effect!"

Li Feng hesitated slightly, and he bite his teeth after half-minded: "Well, then I will accompany the gentle!"


After an hour, Scarlet was a sigh: "Li, your medicine is really effective, I am normal now!"

Li Feng: "..."

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