Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1253 New Conditions

"Hey, congratulate the host, save the goddess, the mission is completed, the task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 1 million experience value, 2 million system points, 50 conquer points reward."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get all the love of the gods, the bonus 200 conquers."

"Hey, congratulations, just serving the female gods, the progress of the gods, the current progress is 100% (completely qualified)"

After listening to the system's prompt, Li Feng can be described as a huge intention.

He thought that after telling Scarlette behind his girlfriend, there was no possibility between two people, and did not want to ...

The big implementation of life is too exciting!

Host: Li Feng

Level: Half-level (late)

Experience: 8402 million 100 million

System Points: 200 million

Conquer point: 2959

Skills: "Shen Wei", "God", "Talking Seven Steps", "Treasure Sword Law", "Void", "Fang", "Qingshan Guardian", "Scorpio Thirty-six", " "" Exploration "...

To complete the task: The birth of the Titanic, saving the goddess of the gods, Efli (2)

After reading the personal property, Li Feng quits the system and then looked at Skye, and said: "What do you feel now?"

Scarlett went for two seconds: "Very cool?"

Li Feng: "..."

No ... Si Jiali Goddess, you should not talk so!

"Cough, I mean" ... Do you feel that there is something different from before? "Li Feng asked in truse.

Scarlette carefully felt that it was unexpectedly after half-hearted: "I seem to have more things in my body."

Li Feng nodded: "Well, continue."

"I am pregnant?" Scarlette asked nervous.

Li Feng: "???"

Not ... how can I get pregnant? Star Goddess, your thinking should be so jumped!

"No, even if you are pregnant, you don't feel so fast." Scarlett finally found his mistakes in time, then closed his eyes carefully, the distressed shook: "I don't know what this is, what is it?" Do you tell me? "

While talking, she grabbed the arm of Li Feng.

Li Feng smiled, holding the pretty face of Scarlette: "How did I find you have such a lovely side before?"

"Hey, that's because I am not familiar." Scarlett said to his head, then smiled: "But now you are familiar, you can see my lovely."

"It's really cooked, it's hard to be familiar." Li Feng ridiculed a sentence, then positive and said: "You didn't ask me before, how can you do the super power of the emotion?"

Scarlett first, then surprise: "Are you willing to teach me?"

Li Feng's mouth picked up: "Is it taught you? Now there are more things in your body, which is an energy."

"As long as we practice more times, your body will gradually grow, and I will teach you a few martial arts, you can be strong than bursting!"

"Really?" Scarleti is happy, and it is still a bit dare not confidence.

The burst is a superhero, the superhero, the force ranking in the superior alliance, has a strong no need to say, and she has the opportunity to become a strong person than burst ... or in real life, it is incredible!

Li Feng smiled: "When did I defrace you?"

"What we are still waiting for, hurry to practice!" The voice falls, and Scarlett can't wait to invest in Li Feng to the new round of cultivation ...

Wait until the morning, the two ended another round of cultivation.

Li Feng felt the true fluctuations in the body, laughed: "Yes, after a night's cultivation, you have reached the level of B."

During the cultivation process, Li Feng divided the level of the martial arts to Sheri, which is like opening the new world of the new world, lethus Jehi God.

"Talent B?" Scarlett is obviously disappointed: "Too slow too slowly, you have to speed up, let me be a SSS level as soon as possible!"

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "This is an urgent point, we first go to DSN headquarters to find Lawrence accounts."

"What's the matter of accounting?" Scarlett painted a circle in the chest of Li Feng, and the eyebrows said.

Li Feng secretly "gum", laughed: "When you are hot, you can fight iron, wait for this thing, I will help you with it again."

Scarlett is still unfained, and after a dressing dress, he took a villa with Li Feng.

At the DSN Headquarters, Scarlett's appearance has once again caused the onlookers of DSN employees.

"Wow, you are more beautiful than yesterday!"

"Skin water is lustrous, just like younger thanks!"

"Scarlett, what kind of skin care you use is Osweil's Tong Yan?"

Amongged women, the skin and temperament will have many different times before, and this also makes the crowd of unknown truth mistakes to use the Tong Yancai products.

Don't forget that this is the other side of the ocean, thereby visible what is famous in the world.

Scarleti laughed, neither admit that there is no denial of the endorsement of other makeup brands, it must not be able to admit that it is really useless, and then she is really useless ...

"After home, I will give you a bottle of childhood water, you can return to 18 years old."

Li Feng's voice suddenly sounded in the Spiritual Brain.

Scarlett first, then rushed to Li Feng showed.

This scene made the surrounded people's people are very surprised, and Scarlet is smiling at this Chinese people, what inside is inside?

Soon, the two came to the head of the president. After Sheri rungled the door, I will launch the door for a while, and she first looked at the two people, and then turned to say: "Lawrence President, is Sheri and Li Feng. "


The sound of heavy objects came to the office, he heard Lawrence said: "Let them come in."

When Li Feng walked into the office, just saw that Lawrence is bent over and licking a bronze horse.

This should be an antique, just Lawrence should be in the hands of care, I don't know how to get it.

When Lawrence returned the bronze horse on the desk, he turned to see the Spirit: "Sky, how come you come back so soon, think about it?"

Scarlette nodded, said that there was no expression: "Yes, think about it, I want to tell."

Lawrence has a slight change, then he smiled: "Scarlett, I have said with the director, he agreed to modify the script ..."

Li Feng took the front step, directly broke: "Mr. Lawrence, Scarlett has already set up ideas to tell DSN, and must be free to solve, in addition to this, you still have to compensate for the spirit of Shergi 200 million US dollars Loss fees. "

"Of course, if you want to let Sheri continue to show" X Girl "with the" Super League 5 ", the compensation is at least doubled."

Lawrence: "???"

Emili: "???"

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