Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1255 # 1274 Success Solving

"Oh Tian!"

Emily licks his mouth, full of horror!

What did she see? Why is the kind of thing in Li Feng's hand, is it an illusion of hypnotism?

"This is dead, what is this ghost? Let me down!"

In the air, Lawrence struggles, but no more, can only be crazy.

"I said, I have countless ways to make you defeat the fame, the home is broken, and there are countless ways to let you die unknown. If you don't believe you, you can try it."

"Oh, yes, I will also remind you that don't expect you to revenge you after you die, don't expect someone to find it, I kill you, I assure you."

Li Feng pulled Lawrence to his face and said.

Lawrence's face is white, and said: "You ... you don't mess, I ... I have a monitoring in my office, and the video is backed up directly to the cloud. If I die, they will definitely find anyone who killed me! "

Li Feng's mouth hook, play taste: "Do you want to gamble?"

"Gambling ... What is gambling?" Lawrence doubts.

"If I gamble, I will not find what I will find it. I can let you trick, just kill you in this office, and how?" Li Feng smiled.

Lawrence: "..."

Not ... I am giving you with you? No matter who loses me, I am dead, I am a special picture, I?

"Do you feel that it is not an attractive? That's because you didn't hear a bet, do you want to listen?" Li Feng asked with a smile.

Lawrence shakes the head into a rig, the god is not attractive, even if you say the flowers, Laozi can't give you gambling!

Li Feng: "You agree on behalf of you."

Lawrence: "???"

Li Feng did not give the Lawrence response time, "you won, Scarlett does not tell DSN, I will give you a funeral fee of $ 1 billion in the family, you lose, I can not only get unhappy, but also from you again. The family discusses interest, no too much, 1 billion US dollars is enough. "

Lawrence's mouth smoked, said with a crying: "I have died in the relationship with the DSN solutions? Our family is not bad $ 1 billion."

Who is this special, he clearly shook his head, where did it agree? Pit people don't bring such a pit!

"Then raise to $ 10 billion, just when you have a good benefits for future generations." Li Feng smiled.

Lawrence once again shook his head: "No, I don't want to die, you will make me succumb to this way!"

Li Feng turned over white, see, see, this successful person is not the same, and it will be so arrogant.

"Then I promise my conditions, I will die," Li Feng's answer is very simply, and a little life has mastered people in his hand, what qualifications tell him?

Scarlett holds his face and facing the pan.

Hey, this is a man in love with her love, and it is domineering.


Lawrence just spit out a word, Li Feng moved to his finger, and the dragon claw tightened.

Suddenly Lawrence felt that the bones of the body must be broken, and scared him quickly shouted: "I promise you, I promise you, you put me first."

He is understanding, Li Feng is a mixed, and the reason is not used by Li Feng, can only be recognized, after all, it is still important!

"This is almost." Li Feng smiled and withdrew the voice of the cloud.


Lawrence landed from the half-air, and the broken shares almost broke into eight petals.

"Prepare the file, I only give you an hour time."

After saying this, Li Feng sat down before the boss chair and then ticked the finger.

Scarleti smiled slightly, twisted the waist to Li Peak, and the temporary passenger strings from Li Feng's secretary.

Lawrence's faces change several times, and finally low proud heads: "Ask Mr. Li, I will go to the document of the contract."

"Emili, take care of Li Mr. Lisley."

After you finish, he will leave the office.

"Wait a minute." Li Feng suddenly called him, taste: "This small matter is handed over to Emily to do it, you stay with us chat."

Lawrence is still crying, Li Feng is really a chance to give him a chance!


After half an hour, Emily gave a good understanding of the document according to the previous template, Lawrence signed, stamp, stamp, and Scarlett ruled about DSN.

After that, Lawrence has reassigned two points in the original allegation, and the original allegation is doubled in accordance with Li Feng.

The "X girl" has a $ 40 million, and the "Super League League 5" is $ 30 million, and it is $ 14 billion after double.

The original reward has been paid in advance to Scarlett, so Lawrence "only" needs to pay 70 million US dollars to Scarlett.

Coupled with Lawrence's extremely meat pain to Sheri turned $ 200 million in spiritual loss, Scarleti is directly at $ 270 million.

Of course, these money is Raunns to the Sheri from their own account. If you take the company's account, you must go through the board, Lawrence can't find any reason to persuade other directors.

"Very good, Mr. Lawrence, your choice is very impressive."

After Lee Peak confirmed the contract, put the contract into the top of the top.

Looking at the thick contract by Li Feng, it is easy to put in the upper clothes, Lawrence is a fascination, you are a pocket, how can you install?

After returning to God, Lawrence said down: "As long as Li Mr. Li is satisfied, it is my honor."

"The attitude is very respectful, much more than the woman who doesn't know the sky." Said Li Feng turned his head to Emily.

Emili is slightly changed, and he suddenly got up in his heart. How did she treat Li Feng again before, and Li Feng now does it? Don't want to retaliate?

"I know how to do Mr. Li."

Lawrence said, Lawrence said: "Emili, you are fired, take your things rolling!"

Emili can't believe in your ears: "Lawrence! You can't be like this! I ..."


Lawrence a slap in the Emili face, angry: "It's blamed for this Bi Po, or you can add the oil to the oil to add vinegar, can I miss Mr. Li? Hurry, how far more far!"

Emily was shocked. She first looked at Lawrence for a while, then twisted her head to tears and ran out the office.

Scarlet has no expression, and I don't think that Amyi is poor, and there are too many things I have done before Amyi.

"Mr. Li, I hope I can make you satisfied this." Lawrence said humble.

"Still satisfaction." Li Feng nodded, then took out a red Dan medicine from the top of the top, taste: "Take this, I will be completely satisfied with you."

Lawrence: "???"

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