Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1256 Joey's trouble

"Hey, congratulate the host, save the gods, the mission, Evili (2) task, task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 2 million experience value, 5 million system points, 50 conquer points reward."

After leaving the DSN headquarters, Li Feng received a prompt completed by the task.

This task is also dragging for a long time, and now Sheri has successfully touched, and I also got a lot of compensation, and it was successful.

"Then the medicinal medicine is really so powerful?"

On the way to the underground garage, Scari can't help but ask.

Li Feng made Lawrence's clothes in June, but she did not avoid her, and Li Feng was in the process of introducing Dan medicine. She was clear.

However, Scarlette feels that Li Feng may be to be Dracun, anyway, no matter what Dan medicine is true, as long as Lawrence will treat it as a real medicine.

"Really, if he doesn't believe, it will die very miserable." Li Feng smiled.

Scarleti is tight, and after half-embarrassment: "Li, you have a lot of secrets on your body, I really want to drill into your heart, see how many secrets you still hide."

Li Feng first stunned, then said that he said: "You have already lived into my heart, you don't know?"

Scarlett shock, the eyes said: "Oh Li Feng, I have to love you ..."


The next day, a message broke out by an entertainment reporter in the country.

The esteger of the world is in the near future formal and DSN, but she will continue to appear "X Girl" with the "Super League 5".

This news came out, immediately shocked the entire movie world, countless media reporters went to the DSN headquarters to seek confirmation.

In the face of the surging media reporter, the DSN staff did not hide this news, directly truthfully, but for the reasons for the contract of Sheri and DSN, the staff did not have a deep, regardless of how the reporters ask, they closed mention.

This can have evoke the curiosity of the reporters, and the cooperation between the two parties, suddenly, there must be a big secret.

Who wants to figure out why Cizzah is telling DSN, is it not a famous name?

So the media reporters who couldn't present the intelligence in DSN, and they ran to the "X Girl"'s frame peripheral block.

After the contract, the director received the Lawrence's order, no longer change the script, and the shooting continued.

After a day of shooting, Scarlett sat on the babysitter, and was surrounded by a media reporter.

In the face of a raging interview, Scarleti went down the sunglasses and laughed: "Please don't misunderstand, I am very happy with DSN, I am very grateful to DSN to provide me with a platform to improve my own, I can achieve today's achievements Rely on DSN support. "

"I have left DSN, I want to pursue greater development ... Well, frankly, some people have seen a script, this script is very attracting me, in order to play this role, I am willing to pay any price."

"After telling this idea, he is very supportive to me, so I am friendly with DSN."

Reporters face each other.

I am going, the script is so attractive, so that Sheri is willing to tell the DSN to tell this role?

Wait ... This seems not to focus, the focus is DSN being excavated!

Which company is so bullish, can dig the wall corner of the DSN in the day?

The words of Scarlett, and the curiosity of the media reporters will completely hook up, and ask Skye to sign the contract, which is about to star.

"Sorry, I haven't talked about it here, so the specific situation is inconvenient, you can pay attention to the relevant information, I believe that after talking about there, this information will be announced."

It is said that he has waved his journalist who has waved in a continuous question in a continuous question, and the babysitter will slowly drive away.

Although I didn't get all the wanted replies, the answer of Scarlette was already enough to cause vibration of the movie world.

So very happy, the answer is circulating on the Internet. If the reporters expect, the entire world movie world explodes the pot, countless industry practitioners are guessing Scarlet, what movie .

The DSN currently in the movie world, such as the day of the day, suddenly became a tauntable object ...

Soon, DSN's shareholders gathered together to open a temporary meeting. At the meeting, the shareholders were questioned with Lawrence, why agreed with Scarlett.

Lawrence certainly can't say the truth, it will not be guaranteed, can only bite his teraton, who is a violation of 200 million US dollars, in order to fill this loss, he has to pay self.

It's a bitteen of tears ...

Lawrence is now thinking about how to know this matter, is Emily told him?

He is really wrong, because this matter has been the leader from the head to the end.

"Li, is this this is used to use it?"

In the living room of the villa, Scarlet is half lying on the sofa and puts the legs on Li Feng and said.

"Calculate, I am sure, but I will tell you before action, you will never blame me?"

Li Feng massages his legs and smiled.

After coming back from DSN yesterday, Li Feng thought of a way to give "Titanic" preheat, which is to use Scarlette and the prestige of DSN, and mobilize others.

It's just the first step. Sucalecta joins the HN shadow, and has become the "Titanic" female owner, the news will be exploding, it will definitely cause curiosity and expectation of numerous fans.

After the other aspects, "Titanic" must be fired.

After such a few rounds of speculation, the "Titanic" is released, is the box office still use it?

Scarlett has turned over white: "Then you have to see you."

"What do I need to express?" Li Feng asked with a smile.

"Before tomorrow morning, help me upgrade to S-level." Scarlett did not waste, directly put forward the requirements.

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "This is to exhaust my rhythm."

"Then I can blame you, you look at it yourself." Scarlett snorted, re-embraced a petal orange to put it in his mouth.

"So arrogant? Then I respect the life!" Li Feng smiled, then took her up, and quickly walked to the second floor.


Early the next morning, Scarlett made a breakthrough to S-level, and she went out after having a good breakfast.

Soon after Sheri, Li Feng received a call from Blake Joe.

"Hey Qiao, how are you?" Li Feng asked.

"Oh, buddy, I don't know the truth." Book Joy's voice sounded some exhaustion: "Can you come to my house? I have encountered a little trouble."

Li Feng brows micro wrinkle: "What happened to Joey, what happened?"

The brid Joe is lighter: "That old is dead, die in the police in the air."

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