Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1257 is easy to make mistakes

The old thousand in the Qiaoyi is the Josa Holt, who is sent to the police in the police, and Richard Steinbeck is a member of the shadow group.

"Is it dead in the warning bureau?" Li Feng first stunned, and then the face was weird: "He is killed by people?"

"Yes, it must be like this." Qiaoyi sighed: "Li, you are my best friend, you will help me, right?"

Li Feng: "???"

No ... I have seen a face, how is the best friend?

Also ... you want me to help, you are clear, you don't know clear, how do you let me answer you?

"Cough, Joe, what trouble you have encountered, can you tell me in detail?" Li Feng deeply sucking, and asked.

Just listening to Joyou said: "Li, those people can enter the police investment, kill the old thousand, must have a way to do it, you know, one-on-one fight, I am not afraid, but these people Do not speak rules. "

"Li, I think you are a big person, you will definitely protect my safety, right?"

"Hey, host, you have a new task, is it right to see?"

At this moment, a system prompt sound loudly next to Li Feng.

Li Feng uses toes to guess, you can guess, this task is definitely related to Joey.

"Task: Blackl Joy's Request"

"Task Objective: Supply Baxel Joy's request, provide him with protection, smash the Shadow Group to Joe's assassination."

"Task Reward: 1 million experience value, 2 million system points."

Li Feng's mouth smoked, dark self-spit: "System, you save the goddess system, always protecting a man is full of fat four? It is easy to make Xiaoye misunderstand!"

His vomiting did not receive the system's response ...

"I know you time, I will pay for your corresponding fees ... I will give you $ 20 million for advance payment, and I will give you $ 80 million after the event."

"Li, now there is only you to help me, please don't let me down." Qiao Yu is scored, and there is a bit of praying.

Li Feng smiled: "Joe, your hand is big enough, a total of 100 million US dollars, you can ask the world's top security company to protect you 24 hours a day?"

Qiao Yi couldn't help but laughed: "Li, you will help me win $ 500 million, I took out one-fifth to ask you to help, it already accounts for a big cheap."

"And ... the world's top security company is not as good as you."

Li Fengbei picks: "Is this Markus told you?"

Although he is in the casino, he has a hand, but in that case unless it is a martial arts, it can't be found in this hand.

So Joy should not find his power, but someone told Joey.

In the country, I know that Li Feng has a lot of people, and the people who know Li Feng also only Muskus will know with Joey.

"Li, you are so smart, it's right, it is really Muskus told me, but you don't blame him, I am seeking him, he will recommend you."

Joy was afraid that Li Feng was angry with Marcus and quickly helped him explain.

Li Feng shook his head: "Joe, I am not the kind of kind, you don't have to explain too much, since you have a trustworthy, then I will find you."

Before Joey invited him to go home, and later Li Feng did not go, this past is also completed in his commitment.

Before Joy family, Li Feng said he said he said with Scarlett.


In the evening, an A380 private aircraft landed in LSJ International Airport. After the plane, Li Feng saw Joey who came to pick up the plane.

Shen Jiayi, who is going to take off the plane with Li Feng, is naturally screaming, and it is necessary to say which rice has the most fan in China, and it is certainly non-Qiao Mo.

There are many fans of Joey, and it is an exciting thing to see Qiaoyi nature.

See this situation, Li Feng proposes to take a photo of Joei and the unit members, and send some signs and other things. For Li Feng's request Joy nature, it is full of advice.

When I met Shen Jiayi et al., Li Feng sat on Qiao's Ferrari super run, and the two walked back to Joy in the villa of Beverly Mountain.

At this time, Joey's wife Haili Norris greeted with a pair of children, giving a full of Li Peak.

After a cold, everyone came to the living room, Haili Norris gave two people to the wine, and took a pair of children to go anywhere, giving two people left the space.

"Li, thank you very much for you can come over to help me, let's talk, what do you have, as long as I can do it,"

Joy said with Li Feng, said.

Li Feng shrugged: "I have no requirements, the passenger is good."

"Li, you are not polite, you are helping me, no matter what you ask, you should be." Joe is very serious.

Joey can be so successful in the basketball court, but not just because he has a fare of the talents, but also because of his double business.

I don't say the impact on a player, people who are not high in emotions are hard to do with teammates, let alone lead their teammates to achieve the championships continuously.

Qiao Ye is in real time, at least his attitude is in place, Li Feng only wants to qualify for emotion, will give appropriate response.

"Joe, listened to me, this matter is actually a little thing for me, how do you know?"

"So you really don't have to solemnly, understand Qiao Yi?"

Li Feng touched his body, and he said seriously.

Joe is nodded, his face revealed a relaxed smile: "Li, you let me relax, it seems that I will come over and really choose the right choice."

"Li, this is the advance payment of 20 million US dollars. Please accept it, I will give you the remaining $ 80 million in the first time, please rest assured."

During the speech, Joey put a $ 20 million check in front of Li Feng.

Li Fengbei picks up, no reason, let the check after the check, "to the cup."

Joy is tones, trotted: "Take!"


In the middle of the night, two black people hid away from the high-tech security system of Joe Villa, quietly sneaked in.

One of the black people first came to the dead end of the monitored, and took out a microcomputer and took a data cable to monitor the line after monitoring the line.

After that, he made a tactical gesture for his companions, and the voice said: "Action Major Point, speed speed!"

The companion nodded, and the body came to a balcony in a bedroom on the second floor, and the body flashed in.

The black man who destroyed monitored shook his head smiled and took out a hint. I just smoked a sullen sound of "" above.

Then, the companion flying into the second floor bedroom balcony is free to fall in front of him!

Black man is directly forced!

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