Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1258 Viewing Home Nursing

After you, the black man runs.

"Are you running?"

A clear laughed from him, heard that heard of this words, the black man run is faster, almost eaten the Jindu special.

However, he did not wait for a few steps, a figure appeared in front of him.

The black man felt that he hit a wall, and the sound of "" rebounded out. After falling to the ground, he hit a few rolls. After removing the power, he got up and looked at the figure, the face drama changed: "This death, who you are?"

The person in Joy is in the case of him very clear that there is no young man with this yellow skin.

The key to the other party is too powerful. The power is strong to see the fine, the other party is like a abyss, quiet and horrible!

"People who come to help." Li Feng shrugged and slowed down to the black man: "Are you a shadow group?"

Black people suddenly show: "Shadow Group? What organization is that?"

Li Fengbei picks up, read the heart tells him that the other party does not lie, that is, this black man is really not the people of the shadow group, why is this person?

"Tell me your identity, I can spare you." Li Feng asked.

Black man is changing several times, and finally bite his teeth: "I am talking about it, can you let us go?"

Li Feng couldn't help but laugh: "You don't have the qualifications for me, say you can stay a little life, don't say ... only die!"

The black man didn't expect Li Feng so overbearing, and the mouth is slightly tensive, it looks a bit.

"Do not believe?" Li Feng hooked a scratched smile, and the right hand stretched out the dragon and screamed. He directly gave the black man to the whole, mentioned half an air.

"S-class powerful ?!" Black people have changed.

The A-level power can do an innocent, the S-class power can do the gas-shaped, that is, the opposite yellow skin man is at least the S-level power, it is no wonder that Taylor has been hitting it.

"Don't say it?" Li Feng made a lot of power, he heard the movement of the black man came out of "", the bones were going to be crushed.

"Said, I said!" Black people didn't dare to hesitate, and they said that the identity of the two people came out.

Turning the second floor is called Taylor Harold, it is a A-class power, repair the network cable ... no, the person in invasion monitoring system is called Pitt Harold, is a B-class strong, two people It is a brother.

The two are not a member of the shadow group, but the Jiangyang thief, which is specially sneaked into the river thief to theft.

Taylor Harold is responsible for hands, Pitt Harold is responsible for brain, and the brothers join hands and unfavorable. In these years, they have paid a lot of rich residences, and they have been a lot of finances.

This two people heard that Joey won more than more than 500 million dollars on the casino, and under the red eyes, the Joe is a stealing object.

I have never thought that Taylor Harold just planted in the second floor, I was planted in a few seconds. This scene was scared Pete Haro Temple flew outside, which made him not escorting the death of my brother.

"I am going, the feelings are a misunderstanding."

Listening to the story of Potte Harold, Li Feng is a speechless.

"For the right, it is misunderstanding, it is misunderstanding, if you know that you will see the home care for Mr. Joy, give us two bile dare to come here."

Pete Haro said with a laugh.


Li Feng reused him a chestnut, laughed: "You will give people a homestead, your whole family gives people a home care home, I am friendly help!"

In Huaxia Country, generally nourish the dog to see the home care, Pitt doesn't say him to be a dog? Can't bear it!

"To the right, I said the wrong words, please see what I have to recruit, let's go." Pitt Harrord asked.

Li Feng turned over white, ridiculed: "No, I can't let you go, but you are a river thief, let you go, let you steal?"

I heard this, Pitt Haro is anxious: "We stole money is rich."

Li Fengbei picks: "Do you give the money to the poor? Don't say all sent, send half, as long as you send more than half, I praise you robbery, and immediately You are put away. "

"Send it, we sent 80% of the money to the money." Pitt Harold nodded.

"This time I lied with me." Li Feng shook his head, under the study, the other party did not tell the truth he knew one clear.

The voice is falling, Li Feng raises his hand, and a cyan is not invested in Pitt Haro.

Pete Haro only felt a pain in the body, and the veins were broken and fainted directly.

Then, Li Feng came to Taylor Harold. After finishing these, Li Feng one hand, and raised them into the villa living room.

After a few minutes, Joey wakes up in pajamas from the second floor. When he saw the Harold brother who was lying on the ground, he immediately held his head and shouted: "Oh, I will know the shadow." Group will not let me go! I know! "

"What's wrong with Joe?" Haili Norris's voice came from the bedroom.

"The killer is coming, the killer is really coming, my God, this is really terrible, I have never been so afraid!" Qiao Ye continued to cover his head, it looked very unstable.

"Oh my God!" Haili Noris sent a excitement, quickly stepped to Joy, look up, then she looked down: "It is true, this is really terrible!"

In the speech, she leaned on the Qiaoyi, and she had to cry.

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "Hey Qiao, you are calm, they have been dizzy, isn't they? Danger is released."

"Also, I think I need to tell you that these two people are not the killer of the shadow group, but two Jiangyang thieves specializing in the fiscal family."

Joey: "???"

Haili Norris: "???"

Not ... feelings they are surprised to be afraid for so long, these two goods are two thieves?

"Haili, I still remember what I remember?" Joy took a breath and said.

"In the bedside table." Haili Norris replied.

"Go to me, I have to smash them two!" Joy said to teeth.

Li Feng's mouth picked up: "Joe, forget it, these two stupid thieves have been abolished, what they can't lore."

He knows in rice, if someone has not allowed to enter his own home, the owner has the right to kill it, without having to take legal responsibility.

But these two people have been controlled by him, and Joe is killed, it is inevitable that they will fall, and they will affect his reputation.

Listening to people, I have enough food, Joy really didn't stick to the Golden Desert eagle ...

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