Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1266 Attack Kaleidoscope

The scene is another excitement.

Li Feng just drove the movement, the movement of the dry and jumping can be said to be a cloud of flowing, if the posture of the jumper is very beautiful, the posture of the shot is very standard, and from the outside, there is an artistic beauty.

Key this goal is still special!

In a long place in the three-point line, in the defending of the iron body of nearly 20 cm, the dry and jumped into the ball!

The NBA stars in the field only want to shout on the previous sentence - Li Fengniu force!

"How do I feel that this time a single channel is derived?"

"Not only you think, I don't think so ..."

"Wipe, I took 20,000 knives in Zoro, and I have to eat the bubble noodles in the future ..."

"You have a salary of 20 million knives, don't cry with us these annual salary."

The wind team players on the scene were tragically called. Of course, this is all installed. For those stars who have at least million in their annual salary, one or two thousand knives even a two thousand knives are not what, I can't talk about it. There are polyfish pain.

The reason is to cover your own embarrassment, who makes them just calling Zoro to see Li Peak?

"I really didn't think that your dry jump is so good ..."

Zoro shakes a somewhat dizzy, and it is ugly.

Just starting to think that Li Feng is a no-friendless rookie. As a result, Li Feng showed the ultimate speed, then he thought Li Feng was only fast, and he didn't think that Li Feng's dry jump is also so good.

What kind of offensive means will Li Feng will show?

"Wait ... Why do I have this idea?"

Sape is a bit incredible, just like his subconscious, it is only 2 to 0, the game is just beginning!

"I am fascinated by the spirit, you are the fattening!" Zoro has brought himself to yourself in his heart.

"In fact, I am very strong." Li Feng smiled and said: "Next, I will break through your right side, ready to be prepared."

Zoro hi picks up, cold, "" You are too arrogant! "

If Li Feng is about to become a new boss of the wind, he will never just say a "arrogant" is so simple!

Li Feng smiled and started to cross the ball, Zoro's breath, strictly guard against the death.

At this moment, Li Feng suddenly made a movement that wanted to shoot, Sape Yugui slightly changed, and quickly jumped.

Only when he jumped, Li Feng took the ball back, changed to the left hand, and an emergency acceleration suddenly came from the right side of Sape.

"Worship Buddha!"

"Oh, Tian! Sape is swayed!"

"True to die! Why can his worship of the Buddha can be so real?"

Worshiping Buddha can be successful, the key to see if your movements make the defenders mistaken to shoot, if your movement is fake, it is impossible to fly a defense.

Li Feng quickly raised his hand, even the Qiao Yo, LB of the experience, misopened that he had to shoot, not to mention other players.

After breaking, Li Feng bluntly, when Li Feng jumped when he went to the free throw!

"Oh Xie! What do he want to do ?!"

"Heaven! He wants to punish the ball!"

"I really see the ghost, that is not a penalty of the ball, it is a penal basket after the free throw!"

Guess Li Feng is all exclaimed, they are unimaginable, why is a height 180 Huaxia people dare to jump after a penalty line? He is not afraid of deducting a three non-touch?

It's just that you don't think too much. Li Feng's legs will be lifted back, and the right arm is raised back, and the body is extremely stretched. The whole person is like a horizontal.

This scene made people seem to have seen the action made in the Dunk Competition 32 years ago.

Next moment, Li Feng came to the front of the basket. His head is almost passionate from the basket, and the right hand deducts the basketball into the basket!


Li Feng fell steadily on the ground, and he turned his hands and hired, just like the king of the ministerial film.

The audience is quiet!

Half the backfield hugged his head, and his face did not dare to confuse: "Oh! This is not true, please tell me this is not true!"

"It's too mad, this is really too crazy!"

"Oh, Tian! I saw something, Joe, is it 30 years ago, what do you pretend?"

"This Chinese people are too strong. He is the strongest brilliant people I have ever seen! I am now his fan. Do you know?"

In any area, strong people are respectable, and these high arrogant NBA stars are the same.

From opening to now, Li Feng shows too much amazing, especially after the punishment line, one step is one step, but it is even more amazing!

There are many stars in history to perform a penalty basket in the dunk competition, but that is the performance competition, and no one is a penalty of the ball, and it is stepping on the line or the penalty line.

It is even more actually in actual combat.

Although Li Feng and Zoo San, Li Feng also said that Li Feng is wearing what? Casual shoes!

This equipment is so much so high, it is simply non-human!

This is no wonder that the NBA star is happy to succumb to Li Feng, and even Qiao is taking himself with Li Feng with Li Feng. It is not as good as Li Feng ...

"This is impossible, this is impossible to ..."

Sapello trembled, looked at Li Feng, who was holding his hands, no love.

3:0, 3:0, open to now he guess the coins after guessing the ball, then look at Li Feng showed that the star of the leadership of the League 20, it was actually made by a amateur player. .

If there is a hole under the feet, Sape will definitely drill in, and it is not a face!

The next time, Li Feng took out the eighteen martial arts, the incarnation of the attack kaleidoscope, the back, the hand, the European step, the air changed to the basket, then withdraw the shot, and then hit the shot ... The lower 7 points, the last bit is fixed at 10:0.

Sapero was blown to the confidence, the whole person is like a losing soul ...

"Sapell, you don't be discouraged. He is more powerful than the peak. At least in terms of physical fitness, you are very normal by him."

Joy didn't have congratulated Li Feng in the first time, but walked over and comforted Zoro.

Li Feng is too embarrassing, do not give Zorro, Joy is really afraid that Zoro leaves the psychological shadow, from which it will be lost.

At this time, Li Feng also got the past and smiled: "Sape, Joy said is right, I am from the small people who practice the martial arts, the Chardi Kung Fu, the body's quality is in the field, so we are more The two games are unfair from the beginning. "

He is a person who wants to be the boss of the wind, and the strikes of Sape is too embarrassed to have a bad wind.

Sapello nodded doubtfully, and how much is good.

Just then, LB led a Leike player to come over: "Li, are you interested in joining the Lex team?"

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