Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1267 Black and White Double?

The face of the wind team players have weird.

LB actually wants to come to Li Feng, this is a bit funny, Li Feng can be a man who wants to buy a windfall shares!

However, if you come back, if you don't understand the real situation, you will also give birth to the idea of ​​La Li Feng.

Imagine that Li Feng is a single ability, it can be said that the alliance is unique. In the case of stalemate, the ball is handed over to Li Feng, let him go singles and may take the desired effect.

It's just that Li Feng's height and the arm is a hard injury. Once it is difficult to find a chance, it is difficult to find a chance to join the Leike team, and there is not too much in the game.

"Sorry, LB, I didn't want to be a professional player."

Li Feng laughed directly with the invitation of LB. If he went to play care, it was bullying a child, except for any sense of accomplishment outside of the limelight.

LB did not expect Li Feng's answer so simple and simply, a little bit of time.

"Sorry, LB, I forgot to tell you, Li Feng wants to buy 49% of the storm, I have promised him." Qiao was blinked and laughed.

When I heard this, LB suddenly realized that I had to be a team of the team, even if I want to play a career, I have to go to my team, so he said, "It's a pity", I didn't mention this.

The next time, everyone chatted again, and then returned to the locker room, packed up, and the wind team players sat in the Grand Bahu to rest, the Lex team played home.

Only LB didn't leave, he asked Joe, Li Feng went to a restaurant to eat nighttease, and lb made a deep exchange with Li Feng. After Li Feng has more deep understanding, it is more firm to be friends with Li Feng. intend.

Li Feng is not a proud person, a meal is a guest, the relationship between the two quickly warmed.

When I finished eating late, I was 12 o'clock in the night. After the two sides bid farewell, Joy opened his wife and children to open the villa with Li Feng.

It's late night, there is almost no vehicle on the road, and everyone listening to rock and roll, the atmosphere is very happy.

Just in Joyang, the car was opened, driving to the forest road to the villa area, suddenly appeared in front of a bunch of obstacles composed of several big trees.

Joy is a sudden brake to stop the car, say: "Xiete, who put the tree here, there is no quality!"

If the voice is falling, he will get off and try to remove the tree.

"You don't move first, let me go and see." Li Feng quickly pressed him and pushed the door.

Seeing that the emotions of Joey suddenly tightly, see Li Feng's reaction, is this roadblock is specifically for them?

"Joe, I am a little worried ..." Haili Norris tight a pair of children, whispered.

"Don't be afraid, believe in Li Feng, he will definitely handle it."

It is said that Joe is still ready from the glove box.

Seeing that a pair of children in Joy is not angry: "Have a bad person?"

"Nothing baby, I just put in case." Joy said with a smile.

Exterior, Li Feng two-handed bags, looks easy to walk to the roadblock, take the foot to step, laugh: "Which good guy is a roadblock, come out to talk about a toll problem."

"Sure enough, it is a good man."

A figure came out of the front of the woods and looked at Li Feng.

This is a high man wearing a black mask. The whole body covers with a black robe, and even the black gloves are all in the hands, and people can even see what they are like, mysteries are extreme.

It's just that the other party's dressing does not have any effect on Li Feng. Under the eyes, don't say his skin tone, even his long-distance, even there are several sweat Li Feng, you can see it.

White, about 40 years old, the five senses are ordinary, belonging to the kind of not attractive attention in the crowd, the body is slim, with nearly 190 height, it seems like a bamboo pole.

There is also the realm of the other party, SS + level, and it is unbearable to Li Feng, no threat.

"Hey, you also know that the artistic people are bold, it is good, there is the potential to go to China."

Li Feng keeps two pockets and laughs.

"Hey, Li Feng, you think we have this roadblock, can you still have a living road?" White man asked coldly.

"Hey, even my name knows, you can, the information is good." Li Feng took out a cigarette point from his arms, spit out a smoke ring: "Let's start."

White men's brow microstruck: "What start?"

"Walking the process, you come to the classic lines of the road to rob that" Li Feng smiled.

White man: "???"

No ...

"Don't tell me such a classic line, you don't know, then your robbers are too unqualified."

"Come, listen, I will tell you it, just say it."

Li Feng cleared his throat and made a fierce look: "This mountain is me. This tree is what I am planting. If you want to hit, leave your own money! Come, you repeat, let me find a feeling "

"Do you speak God?" The white man was freat, and the Chen had repeated it. You just played this!

"I said that I just said that you didn't remember yourself, this can't blame me." Li Feng spit out a smoke ring and said.

"Hair! I am robbery, can you not be serious?"

When the white man didn't say another classic line, I heard Li Feng: "I said that you are not deliberate to tease me, even this typhist you know, will you just do this?"

"What is you teasing you, do you have a problem?" The white man laughed at a breath, and he went to Li Feng in the past.

At this moment, another black mask of a black mask came out from Qiaoyi's car: "Ian, don't be angered by his low and trick, let's find his purpose, not to quarrel."

"Anthony, you came out of your morning." Ian said some dissatisfaction.

It is enough to clean up a Chinese kid.

Anthony shakes his head: "Care first."

Ian smiled and didn't speak.

Li Fengbei picks up, turning to look at Anthony, then I can't help but feel lightly.

Under the perspective, all the characteristics of Anthony have nothing, he is a black middle-aged man, five short body, fat like a ball, loosened black robe is wearing a touch of tights.

This pair of combinations is a bit meant, a black and a bamboo pole is a ball, perfect match.

"The words ... do you have two black and white doubles?" Li Feng asked with a whimcom.

Anthony has a slight change, and the rear of Ian is directly exciting: "Damn, how do you know ?!"

Li Feng: "???"

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