Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1268 is only one

Is Li Feng, is it forced? He is a talented, it is actually said to be in him!

Lying in the trough, then is he now makes a high-minded gesture, then even the other party?

"Black and white doubles have such prestigures in the rivers and lakes, how can I not know."

Li Feng fell to both hands and said that he said.

Anthony has changed again, still there is no sound, or I is straight to the heart, just asked directly: "What is the rivers and lakes?"

"Hey ..." Li Feng sinked two seconds: "All water?"

Anthony: "???"

Ian: "???"

The rivers and lakes are all water, spiders are all legs?

God is logical!

"Ian, you can't stand too much."

Antong sighed and said.

Just now Li Feng is obviously in scams, Yin En is really good, he should say that Ian has no brain or no brain?

Ian also realized his mistakes, and said that I was annoyed: "Sorry Anthony, I am too simple ..."

Li Feng: "???"

What is it? I didn't listen to the young master, do you have a special? You are not as good as you are straight, please don't insult your words. !

Anthony shakes his head and does not agree with Ian to his own evaluation. Which is just a simple, idiot is appropriate!

"Li Feng, I ask you a question. If you answer, I can consider spare you a life." Anthony said.

"Wow, will you make this big? How do I have a little unbelief." Li Feng wanted to laughed, a SS +-level power actually had to spare him the life of this half-God, who gives him confidence?

"Of course, I came back to talk about it." Anthony shrugged: "Now the problem is coming ..."

"How is excavator technology?" Li Feng's call.


Anthony is almost in the spot!

How can I pull the excavator technology I ask you? Neuropathy, you can also exchange souls!

"Cough, mouth mistakes, you will then say." Li Feng took a laugh.

It is really black and white, the appearance of the black and white is too happy, and there is no other entertainment at night, and it is quite good to play monkeys.


Anthony spit out a touch, and the cold voice said: "If you shake the machine with me, I don't guarantee that I can control the killing of you."

"O is thin K, you said." Li Feng kept laughing, and he didn't shake it again.

"I ask you, is Richard Steinbeck?"

Anthony asked.

"Oh ~ I know!" Li Feng made a look of great achievements, refers to Anthony, but also refers to Ine.

"Do you know what it?" Anthony asked.

"Are you the accomplices of Richard Steinbeck, is it?" Li Feng add reluctant, and the hate said.

Anthony first slammed first, then smiled and laughed: "Since you already know that we are black and white, then we should know that our relationship with Richard Steinbeck is."

Ian also wondered: "So why do he know now?"

This can ask Anthony to ask: "Yes, why did he realize it now?"

"Because I don't know what black and white is doing ..." Li Feng said.

Anthony: "???"

Ian: "??? You don't say that we have such a prestigious name in the rivers and lakes?"

"Then do you know what the rivers and lakes is?" Li Feng asked.

Ian: "... I know you will ask you?"

"Since you don't know what the rivers and lakes are, how do you know that the black and white doubles I said is yours?" Li Feng two hands and continued to ask.

Ian stunned for a few seconds, turned to the Anthony: "He said it seems to be a little ..."

Anthony face, a soy sauce: "Ian, are you idiot? We were played! Hand, kill him!"

The voice falls, Anthony has burst the SS +-level breath, and the body is surrounded by a bright red energy. When you raise your hand, you will be a punch to Li Feng, a red tiger head that is condensed by the blood of the blood. , Quickly lightning to Li Fengzhi.


Tiger Xiaolin!

Ian learned that he was played, the same breath, the same breath, and the bodies were covered with the halo, and the right fantashed a group of red light, wrapped his group, and then rushed to Li Feng.

Want to spend the meteor's picture of the atmosphere? Ian waving fists is this picture.

Inside the car, Joyou looked at the dust of the two people, stunned.

I am going, is this a movie special effect? ​​The body is full of faint effects. It is also a tiger head that will be called.

If you don't have a head, you can't call it!

"Wow, it's so cool!"

"Hey, they are so beautiful, take it off!"

A pair of children of Joe are also the age of superior children, I don't know where they are sinister, I think it is to watch cartoons.

"Baby, this is not a movie is not an anime ..." Joy's mouth is bitter, holding ak47's hand is shaking.

He lived in 57 years, it has never been like this, which is completely exceeded by his imagination. .

Joe's wife is also very scared, but she knows that there is no way to say anything, can only secretly pray, and hold their own pair of children.

"The momentum is huge, but it is useless."

In the face of the double pinch, there is no dignified color on the face of Li Feng, and after the flying head is bounced, the body has left the left and right.


The two huge dragon clams appeared, and when I came to Anthony with Ian, I cracked them in my hand when I didn't have any reaction.

"Oh Tian!" Haili Noris took his mouth, and his face did not dare to confuse.

"I ... go!" Joy couldn't help but exclaim.

A pair of children of the two are even excited to shout: "Wow, what is that, the Oriental Dragon's dragon claws?"

"Mommy, Uncle Li is so powerful, he has become two dragon claws!"

The shock of Joey is far less than Anthony, Ian, because Joy is a shock more surprise, and Anthony is more frightened with Ian!

"This is dead, what is this!"

"I really see ghost! What is your strength ?!"

Both are the strong people of SS + level, can be so easy to uniform, at least SSS-level!

Can Li Feng looks too beautiful, this is impossible!

"Come, talk about it, what is the organization of the shadow group, how many people, where is the headquarters, say that I can spare you."

"Oh is right, the quota is only one, this problem needs to be acknowledged."

Li Feng pulled the two people who kept struggling into front and said.

At this time, the atmosphere in the scene has weird, and then the two will open the same time.

Anthony: "I won't tell you, you will die this heart ...?"

Ian: "Okay, I said, you have to talk!"

Anthony is a face!

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