Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1269, I am Junjie now

Anthony was shocking at the time, Ian, you have a big eye, this is the betrayal organization? You are too much!

Always, Ian is in front of Anthony, is a straight-backed man, which is very loyal to the organization, and Anthony occasionally, it has to be reminded by Ian.

As a result, Li Feng threatened, Ian got it, straight? Loyalty?

Key Laozi special, how to do, the quota is only one!

"Hey, Mr. Ian, our Huaxia has a sense of time, and is Junjie, in my eyes, you are Junjie."

Li Feng appreciates Ian's attitude, and immediately praised.

"I am very honored for Mr. Li, I am very honored." Ian spent laughing, nod his head.

Antoni's mouth is smoked, unfortunately said: "Ian, do you know what you are doing?"

"Anthony, the time worker is Junjie, I am Junjie now." Ine did not return.

Anthony's mouth is then pumping: "... But you know the inside news than I know less."

Want to give you a mat back? Ok, Laozi also surrendered! I don't believe it, I can compress you with the information I have mastered.

Eutton's face color is madness: "Anthony, you can't do this, Mr. Li said, who first said who can live, the quota is only one! Do you say that Li Mr. Li?"

Looking at Iana desire, the little eyes prayed, Li Feng gave birth to an emotional emotion, how straight to a boy, if Xiaoye said no, will it be too hurtful?

"Mr. Li, I believe that you will make a correct decision." Anthony said with a smile.

"This is ... nor can it ..." Li Feng touched the chin.

"Look, I am talking about?" Anthony looked at Ian, smiled and said: "Is Ian, what is the feeling of betrayal, is it very cool?"

"Hair!" Ian is going to play with Anthony, just to explore the cloud, make him move.

"Hey, want to fight with me? Just your three-footed cat's kung fu, it is not my own enemy." Anthony disdain the color, ridiculous.

"Xie! You have a species, see I don't hit your head." Ian anger.

"Why don't you come over? You come over, I can't take your life!" Anthony missed.

"I also dare to blow me with me, or if I am not in place, do you have died now?"

"Haha, Ian, this kind of voice doesn't believe yourself."

At this moment, Li Feng released the restrictions on exploration of the cloud.

Anthony: "..."

Ian: "..."

The two have a small eye, do not talk ...

"Continue, play, share a winning and negative, playing out, you live."

Li Fengwei hugged his shoulders and laughed again.

This is like two puppies, and when the owner took the rope, the two puppies were called forward, and there was a big one to bear the other way.

When the owner turns the rope, the two puppies will not call ...

"Cough, Mr. Li, I think ... Ian, where are you going?"

Anthony did a cough, and he said that half of the face suddenly changed, and pointed to Ian shouted.

Ian: "???"

No ... he didn't do it, do you show it?

Li Feng's mouth evoked a smile of mocking, turning his head to Ian.

At the moment of Li Feng turned, Antoni ran.

Dead Touch is not dead, Ian, you will help me attract Li Feng's firepower.

"The agency is too smart, and the Qing Dynasty is shocked," Li Feng shook his head, and the head did not return. "


A cyan arrogant, there is no peace of Antoni, who is going to 100 meters away.

Anthony spit out a bloody arrow and rushed out of ten meters away and fell to the ground. After twitching, he lost his breath.

Perhaps Anthony knows more than Ian, but Anthony is too smart, Li Feng doesn't want to waste too much time in this person, and kill it directly.

Ian looks pale, breathing.

The bomb kills a SS +-level power, it seems that it is not the SSS-level to do, so what is Li Feng?

"What do you think now?" Li Feng asked with a smile.

"No ... I have no feelings." Ianni said.

"Can you die?" Li Feng turned over white, some dissatisfaction.

Ian was reacted, shouted: "Mr. Li is invincible, and thousands of autumn!"

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "You are not often watching the martial arts novels of Huaxia, a classic line."

"I really don't, Mr. Li." Ian is crying, he just thinks how to listen to how to say.

"Okay, now you have one person, you have to grasp the opportunity, say it, this can be exchanged back to a life." Li Feng put his hand, and did not want to waste time with Iwi.

"Well, I said."

Under the strong obsession of life, Ian said he knows the information about the shadow group.

Ian and Anthony have grown up from a small orphanage. The two were brought to an isolated island in the age of 7, and they were trained with other children who were brought to this island, becoming a martial arts.

In the process of training, there are many children who can't bear the training intensity of nearly abuse, and only a few people lived, he is one of them with Anthony.

After the training, he got an electronic password card with Anthony, using this electronic password to access the computer, and can take the website of the video sub-group and take the task.

When there is no mission, the two can take the commission of the task to complete the commission. The world is full, don't do the KPI assessment, and don't have to report to the bus at any time.

Therefore, they have never seen the founders of the shadow group from the head to the end, and even the group's high-rise have never seen it. The only members of the shadow group they know will only train their instructor.

After they left the island, they never have seen those instructor.

They just listened from teaching officials, and the shadow group had a hundred years in the American mainland. It is everywhere. Don't think about the shadow group, otherwise it will die very badly.

"Do you know the specific position of the island?" Li Feng frowned.

Ian shakes his head: "I don't know, we are all being dizzy. It is also sent to the island, and we have no positioning tools on the island ..."

Li Feng used him to read the heart, knew that he didn't lie, when I got it, I changed a question: "What is the task you receive, what is the Qiao family, or ... only murder?"

Ian didn't hide, as I said: "Focus on the money."

Li Feng couldn't help but take a breath of cold.

Now the problem is coming, who has such a big hatred with Joey, not only to make a fortune, but also to life?

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