Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1270 Dazhi

"Who knows who I publish this task?"

Li Feng deeply sucking, asked.

"This ... didn't write on the task." Joy frowned.

Li Fengbei picks: "Does each of the shadow group do not have information?"

Richard Steinbeck knows that the mission is DSN Lawrence released, how did Joey doesn't know who the task is publisher?

Of course, Li Feng under the reading of Li Feng knows that Joy didn't lie, and Li Feng wants to know why.

Qiao Yi quickly explained: "Nor, some task publishers are worried that their information is leaked, and they will not expose. Some people believe in the credibility of the shadow group, and must participate in cooperation during the task, will not hide the identity "

"But no matter what, the shadow group will expose the information of the task publisher, this is one of the main reasons for the shadow group."

After listening to Joy's explanation, Li Feng still nodded, then he reached out: "Bring it."

"What?" Ian is some intake.

"Electronic password card." Li Feng's mouth hooked a smile of playful taste: "The above information is still not enough to buy your small life, hand over the electronic password card, I will let you go."

Ian color micro-change: "Mr. Li, Anthony has an electronic password card ... It is better to bring Anthony's electronic password card, then let me go back, I will give you, how?"

Li Fengbei picks up, surprised to look at Ian.

Don't say, Ian is very eye-catching, or is still a traitor's potential, at least let him continue to go back to this, Li Feng did not think of it.

"Yes, but I can't let you go back, eat this."

Li Feng took out in June to cross the intestine, sent to Ian.

I would bite his teeth, and I didn't ask if I didn't ask.

His performance once again surprised Li Feng: "You don't ask what this is?"

"It is not important to me, it is important to eat the opportunity to have a life. If you don't eat it, you will die, I don't want to die." Ian said.

Li Feng's impression of Ian is greatly changed. This guy is a great wisdom. It is estimated that Lian Anntanyi thinks that I will will be so smart?

"OK, look at your cooperation, your previous suggestion I adopted."

In the case of Li Feng, Li Feng introduced the role of June.

In the process, Ian is constantly changing, and finally the expression of a taxi.

The next time, Li Feng found an electronic password card from Antoni with the help of Ian, after asking the use of methods, Li Feng gathered Anthony's fingerprint with iris information, then destroying the deadline, put it from I Here.

Then Li Feng removed the big tree of the road and returned to the car.

"Lee, is there any hazard, do you want to call?" Joy asked excited.

Just now, one of them stayed, and Li Feng gave the robbers to control the robbers.

However, Qiao Yi did not understand why Li Feng took the big high.

"The alarm doesn't have to be, it has been solved, but it is only temporarily solved, let's take a look." Li Feng smiled.

Joe is nod, re-launch the car and open it home.

On the road, Li Feng briefly introduced the situation, Joy heard that someone had to live in his life, and it was hard to look up: "Li, do you know who is to deal with me?"

He didn't think of such a big hatred.

"It is not clear for the time being, but after the failure of the two mandates, the shadow group should temporarily stop for a while."

"Of course, even if they continue to find you trouble, as long as I am, I will not let you have any danger." Li Feng said.

Li Feng's words are like magic, let Qiaoyi's mood is relaxed, and Joy is a friend who is grateful to Li Feng.

When I returned home, Joy also opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate himself to escape. Everyone chatted late at night, this is only sleeping.

After Li Feng returned to the bedroom, he opened the notebook, plugged in with Anthony's electronic password card, and scanned the Hendi's fingerprint with the iris after entering the system.

One into the home page of the shadow group, the face is a dark page. After a few seconds, the page gradually changed, revealing a whole body being covered by the whole body.

This figure seems to be an entity, and there is a bit of illusory means, around the black fog, looks very strange, people who have low ability to have a little fear.

Li Feng is naturally immunized by this nature, and he has done a mouse after "the ghost" and jumped over the opening animation.

After entering the main interface, the background color is still black, only the text of the four menu columns is red - personal center, task collection, database, trading center.

A dark color is equipped with red text, very visual impact, but for Li Feng, this person who has played N times, there is still no feeling of uncomfortable feelings.

Li Feng first got into the individual center and saw some simple profiles in Anthony.

Name: Anthony

Realm: SS +

Group within Group: SS

Task completion rate: 100%

When I saw it here, Li Feng did not even lost his laugh: "It is 100% task completion rate, this Anthony is very good, but he is not 100% of his mission after tonight ..."

Current tasks: kill Joe, plunder property.

Seeing this, Li Feng has been interested, and even when you are busy with this task.

"Because the last task fails, the customer has code 20 million US dollars. In the basis of the original task, the task level is increased to S-class."

There is a horizontal bar under "Original Task", Li Feng hits it, and see the introduction of the original task: "Let the cash on Joey lighter, the task commission is $ 10 million."

Seeing this, Li Feng touched the chin.

In other words, this task publisher's original purpose is to just want to make the Cash on the port of Joy, and did not want to kill Joe.

Because this task fails, I angered the task publisher, and added 20 million to Qiaoyi.

So the problem is coming, why do the task publisher let Qiaoyu light in cash, not let him be in charge? Is this person who has business competition with Qiao?

Li Feng took a while and returned to the previous level page and clicked into the task reception interface.

The task of the shadow group is related to the membership level. Taking Anthony as an example. He is an SS +-level power, the group's level SS level, you can receive the SS level and the following tasks, the SSS level task can not only be collected, not only View.

Li Feng looked at it, but found a lot of European and American celebrities as a mission objective, but most of them were related to the commercial confidentiality, and there was almost no life.

Next, Li Feng also wants to check the database with the trading center, but at this time, the electronic password card suddenly emerged, the computer screen turned black.

Li Feng: "???"

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