Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1271 is smashed

"I go?!"

Li Feng is directly awkward, the shadow group is enough, I found out that Anthony's electronic password card was stolen, and it was also destroyed directly to the electronic password card.

Cattle is forced, admire.

"It seems that Ian estimates also hang."

Li Feng picked up the phone and dialed Ian's phone.

When the two are separated, they have left the contact.

The phone quickly connected, there was a silence over there, Li Feng first opened: "Ian is killed by you?"

I came to the phone and came to: "You are very smart."

Li Feng shook his head and sighed: "You said that you are this, Ide is good, really, he can't kill, I read him in his loyal copy."

"It is the betrayal of Anthony, but not only many secrets, but also give me the electronic password card. I will kill him in an angry. "

The phone is silent, but you can listen carefully to the other's breathing seems to be more urgent.

Half-half ...

"Do you be an idiot? If I is betrayed, how can you get his mobile phone number?"

"Li Feng, you don't know what kind of existence you can enhance, from now on, you will become the goal of the shadow group, and cherish the time!"

When I finished the other party, I hang up the phone.

Listening to the busy tone you came out of the mobile phone, Li Feng hooked a tauntful smile.

He believes that he has played a certain role. At least this person is almost believe, or his breathing will not change.

However, he should be a more understanding of Anthony, Ian, soon overthrowing Li Feng's statement, which makes Li Feng have some disappointment.

As for his threat to Li Feng ... it is similar to it.

The strong man in the late gods, the powerful man in the United States will be afraid of the chasing of others? Li Feng is only worried that those people run too fast!

"System, do you have any way to fix Anthony's electronic password card?"

People have a curiosity, Li Feng has not seen anything in the database of the shadow group, and scratching with the claws.

"Yes, this repair requires 100,000 system points, is it immediately fixed?"

The system's answer did not let Li Feng feel disappointed, but Li Feng feels a little surprised: "Hey, 100,000 system points, you don't think that Xiaoye is now unfair points, the lion is open,"

System: "The main station system of the shadow group is one of the highest world protection levels, wants to deceive its defense difficulty."

"After fixing, the level of electronic passwords will be upgraded to the SSS level, but the host can only browse the relevant information, and it is impossible to take the task, and cannot be traded in the trading center."

Li Feng has an out of three black lines, can't receive the mission, can't trade in the trading center? That is to say that Xiaoye spent 100,000 system points, just satisfied his voyeur?

"Yes, 100,000 will be 100,000, anyway, Xiaoye is now not bad."

Li Feng considers a long time, decided to make the system to repair the electronic password card of Antoni.

"Hey, 100,000 system points deducted success, electronic password card repair is completed."

As the system's tone, electronic password card recovery, such as new, computer screen recovery, as early.

Li Feng got into the personal information interface to see it, and found that Anthony's level has become an SSS level.

"The system is not a system."

Li Feng sighed a sentence, and some of the tasks received the interface to view the task of the SSS level.

There are not many tasks of the SSS level. Only the zone is six, and the first task is in the first task. Li Feng is stunned on the spot: "Helping to the end of the world ?!"

Then Li Feng looked at the task introduction: "The assassination of the Chinese dragon soul faucet to the ends, unlimited means, no time, success after success, you can get a $ 10 billion reward."

Li Feng couldn't help but tongue: "Tell, 10 billion dollars? Who is so big?"

Then Li Feng also looked at the remaining four SSS grade tasks. As he guess, the remaining four mission goals were the four dragons of the dragon soul, and the mission reward is $ 8 billion.

Five tasks add up to $ 42 billion!

There are not many people who can take stock of $ 42 billion in cash in the world. The world-renowned super rich is estimated to follow the horizon. It is different from the field.

So Li Feng guess or the release of this task is the Miki super bureau, or the Dongpu dark shadow.

As for special institutions in other countries ... The strength is not enough, it is not the direct competitor of the dragon soul, and the financial resources are not enough. It should not be so big money.

Li Feng also looked at the release time and found that the task was released for a year, and no one was picking ...

"It seems that members of the shadow group also know how big this task is ..."

Li Feng couldn't help but laugh.

Money financial, but the life is more important, people who can kill to the ends are not, but this kind of person is generally not bad.

Key Huaxia have always been forbidden for Western strong people. No one wants to take a small life for this money.

Is it only the sixth task? Who can follow the end of the world?

Have a sixth task with doubt Li Peak.

"I go?!"

When I saw the sixth task, Li Feng was stunned, because the target character of this task was he himself!

"Chasing Li Feng - Li Feng, aged 24 years old, Huaxia people, realm unknown, SS +-level Anthony has encountered this person in the process of implementing mandate in Ian, he is highly suspected of this person's realm of SSS-level, or SSS level .

Kill this person can get $ 5 billion rewards, no means, no time. "

"The Shadow Group's action is enough, how long does it take to hook your grandfather online."

"It's just that Xiaoye's head is worth $ 5 billion ... this is a bit a bit looks down, and it is worth $ 10 billion to the human head."

Li Feng secretly spitted for a while, after exiting the task to receive the interface, cot in the database to view it.

The Shadow Group's database can be described as an encyclopedic, famous star, sensitive area terrain map, wild history information of all countries, and the construction of firearms products, and even some work that can be used to practice.

Of course, some of the information is open, some of the value of the value needs to be purchased with Bitcoin.

Like the most common method for cultivation, the price reached 100 bitscons.

Then Li Feng also looked at the trading center and found that this trading center also included the same, from limited edition luxury goods, limited to limited luxury cars, and then to various contraband, and even the spars of cultivation was sold.

However, these crystal stone is generally far more than the difference from Luo Tianzheng and others. Despite this, the price of these sparse is still very high, the worst the best is 10 pitcoin, It is about $ 100,000.

If you sell Luo Tianzheng et al., I am afraid that I have to start at 1000 pitcoin, and Li Feng has tens of thousands of stones in her hands ...

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