Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1272, veto acquisition

"100 billion dollar cash ..."

How much is Li Feng, but he refused to think that money is just a number, and can only buy regular goods, some price-free items, money is can't buy.

In contrast, the value of spars is higher, although he does not need to use a crystal stone to improve his realm, maybe there will be a bigger use.

This is seen, Li Feng is full of four hours, waiting until he shuts down the computer, it is 5 o'clock in the morning, Li Feng is going to bed.


One day later, Joe was used to sell 49% of the storm to Li Feng's things in the basketball circle.

This spread is only privately spread, and has not been confirmed by Joe, but someone who has already had the board of directors of the NBA Alliance asked Qiao, Joey gave a positive reply.

The NBA team can not buy it, even if the team owner wants to sell, it is also possible to find the buyer of the board, and it is not necessarily transaction, because the trading of the team's shares is supervised by the NBA Alliance Board.

If the Board of Directors of the NBA Alliance disagree, the transaction cannot be completed.

Similarly, if a team boss has made anger, the NBA Alliance Board also has the right to let him sell the team shares on the hand.

So Joy wants to sell 49% of the windfall shares of Li Feng, first pass the NBA Alliance Board of Directors.

In order to let this transaction succeed, Joyit is the NBA headquarters of Li Feng to NY, and the relevant leaders of the board will meet this problem.

Before I got, Joe felt that this problem was not big, and his position in the NBA Alliance, and the wind team did not belong to the two conditions of the popular team, the board did not have any reason to stop this transaction.

After coming to the NBA headquarters, the two were led by the staff to the president office.

"Mr. Joy, the president is waiting for you, please come." The staff said with a smile.

Joe is nod, you have to take Li Feng in.

"Sorry Mr. Joy, the president said that I saw you alone." The staff quickly stopped Li Feng and apologized.

"What do you say?" Qiao Yi couldn't believe his ears, and the tone was high.

"Sorry, this is the meaning of the president." The staff apologized and said carefully.

"Li is my friend, the best friend, he is still the participant of this trading, why did Zack saw me?" Joe is angry.

"Mr. Joy, I just convey the president's meaning, please don't be difficult for me?" The staff smiled.

"Joe, didn't matter, I first sit in the meeting." Li Feng took the shoulder of Joey and said.

Joey brows, I nodded and then pushed the President.

"Joe, I haven't seen you for a long time, are you okay?" Zanch Hicks, president of the league, opened his arms, and walked up to give Joe a hug.

Joey stopped him, cold channel: "Zach, before he asked, I want to ask you a question, why don't you let Mr. Li come in?"

Zach Hicks lifted a smile and sighed: "Joe, I am for you."

"What do you mean?" Joey brow micro-wrinkle.

"The shares of the wind team can't sell it, this is not just what I mean, it is also the meaning of other directors." Zach Hicks said slightly.

"Why?" Joey did not understand.

"Li Feng is the Chinese people, the NBA team can't be paid to a Chinese people, even if he did not get a complete holding." Joe is dignified.

Qiao Y: "??? Zach, do you know what meanably does this mean?"

He can't believe his ears!

What is the point of the dog, just because Li Feng is the Chinese people? This reason is suspected ... No, it is race QS!

"I understand what you mean, but we are really not ethnic QS, but this decision made from the interest point of interest."

Zach Hicks, two hands, half a helpless half, firmly said.

"If I have to sell the shares to him?" Qiaoyu said.

Zach Hicks shakes his head and smiled: "There is no allowance of the board, you have no need to buy or sell the team shares. You go back and think about it."

When he finished, he turned and returned to the seat, a passenger's posture.

Joy is a few times, and finally, he walked out of the president's office. After seeing Li Feng sitting outside the seat chair, Joy also couldn't control the anger of the heart, and he said: "Li, the gang is A group of merits! I am too angry, I am really anger, how can they use this reason to veto this transaction ?! "

"Do you know, I am the only black boss in the NBA32 team. I was also greatly resistant when I bought this team. Really, this is a group of ethnic qs! I really want to play. Explode their shares! "

The NBA employees who came to the corridor were shocked and stopped to watch.

Li Feng shook his head and smiled: "Joe, don't be excited, it is a small matter, rest assured, I have a way to solve."

"Really?" Joey somewhat suspected.

"Of course." Li Feng smiled and went to the president office to ring the door.

"Who?" Zach Hicks asked.

"Huaxia, Li Feng." Li Feng's answer is also very simple.

"Sorry, I am very tired now, don't want to see customers." Zach Hicks said.

"If you don't see it, I just want to tell you something." Li Feng smiled.

"... What is it?" Zach Hicks is a little indiscriminated.

"If you can't take half a month, you will ask for the stock of me to acquire the wind."

After this sentence, Li Feng turned and left, leaving a face of Joey.

In the president, Zach Hicks is more pushed, not ... who gave Li Feng courage to say this?

The NBA Alliance has never lacking the rich people who want to acquire the team, even if some accidents, the NBA alliance needs to find a new boss to the windfall, and there is a lot of connections.

So Zach Hicks really can't guess Li Feng to say this.

After coming out of the NBA headquarters, Joji also put forward this question.

"Joe, do you think the NBA Alliance is now developing now?" Li Feng asked with a smile.

Joy touched the chin as a while: "In the country, the development of the NBA Alliance has encountered a bottleneck. At present, the focus of the NBA Alliance is the market, Huaxia, and Europe, which is the next place."

"So what do you think of developing the best way?" Li Feng asked.

"Star route, NBA now urgently needs a star that can be used as a NBA sign, such as me." Joe said.

Just like lb, he is the first person in NBA in recent years. He has a lot of advantages, and the global fans have a lot of fans, but he also has some very deadly shortcomings, these shortcomings make him unable to reach the height like Joe.

The NBA's most attractive thing is the star of Stars, their unique personal charm, full of ornamental players, is an absorbatizer that attracts fans.

Perhaps someone thinks this is a little exaggerated, but this is the truth, just like a team without a star will not gain too much attention, and a team with multiple stars will have more fans.

"This is my bottom gas." Li Feng blinked and laughed.

Joy is aware!

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