Two days later, a medium-sized auction house in LSJ - Saxon Auction, a auction will be held three days later.

In the international metropolis in LSJ, the world's four major auctions are here, and the auction in Saxon's medium-sized auction will not cause too much attention.

But this situation is different, the Saxon Auction has released a big material - this auction will be auctioned with heavy treasures from Huaxia. This heavy treasure has the magical ability of people to return to the child. People are 30 years old.

For those who want to participate in the auction, I can submit personal information at the official website of the Saxon auction, and those who pass the audit can participate in this auction.

This news came out and immediately detonated the global public opinion farm.

This is not like Tong Yanshui just to make skin age, but let the whole body age 30 years old!

If this is true, it is a three-level thing that is enough to change the world.

"Oh Xie! Please forgive me to explode, but this news is really unbelievable, no matter what others believe, I don't believe it anyway."

"I really see ghost! Saxoxon auction house? How can we have this kind of thing in this world, this is a violation of nature!"

"Oh, Saxon auction house? I have never heard of this auction before, I feel that it is to use this thing to make a gimmick, wait until the start of the auction, they will find a reason not to let this lot. "

"I follow up the idea, this is a marketing. At present, it seems that this marketing is very successful. The people around the world know the Saxon auction house, but this marketing is likely to let Saxon auction row.

"It's my lonely, what is the leading world's technology? If there is no, this news does not have credibility."

"As we all know, the strongest country in the world is rice, followed by our Ansani, China only can be ranked 5-10, even the things that we can't develop, China is more impossible to develop."

"... A San China South Bay!"


At the same time, the Chinese media outside the thousands of miles also saw this news, the first time sent to Weibo, public account, B station and other platforms.

"Lying in the trough, the legendary return to the old child? The burger is going!"

"This is a powerful rice country, even if people can return to the old days can develop, what is Mi Dynasty can't do it? What? Isn't Mi State Huaxia? That's okay ..."

"Upstairs, you forget the dog's head to save, my forty rice big knife can't be harvested, the burial friend army."

"How do I think this is so unreliable? Let the bullet fly a while."

The ordinary netizens have spared, the big scientificism of the scientific research sector also issued a view, most of the scientific research is the nose of this, only a small part of research is not possible.

But in any case, the heat of this thing has been fried, and the auction will be held in three days later, and suddenly become the focus of the world, countless media reporters swarmed, only for the first hand data of.

The rich people in the world have also increased this interest, and they have submitted personal information online in the Saxon Auction.

In just two days, there is a thousand prices of more than $ 1 billion in the rich to submit personal information.

It was 2,200 people on the world's billionaires last year. This list is the threshold for $ 1 billion, that is, this auction will attract the world's millions of rich richest people!

This news came out, and once again set off a big discussion worldwide.

"Lying in the trough, so many people want to participate in the auction? How much is the heavy propagation?"

"I think at least $ 100 million?"

"$ 100 million? You look too much about these world-class rich, I think there is a starting point of $ 300 million."

"Hey ... Is there a lot of $ 3 billion? The threshold of the world billionaire list is $ 1 billion, the world's first rich, the current body has approached trillion to the big mark, I think this heavy treasure is at least US $ 1 billion."

"1 billion US dollars start ... lying in the trough, in case it is a fake, then you don't lose your family?"


On the third day, the aircraft runway in the LSJ International Airport has been full of private aircraft around the world, and the presidential suite of major five-star hotel is also full.

The late rich, can only go to rent a holiday villa ...

Two hours before the start of the auction, a large number of media reporters from all over the world were gathered at the start of the auction.

At first, the Saxon Auction is a small venue, which can only accommodate 200 people, but the number of people registered the buyer has exceeded their expectations, and they changed the auction in the auction in the night, which is set to accommodate in the four seasons. The 2000 people's venue.

It is 10 times that is 10 times, which can be seen that this auction is expecting.

In order to make this auction look more high-end, Saxon's staff have paved the red carpets at the door early, and there is also a flower basket on both sides of the door.

After the versions of the rich, they will pass the long red carpets first, accept the baptism of countless philips ...

After entering the venue, it is enough to accommodate 2,000 people.

"Mark, you are also interested in this auction?"

"Of course, it is really attractive to make people still return to the child."

"Oh Mark, you are only 36 years old, do you want to go to the primary school again?"

A burst of laughing ...

Mark is a young rich, which has risen in the previous year, is gently become a common visit to the top 20 of the world's rich list, which is very enviable.

"Oh, it is Buffy, he has come."

"He is almost 90 years old, life is about to come, he will come over."

"Oh, there is also Mr. Li Jiaze from Huaxia, God, I suddenly lost confidence in myself."

Mark, Buffy, Li Jiaze, these three are people in the world's rich list, and if they participate in auction, others can only watch.

Over time, more and more versions arrived at the venue, take a closer look, there are 10 in the top twenty in the world billionaire list, and the rest is almost 100 million people ...

Joy is shaking in these super rich in Joe Yu ...

"Don't be nervous, take out the best mental state." Li Feng saw Joy's worried and smiled comfort.

Joe couldn't help but smirk: "I know ... but I only have ..."

"Hey ..." Li Fengchong did a glitcher, laughed: "This time must keep calming, don't reveal your own base card, rest assured, return to the old Toy Dan must be yours."

"Okay, Li, I believe you." Joy is in a sigh of breath, and the face has once again confident expression.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, the auction will officially start!

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