Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1274, 500 million US dollars

The Chief CEO of the Saxon Auction Office came to a 5-minute speech.

Although it is mostly coming to the old days, it is very popular, but the applause is constant.

When the CEO speech ended, the auctioneer was played, and the auction of the first product was started.

The first shot is a medieval antique, and the starting price is 1 million US dollars. Even if most of the rich is rushing to the old Tong Dan, this antique's emergence still has caused a lot of people's interest, and the competition is high, and finally The final price of $ 5 million.

The next time, one piece of lot of the lot is taken up, and it has been sold over the prices of the principal's psychological expectation, no first-class shooting.

Saxon's high-level is excited, not to return to Tong Dan, depending on these already sold lots, it has exceeded the quarterly goals developed in the beginning of the year!

Wait until the diamonds of the second piece of the lottery, the audience suddenly oversteen.

I didn't wait until the venue could have panic emotions, and a bunch of lights turned down and lit up, and took a bright circle on the ground. The circle stood on a tray. Miss Miss.

At this time, the rich people know that they will return to the old Tong Dan to debut, and they have adjusted sitting, and the feelings on the face have also gains.

Another light is on the auctioneer, the auctioneer smirks: "The next product, I want everyone to guess, but here I still have to introduce it."

"Let's return to Tong Dan, entrusted by a mysterious seller from Huaxia to Saxon auction line for auction."

"Come, let's take a look at the appearance of the old Tong Dan."

The voice falls, the big screen is reopened, the lens is aligned with the exquisite porcelain bottle on the tray.

After seeing this porcelain bottle, the rich is surprised to face, from the look, this porcelain bottle is very historical and heavy, the production process is very beautiful, I want to have a lot of money.

Of course, the porcelain bottle is delicate and only a porcelain bottle. It is very valuable in the eyes of the people. It is also the case in the porcelain bottle in the eyes of the people.

Under the indication of the auctioneer, Miss etiquette opened the porcelain bottle and put it in the old man and paid on the white silk on the tray.

This is a diameter of one centime, the round of the round, the surface is smooth, the light can be reflective, it seems that it is like a medicinal medicine is like a pearl.

And after the Tan medicine fell out, a different fragrance was filled with a large venue, making people smelling, and many rich caurins can't help but close their eyes, caught in intoxicated.

"I want everyone to be smelling. This return to the old Tong Dan can emit a wonderful fragrance, let the nearby people have a feeling of love, and the fatigue can be swept away."

The voice of the auctioneer made these rich to open their eyes.

"When you say this, you have to say this. This is the origin of the old Tong Dan. It is the mother of the mysterious Chinese seller."

Hearing here, Joyi brows slightly, turned to look into Li Feng.

Li Feng shrugged and said: "" The ancestral is not criticized. "

Qiaoyi understood, this is that the auctioneer said that the old man also dug from the place, and the friend of Li Feng was suspected of illegal.

"So from which generation flows, the client is not clear, he also discovered this porcelain bottle when he accidentally packed the ancestral house, poured out two Dan medicine from inside, plus a rice paper written in ancient word. "

"Through these ancient characters, the principal knows that the role of returning to Tong Dan ..."

The auctioneer told Joe's words before the way, and the people listened were odd.

"This object is the first discovery, the first auction, the value cannot be estimated, so this auction will be set to the old Toyan's starting price of 500 million US dollars in accordance with the principal."

Speaking here, there is a swing on the field.

The starting price of $ 500 million is enough to customize a A380 private plane!

"I have a question."

Mark raised his hand asked.

Of course, the auctioneer knows what the marker is the rich, when you respect: "You please say."

"Is there a test report?" Mark asked.

The auctioner shakes his head: "Sorry Mr. Mark, only one of the old people, so I can't take it."

"That is to say, the effect of returning to the Tong Dan is just the word of the principal?" Mark's brow wrinkled, and said.

Other riches are also disappointed shake their heads, which seems to have doubts about the effect of returning to Tong Dan.

The auctioneer is a color, but still nod: "Mr. Mark."

"If you buy it back and find that this medicine doesn't have what he said, what should I do?" Mark continued to ask.

The auctioneer has already given someone asking, and when I laughed: "Mr. Marc doesn't have to worry, take a person who returns to Tong Dan, can take it on the spot, if there is no effect, you can refund at any time."

In this way, there is a meaning of the meaning of the rich face.

What else is more secure than the on-site inspection?

"Okay, I have no problem." Mark nodded and didn't ask more.

"Which lady is there? Mr. has questions?" The auctioneer glanced at the audience and asked.

The rich riches have shaken their heads, they can inspect the goods on the spot, at least will not be cheated, then they are too afraid? It is the time to pay directly.

Buffy, Li Jiaze, etc. I have grinded the old man, and I prepared a big exhibition.

"It's over, I don't want it." Qiao Yi only felt black and out of mouth.

He understood that this time I returned to Tong Dan to Buffy, Li Jiazhi's 90-year-old super rich, what is it, if he is doing him, he would rather take half of the property to buy this medicinal medicine.

Anyway, their money has not been spent, even if it remains half, it is still spent, and the life expectancy of 30 years is simply unparalleled.

"Don't be discouraged, I said you can get it." Li Feng said with a smile.

Although Li Feng said the abnormality, the Joy is still a bit less impossible to believe in the heart, but now, he can only stick to it.

With the auctioneer's "Auction is now", the auction price is like a rocket, and it is rushing.

"$ 600 million!"

"700 million US dollars!"

"750 million US dollars!"

"$ 800 million!"

Adding money for these riches, or adds 100 million directly, in their mouth, the money has become a number, and ordinary people will be scared here.

Soon the price of the auction came to $ 1 billion. At this time, the increase in the price increased down, from one million, 50 million plus, changed to 10 million plus.

After all, there are more than 1 billion US dollars in the world, and there is less than 1,000 US dollars in the hands in the hands. In the rich in the rich, there are less than 200 cash in the hand, and the hand is less than two hundred. It is even less than one-time $ 1 billion in cash.

"Joe, you can try to increase the price."

Li Feng looked at Qiao, who did not bid from the beginning to now.

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