Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1275, fine thinking

"Ah?" Joeyton time, this is the last decisive battle? Why do he think these super rich are just warm?

"Believe me." Li Feng said seriously.

"Okay, I believe in you!" Joe is nodded, raising his hand: "1 billion is 5 million!"

The family, Joey ranked down in the middle of the guest, the name of the name, Joey is the most popular batch, his shot immediately causing a small vibration.

"Look, is Joy!"

"Qiaoyu is also shot? Really too crazy!"

"Joey last year is $ 1.9 billion, this year should be able to rise one hundred million, even if he is 2.1 billion, remove some fixed assets, how many cash can he still in his hand?"

"He must also want to return to basketball court to make this decision."

"Hey, who doesn't want to restore youth? I am sure, his obsession is far without Buffe, Li Jiaze is high, financial resources are too bad, he is the life of the run."

Although the Joe is large, but because of the skin tone, these super rich will not be respectful to him, talk about his tone in his tone.

Whether it is Bafin, Mark, Li Jiaze, there is no feeling of Joy's sudden joining, and the eyelids did not move.

For them, opponents only have people in the top 20 of the million millions of people.

"1.1 billion US dollars." Mark said that there is no expression in his hand.

"Hey ... should you accelerate ..." Li Jiazhi raised his number: "$ 1.2 billion."

Bacterial herbal tip, smile and lift the number: "$ 1.3 billion."


After a short tens of millions of increments, these super rich were beginning to join Yiuyiyi, and hundreds of millions of dollars were just a string of numbers in the eyes of these people?

Joe's hands are shaking!

It's all about 1.3 billion US dollars. This is the expression of the expression, how is this psychological bottom line of 1.8 billion?

In the casino, Joy won more than 500 million US dollars, plus the cash on his hand, almost 1.1 billion US dollars, the first two days, Li Feng advanced the money of 49% of the shares in the purchase of the wind to him.

In this way, his hand has a cash of $ 1.85 billion, but he can't get out, you have to leave a lot of money, so $ 1.7 billion is his psychological bottom line.

Not only Joy is shameful, and the other rich is also scared by this amount.

In the event, a large half of the game, I can't get so much money, and the rest can come out, and there is not much wonderful money.

"What should I do, add it?" Joy turned to Li Feng.

Li Feng shook his head: "First, etc."

Joy's mouth, then wait 1.7 billion, he will not use it ...

It's just that he is now very trusting to Li Feng, only what Li Feng said what is.

"1.4 billion!"

Without auction with the rhythm, Li Jiaze raised his hand.

"1.5 billion!"

Buffy has not hesitated and continues to follow up.

At this moment, Li Feng said: "Add 10 million!"

Joy didn't think much, raised the number plate shout: "1.5 billion yuan!"

At the same time, Li Feng launched the system intervention and began to affect the psychological activities of Buffet others.

"If this medicine is not only invalid, it is still poison, what should I do?"

Buffy and others suddenly rose such an idea. This idea appeared, it could not contain the fullness of their minds, so that their heart beat, the palm sweating.

On the road they succeed, it is inevitable that some people will be sinned, and some enemies are like Li Jiaze once experienced the kidnapping crisis.

The rich people are very cherished, so no matter the best security, they need the best security, the water drunk every day, the fruit dessert, meals, and the food must be safe to prevent being poisoned.

In case, there are enemies to know that they want to continue their life, and use the auction to return to the old Tong Dan to let them take the initiative to spend money, then I will eat it.


Because this thought, Buffali, Li Jiacao, Mark and other super rich are pensive.

The time gradually passed, and there were no one bid, and the auctioneer had to shout: "" 1 billion million dollars first ... "

"1.5 billion million dollars second ..."

"1.5 billion billions of the third ... transaction!"

After shouting, the auctioneer is ignorant, not ... he clearly can use more inflammatory language to fool this to help the super rich to continue to follow up, why did he shouted three routine words?

Nima, just now, what is it thinking, is the brain show?

Backstage, Saxon's tops want to kill this auctioneer.

It is clear that $ 1.5 billion is still far from these super rich psychological bottom lines, and they once think that these Rich will carry bid to $ 3 billion.

The $ 3 billion is much smaller, but it is not what is the super rich of these billions of dollars.

However, this dead auctioneer has dropped in the hammer at 1.5 billion, he knows how much loss does this cause this to give auction? !

"My God ... I took it? Is it mine ?!"

Qiao Yi can't believe in your ears!

Other riches are a little dare to believe this scene, Joey, who is about 20 billion, actually defeated hundreds of billions of people, and won this return to the old Tong Dan?

I rely, this is too ridiculous!

At this time, Li Feng also withdrew the psychological impact of Buffet, Bafin, Mark, Li Jiazhi and others went to the gods, and the mood was very complicated.

They don't understand, why have you floating the idea in your mind, and so strong, so that it affects their decision?

Now that the medicinal herbs have been taken away by Joe, they regret it late.

"Congratulations to Mr. Jiao, now this will return to Tong Dan is yours." The auctioneer deeply sucking, forced himself to calm down.

Joy took a shot of his cheek, forced himself to calm down, this stands up and said: "Thank you, I am very happy to get it, really really happy."

The fellow sounds sounded on the applause ...

The next time, the Joe is credited to pay the return to the old man.

Just then, Buffy suddenly said: "Mr. Joy, can I pay attention to you?"

Li Jiaze, Mark and others have a slight change, they guess Buffy wants to say anything, I want to listen to how Joy answers answer.

Joy also understood what Buffy had to do, when you shook his head: "Sorry, I have more important things now."

The voice falls, he will return to the old Toy Dan in his hand, and he is swallowed.

Buffy, Li Jiacao, Mark and others are famous!

They also want to buy a higher price from Joy and return to Tong Dan from Joy. Result Joy does not give them any opportunities? Damn it!

At this time, the auction line hit the spotlight on Joe, the lens was also gambled to Joey, so that everyone would observe the situation of Joe.

Under the attention of more than two thousand eyes on the scene, the Qiaoyi has a significant change!

I saw that the skin on the Joy's face became tight, and the blessing body line began to shrink, and the naked eye visible became a bodybuilding.

About three minutes, Joe's appearance became a young appearance!

The audience is shocked!

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