Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1276 Chapter World Boiling

"I bought it! This is really amazing!"

"This death, why didn't I follow up? I have to hate myself!"

"Zeala, Coca! I saw anything, this is really true ?!"

"I really see ghost, I have missed what I have missed, why did I have the imagutaneous idea in my mind ?!"

More than $ 1.5 billion in the rich is more shocking and envious, and Mark, Bafin, Li Jiaze can easily take out the $ 1.5 billion in the super rich, more regrets, regret the intestines are green. .

In their own position, there is a $ 1.5 billion in the district, nothing, healthy, longevity is their maximum pursuit.

I originally used billions of dollars to exchange for 30 years. As a result ... I lost my life!

If it is not a return to the old, Tong Dan has been eaten by Joe, they will use all the way to grab it back!

Confused Joy, he kept touched his face, looked at his body, and his face did not dare to confuse.

After he believed this fact, he immediately jumped up: "I succeeded, I returned to 27 years old, which is great!"

After a mess, Qiaoyi stood Li Feng, shot his back: "Li, thank you, I am too moved, too excited, I ... I don't know what to say to express your gratitude to you. Feelings."

Li Feng: "..."

No ... You don't like this, old iron, I don't know what I have no secrets of the doctor.

"Cough, now it is not completely relaxing, you will go out, accept the interview with the media reporter outside, remember, don't reveal what you want to come out, let the people of the league personally come to you."

Li Feng squatted next to Joy.

Joy is nod, then go out of the venue under the complex eyes of each other.

Others did not leave the venue. They are mostly sitting in situ to talk to each other, and they will come to the emotions, but there are some riches that they can't sit, they will go back to the background, including Buffy, Mark and Li Jiazhi three people.

On the way, they have no talks, and the completion of the face looks very downs, and the people are heavy.

In the background, they found the CEO Brad in Saxon.

Buffe asked: "Mr. Brad, do you have a contact information that returns to the old Tong Dan?"

Brad shakes his head: "Sorry Mr. Buffy, the principal is very mysterious, did not leave any contact, each time he uses public calls."

"So mysterious?" Buffet brows, then asked: "Then you can ask him, do you have a return to Tong Dan?" I am willing to buy high prices. "

"I am also!" Li Jiazhi also nodded.

"This ..." Brad couldn't help but smile: "Mr. Buff, the principal said, and only one of the old people ..."

"I don't believe it." Buffy face is blue, if there is only one, is it possible to return to the old man?

If there is no one, there is no idea, but he knows that there is, it is also to see someone to return to the old, this is too folded.

"I don't believe it, since there is the first, I will definitely have the second, third!"

"Yes, with the current technology, it is very difficult to manufacture and return to Tong Dan, but complete replication is not possible."

"Find the person, you must find that Xiaoxia, we can return to the old child."

Everyone has lost reason this moment, what gentlemen is going to see ghosts, live more than 30 years is the most important!

"You don't have to think, return to the old Tong Dan really only one."

On the occasion of the background, there is a medium, and the Chinese man who is not asked in, he looked in four years old, wearing a well-wearing, and the temperament is extraordinary.

"Mr. Zhao, you are here." Brad recognized that the other party was entrusted auction and returning to the old people, and he welcomed the enthusiasm.

Mr. Zhao is the noble person of Saxon's auction house. After this auction, Saxon successfully launched a famous gas in the world.

Buffy and other rich people have seen Zhao's man, have a heart to make ahead, but the other party does not give them an opportunity: "Well, the auction is successful? Let the money."

"Ah ... good, I will transfer you this."

Brad did not hesitate, personally gave Zhao surnamed middle age of $ 1434.5 million.

In auction, the commission of artwork is generally 10%. The commission of other items is generally 5%. It is natural to return to the old Tong Dan to naturally not belong to the category of art, so Saxon only charges a 5% commission.

When Mr. Zhao determined that the amount arrived, he held handshake with Brad: "Cooperate is happy, goodbye."

It's going to leave him.

Buffy and others quickly stop him: "Mr. Zhao, I am Buffe, I am very glad to meet you."

"Mr. Zhao, I am Mark ..."

The rich and rich have also greeted by Zhao's man.

Zhao surnamed men sighed: "Everyone, I know what you want to do, but if you return to the old Tong Dan, there is only one, you are thinking, if there is a second or third, I will hide the unhappy selling?"

"If you can mass production, you will be the most important thing in the world."

"I have thought of it, but I really don't have it, it is impossible to copy, so ... I died this heart."

The super rich is not talking. It is indeed, if there is them them, if there is still a child, there must be a child, and it will find ways to take the biggest profit, not hidden.

Is it really like a man named Zhao's man, will there be another return to Tong Dan in the world?

Just as everyone was silent, Zhao surnamed men squeezed the crowd and left here.

Out of the hotel, Zhao surnamed men came to a unmanned corner and disappeared in the night.

A few minutes later, Li Feng came from the toilet of the hotel ...

On the other hand, Qiaoyou came out of the hotel and took the initiative to accept an interview in front of the media reporter.

Because the organizer does not allow the reporter to enter the venue, these reporters are now scratching, and the urgent wants to know who is returning to the old Tong Dan. Who is taken, what price is taken, how is the effect ...

At this time, Joe was sent to the door, and these reporters were naturally ecstatic, then they were like ghosts.

"Oh, I don't want to tell me that you are Qiaoyu!"

"Qiaoyi? Is it true? Joey ?!"

Looking at the appearance of a few years ago, these reporters are all in front of them.

Watch live broadcast in computers, mobile phones, and TV.

"Yes, it is really me, I took the price of 151 billion dollars to take the old Tong Dan, and I used it on the spot. Now I feel that I can't finish it, I am 30 years old!"

Joy is hand dance, excitement.

The scene is a quiet first, then it is a surprise.

Then, the whole world is boiling!

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