Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1279, fans's carnival

Buffy's behavior is not an example, all the super rich people who have a strong desire to return to the old man, are looking for Zhao surnames, Huaxia men with their own way.

Just let them disappoint, Zhao's man is like disappearing from the world, no matter how they find it, I can't find a clusker with him ...

At the same time, Joey returned to the 27-year-old news that he had been fermented on the Internet. It is quite true with this message.

After the auction is over, the news about returning to Tong Dan is coming out on the Internet. Everyone knows that the old man is from Huaxia. Everyone knows that the old man is an antique, and everyone knows that there is only one to return to the old man.

For a time, the eyes of the world have turned to China.

The Chinese people have launched a man who is looking for a man named Zhao, and everyone wants to know who the mysterious Zhao surname is. Does he really do not have a third return to Tong Dan.

There are also some riches, experts call on Zhao's men to stand up, and cooperate with research institutes to reverse research and development and return to the old Tong Dan. If it is successfully developed, it is a good thing to benefit the whole human beings.

Just, no matter how people find it, how do experts appeal, Zhao's man is like a human evaporation.

Just when I was looking for a man named Zhao, a message about NBA appeared in the Internet, and Joe was sold 49% of the shares to a mysterious rich man from Huaxia.

Joy holds 60% of the wind, which means that the mysterious rich acquisition of 29.4% of the wind team.

The transaction has been consent through the NBA board, and this Huaxiane will become one of the bosses of the wind.

Sports media smells, and they have found them to interview. Joey admits that this is, and this mysterious rich man from Huaxia is the boss of Osweil. Li Feng.

Not only that, Joe is also open to admitting more excavations from Huaxia in the future.

This news came out and immediately ignited the enthusiasm of Huaxia fans.

The NBA Alliance has always represents the highest level of world basketball. If which Huaxia players can enter NBA play, they will be received by all Chinese fans.

Just because of the influence of various factors, the Huaxia players who can embark on the NBA are still countable. In recent years, even a Chinese player has not, let the vast fans are very regrettable.

Now, the Chinese people have become the boss of the NBA team, although the boss, the team does not have a heritage, but it is an NBA team.

The so-called tide is good, and Li Feng operates from Zhong, Huaxia players will be easier to enter the wind, each game can be handed over with high level athletes.

In such an environment, it is certain that the ball skills will definitely rise. When they arrive, they can have a big skill on the international competition, lead Huaxia team to achieve better results!

For a time, countless netizens poured into Li Feng's Weibo, and I gave a message to express excitement.

However, this is just the beginning, it has not been a few days, and another excitement message came out - Joe Ye has decided to return to the game, and the team he is about to join is a wind!

This news came out, the world is inherent, the basketball fans in the world are crazy!

Just now there is a problem, the NBA player's transfer window has been closed, I want to see that Joy playing can only go to the next season, this is a very cattle thing.

Just when the fans saw Joy to watch Joy next season, the League President Zach Hicks urgently held a board.

"Gear, I convene everyone, I want to discuss one thing." Zach Hicks sat in the host, and glanced.

", let me guess what you want to do." The Lex's boss knocked on the table, Shen Sheng: "You want to change the rules, let Joy join the wind team, right?"

"Oh, see ghosts, this can't, this is absolutely not."

"This is never allowed for a player to change the alliance rules."

If you are seeking Zach, a team owner has expressed his opposition.

Zach Hicks Face Micro-Change: "Yes, I really want to temporarily change the rules, let Joy join the wind, how have you ever thought about this change to NBA?"

"The wind team will enter the playoffs and bring losses to other Eastern teams." A boss of an eastern team cold channel.

"Yes, the strength of the Joy peak is obvious, his joining will bring a transformation to a team, now the wind is ranked ninth, and there is only one win game between the eighth, Joey now Join, the wind strokes are squeezed into the top of the plate. "

"This is unfair to other teams, open up the transfer market is open, can't just open it for a team."

Other bosses have also published their own opinions.

Zach Hicks sighed: "I know that you have analyzed, but have you ever thought that what other changes will Joeay bring to the league?"

Can a few a fool in the team owner? They all know what Zak wants to express, nothing more than raising the ratings, increasing the exposure to other teams, so that the stock prices of each team have gain a certain degree of growth.

These are the team bosses want to see, so they will not really refuse Joe joining the wind, they just want to get greater benefits.

For the team boss, the champion is very important, but the benefits are more important!

"Zach, the truth, you want Joy now to join the wind, but the transfer window is going to open."

"I also means, as long as other teams can trade players in the free market, we will not be opposed."

Zach Hicks is like this, and he will not stick to it, and take a board: "Well, then this season will break once, tomorrow's free market is re-opened, last week!"

Just an end, the news that the transfer window temporarily opened is not awkward.

"Lying? That's it, can I see the game playing on Joey soon?"

"The money is big, I am going!"

"I can't use words to describe the excitement of my moment ..."

"I cried my brothers, what about you?"

At this moment, there are countless fans and weep, this moment, countless fans to book tickets for several games in the future. At this moment, countless media in the world bought tickets to the rice country, just like a victory trip ...

So, the price of the ventron owner's ball ticket has skyrocketed by 300%, but it is hard to find that the yellow cattle ticket is speculated in 2000, or the most time.

The ball ticket at the scene is coming to 100,000 US dollars, and it is no market!

The frenzy stock price lifts several daily limitations, directly skyrocketing 50%!

Even the stock market that is not too popular in the country, under the news of Qiaoyu, the news is about to return, soaring continuously!

This is the influence of Joy!

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