Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1280 Tickets

Biverly Mountain, Joey's Luxury Villa's open-air basketball court, two figures are on the court with sweat.

"Oh, see ghosts, your speed is too fast!"

"The death, Li, you are too unhappy."

"Don't fight, don't fight, then I will lose my confidence in playing basketball."

Two hands wearing a shirt of the 23rd, pushing the knee, turning the waist, gasping, and the sweat on the face drops down.

In order to recover the strength of the peak as soon as possible, Joey has begun to conduct system training.

After a few days, Joe is asked to play a one-on-one pace with Li Feng. In order to achieve the biggest practical effect, Joey took the initiative to ask Li Feng not to leave.

Then ... he was exploded by Li Feng.

Whether it is speed, explosiveness, still skill, Li Feng is winning him, and when Qiao's peak is unable to win, the result is taken by Li Feng, which makes him unacceptably.

"Yes, you let me use all the best ..." Li Feng smiled and said.

In fact, he just didn't use full effort. No matter the power, the speed is only one percent. Otherwise, he will make the Joey ball can't touch.

Despite this, he still hit a 10-0, which would be shocked by the basketball fans.

"Well, okay, my fault, I should not tell you," Joy spit out a touch, finally adjusting breathing. "

"Haha, Joe, you must not put it in your heart, I am a martial arts, not the same as you of these basketball players."

"I have the strength, speed, agility, explosive power of ordinary athletes, no matter whether basketball, football, tennis or track and field, I can rush professional athletes."

"For this, I will not engage in any sports project, which is unfair to others."

Li Feng said with a smile.

Joe is nod, after these days of contact, he learned a lot of information related to the martial arts in Li Fengkou, knowing how powerful of the high-level martial arts strong.


At night, Joe was attended a press conference. At the press conference, he announced his joining the wind team, and showed his jersey in the wind team - 23 jersey.

And Joey announced at the press conference that he would participate in the game at the homeland of the wind and the Lex team.

After the press conference, Qiao You returned to the headline of major media, and there were countless fans on the night to travel to XLT city, directly leading to all hotels in XLT.

There is no place to go to the fans, it is also optimistic. Go directly to the home store to buy tents, just camp on the street, one time, the two sides of the major trunks have been filled with various colors, become a big wonder of the local area. .

Li Feng has already taken his own private plane, and it is loaded with Joe to fly to XLT, and lived in Joy in the holiday villa in XLT.

In order to reward the crew of the crew, Li Feng delibely sent them a home ticket for one person, although it is the most ordinary watching ticket, but Shen Jiayi is excited, I want to know now One look at the ticket has been fried to more than 200,000 US dollars!


"Hey, Li Feng, I am, I am your primary school classmates Guo Meng ... Yes Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time, we have to gather well in the next day ...

Well, I will call you nothing else. I want to ask if you can get the ticket for the main game of the next day, it is best to be the scene ...

Hey, one million US dollars? Are you not a wind boss? Can you send it free?

Li Feng, I am a primary school classmate, how many years have sex, you have earned my money, I haven't let you package yet ... "

Hearing here, Li Feng didn't hang up the phone and pulled black.

This is already the name of the Nth of him to find his ticket. It is a friend who didn't contact for hundreds of years.

The face is sorry to make him a ticket to send tickets, just want to buy a few prices, and the face is thick, saying that he will send him ten eight Zhang.

There are also many kinds of Guo Meng, there are several people who send the game ...

Li Feng was bored. He is the boss of the wind team, but it is not a matter of relationships worthy of him to send tickets.

If it is close to us, send it, he is not a person who is , the problem is that this is a hundred years of changing, what is he sent?

Instead, those who are often contacted often, then did not call him to send tickets.

On the occasion of Li Feng, another call came over, Li Feng saw the eyes when I saw it, and I quickly turned on: "Tiffany, how do you think of calling me?"

"you guess?"

"Hey ... Do you want a ticket to the home game?"

"Bingo! My man is smart, hehe." Tiffany Aieri smiled at the phone.

Li Feng immediately called the world's first supermodel, I couldn't help but ask: "Do you have time?"

After he came to the country, he said with Tiffany. As a result, Tiffany was busy working, he could not run with him.

"Yes, Qiaoyi's first game must be." Tiffany said.

Li Feng: "???"

No ... The emotional young master has not seen the charm of Qiaoqi's first game? Take your heart, Tiffany!

"Okay, in fact, I am mainly going to see you." Tiffany said.

Li Feng is so good: "You have to have a ticket, no, no, I can give the staff to add a chair on the scene."

Next, the two talked for a while, and then hang up the phone.

It didn't take a call, and Li Feng came over. Li Feng saw that Sheri came, and his heart suddenly had an unique premonition: "Scarlett, don't tell me, you also want a horse. Team home games ... "

"Wow, you are so smart, I don't say you can guess, this is the legendary heart and soul?" Sheri laughed.

"... In fact, Qiaoyu has not seen the first game." Li Feng said with his heart.

Tiffany must sit with him, and Scarlet is also with him, two women meet ... That scene, Li Feng did not dare to imagine.

"Qiaoyi is my idol, you can't say this, I will be angry." Saieh said.

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "Well, since you want to come, I will definitely help you, it is ..."

When he is in the moment, he is wider.

When Scarry knew that Li Feng was in amazed with Tiffany, it was surprised that it did not add ...

But no matter what, Scarlett finally accepted this matter, and the next sentence "gives this lady is waiting", the two ended the call.

Then Li Feng also received a phone call from Al Lan Duo ...

Li Feng said with some painful brain: "Miss Ail, don't tell me, you are also asking me to play tickets ..."

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