Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1281 Exclusive interview

"Ah ... is you guessed by you?" Al Lan Duo is sinking: "If it is not convenient, even if I find someone else ..."

The relationship between Al Lan Duo and Li Feng belongs to the relationship that is not far away. Li Feng did not open it, she was embarrassed.

"No, I don't mean this." Li Feng quickly explained: "Just a lot of people call me to do it."

"That is still, I think about the way I think." Al Lan Du said to hang up the phone.

"Gate, you will be more and more black." Li Feng sighed and said: "Tickets I have, the scene, you come to XLT directly."

"Really?" Al Lan Duo did not believe his ears.

"Of course, it is true, can I still lie to you?" Li Feng couldn't help but laugh: "I will talk to the words."

Al Lan Duo believes that Lie Liao Liao Liao.

After the phone was hanging, Li Feng received a few calls to send tickets, Li Feng So's direct mobile phone shutdown, and then did a new card, and told people to get close to the next phone harassment.


In the evening, the wind is outside the home, who has already ushered in a large number of fans, they or a poster of Joe, or wearing Joy's jersey, gathering opposite the stadium, looking up at Joe's highlights.

Most of these fans did not get tickets, but they didn't have much depressed feelings on their faces, standing outside the coupling and watching the idol competition, there is such a good friend, what else is there? Enjoy the moment!

At the same time, the lucky one who got the ticket was taken into the court, and the coupling was almost unacple in the start of the play.

"Dear audience friends, everyone, here is the XLT windfall home spectral center, I am Yang Jia (I am Zhang Weiping)."

The host of the Stadium, Huaxia TV is already in place.

Generally speaking, only all star games and finals, Huaxia TV's host will live broadcast so early, which can be seen in this game in China.

"Zhang Guide, what do you feel now?" Yang Jia asked with the microphone.

"What do I feel? If the words, excitement, four words are also successful, very excited." Huaxian Zhang Weiping full of red light, it seems to be more excited.

"Have you ever thought of seeing Joe's third time?" Yang Jia took.

"Hey, I haven't thought about this problem." Zhang Weiping shakes his head into a sharp drum: "Joe is 40 years old when retiring, who can think of him can still come out, dreaming "

"Yes, I have not been able to think." Yang Jia also looked very feeling: "Zhang Guide, what kind of play is you thinking?"

"Although Qiao Yi is the king of basketball, the technical ability is unquestionable, but after all, it has not played a game for more than a decade, but also more games to find a state, I think he can take a 20 + 5 + 5." Zhang Weiping Shen said.

"You guess it is not low." Yang Jia sighed again, 20 + 5 + 5 is already the data that can be played.

Some people will say that there are many rookies in the first game, there are many 20 + 5 + 5, but don't forget, those rookies are outstanding players selected from the university team, they are not like Joey. I have not yet played a career competition for a few years.

The machine will not be rusted for more than ten years, and the people are the same. The king of basketball is no exception.

"Yeah, if you change others, I will definitely not guess, but this person is Joey, any guess is possible." Zhang Weiping laughed.

"Okay, then let's take a look at an advertisement first."


"Zhang guidance, Li Tong has responded to the answer, and he agreed to accept our interview."

The staff found Zhang Weiping and Yang Jia and said excited.

"Are we exclusive?" Zhang Weiping asked excited.

Li Feng is famous in Huaxia, but it is also very mysterious. It is a super big net red with a microblogging powder. It has not found any photos on the Internet so far.

I can imagine that they will interview how Long Sum will cause how big the sensation.

"Yes, Li Zong only accepts our interview." The excited breath of staff is a little urgent.

In fact, when I found Li Feng, they didn't report too much expectations. It is really that Li Feng is too mysterious. If he is willing to accept the interview, he will wait until now.

As a result, Li Feng also promised, and took the initiative to explain that only Huaxia TV interview today, which let them like it.

"This is really great!" Zhang Weiping was excited.

At this time, the advertisement time ends.

"The advertisement came back, wonderful continued."

"I ask the audience in front of the TV, you don't want to know what is the length of Li Feng?"

Yang Jia took the microphone, facing the lens, and said mysteriously.

Although the response of the audience cannot be seen, Yang Jia has made a brain to make a picture of tens of millions of people rampant.

"No matter what others want to don't want to think, I think it is very thoughtful." Zhang Weiping took a look at the time.

"To tell the truth, I really think about it. So let's go to interview Li Qi, listen to what he has to do with this game."

The voice is falling, Yang Jia and Zhang Weiping will go to the housing of the wind.

Soon, the two have seen a young man who is handsome and extraordinary, and the temperament is extraordinary.

Under the reminder of the staff, the two learned that this person is Li Feng. When the two people look at it, and go up.

"Li, I am Yang Jia, Huaxia Satellite TV, I am very glad to meet you."

"I am Zhang Weiping, you are always Li."

"Hello, I really like to watch two programs." Li Feng shakes behind the two people.

I finally saw that the netizens of Li Feng, the real-faced netizens were excited.

"Wow, I didn't expect Lee to be so handsome!"

"The sister decided, from now on Li Feng is my husband, no one will grab it!"

"It's over, my sister felt that I am in love ..."

"Lying in the trough, there is still a man who is more handsome than me? Not scientific!"

"Oh, why do he have money so, can you be so handsome? What is it!"


"This is the case, can you say why you want to buy a shares of the wind?" Yang Jiayou saw the mountain.

"First, I really like basketball. Secondly, I hope to see more Huaxia players appear on the NBA's stadium, this is the reason I acquired the wind team shares." Li Feng laughed and replied.

"It seems that Li is also a basketball fan." Zhang Weiping said with a smile.

Li Feng nodded: "Yes, I like watching basketball game when I am in high school."

"So, is Li, do you have any opinion on this game?" Yang Jia asked.

Li Feng's answer is very simple, two words: "Win."

At this time, Yang Jia and Zhang Weiping were stunned.

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