Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1282 dares to say

Under normal circumstances, the NBA bosses give a ambiguous answer when encountering this problem.

For example, "I believe that the strength of the wind is winning" or "I certainly hope that the wind is win, but the XX team is also very powerful ..." Wait.

Look at Li Feng, I will have "stable and win" directly. Is this too confident? It is important to know that the opponents of the wind tonight can be the best in the Lexing of the Alliance.

The last vency was hit by a 96-127, and the third quarter had not ended. If the whole main force is playing, it will definitely be exaggerated than this.

Although the wind is a joy of Joy, the strength is high, the Keles also has the first person of the league, um ... should now call the first person to be more secure.

But no matter what, LB's strength is obvious, coupled with the Lex team and another giant, the day before yesterday, a good 3D player is signed in the Chinese contract, and the team strength increases again.

And Qiaoyi hit a career competition after more than ten years, and he can play a few percent of the peak power ...

In the case of a few factors, the wind team still can't talk about the "stable" Lex.

Although Li Feng's answer is expected by Yang Jia, Zhang Weiping, the two are extremely excellent hosts, and the ability to start the field is very good.

"It is very confident that Li Pi is very confident on the strength of the wind, and we have a higher expectation in this game." Yang Jia smiled.

"Yes, Zoro is great, the play and the Lex team have lost, but although it is proud."

"This time I have added Qiaoyi, they will definitely be shameful." Li Feng once again said.

Yang Jia: "..."

Zhang Weiping: "..."

No ... You say that we can't pick up a big brother!

As everyone knows, as the host of sports programs, it is impossible to expose obvious position in the program. For example, Yang Jia, Zhang Weiping now says that they also say what they are also optimistic about the wind team to win this game, will be suffering from many netizens. .

"Cough, Li, I ask you again, what is the idea of ​​the development of the wind?"

Yang Jiao coughed and metaplas.

If Yang Jia has a foresight, it will regret it. If you ask yourself, because Li Feng's answer is really exciting!

"I have the goal of Joy to win the championship within two years, and it has become the team with the highest market value of the NBA alliance in three years. I got six joints in seven years."

"As for seven years later ... to see Qiaoyi, don't continue to play, after all, a person wins too much, always produce fatigue, maybe he is going to play baseball?"

Li Feng said with a smile.

Yang Jia: "..."

Zhang Weiping: "..."

Not ... Brothers, who gave you the courage to say this? Do you dare to say that we don't want to broadcast well?

Not right ... this is a live broadcast!

"Li's strength is not the general people can match! Because of the time relationship, today's interview will come here, thank you, Li, I will take the time to accept our interview, thank you."

After the words, Yang Jia, Zhang Weiping, and Huaxia Satellite TV, who had escaped to leave the court.

When the trough, this big brother is too fierce, every sentence is scared to death, if they interview, the ghost knows how the Li Spring will give the Answers?

Nima, before Li Feng, they still felt that they were very fortunate. Now it is simply a pothole!

"Hey, how can I go, I still have a lot of words to say."

Li Feng is very disgraced. He is so good to accept an interview. I am domineering in front of the camera. I haven't been addictive. How did two teachers have left?

"Boss, haven't you see that their face is frightened?"

The staff of the ventron reminders.

Li Feng touched the chin to consider a while: "Isn't the light playing?"

"... I really don't." The staff wants to cry without tears, and this new boss looks not too reliable.

"Yes, let's go, let's talk about it anyway." Li Feng smiled and swayed and continued this topic.

Where did he see Yang Jia? Why did Zhang Weiping suddenly ended an interview? But he doesn't feel wrong with your behavior.

He is to use this interview, let the world know his wild look, while giving the team, also gives Qiao's powerful power.

After all, Qiaoyi won two three consecutive men. When I just came out, I perhaps the desire for the championship would be very strong, but I was playing for two years three years later. Is there a strong winning belief?

Perhaps, maybe not, but Li Feng has been reported to go out, Joy will have, no Li Feng will make him

Once again, Li Feng is to set it to himself. He is the only Chinese people in the 32 team boss. Westerners don't pay attention to the medium of Zhongmong. The Snowing you, the more you, they get it more inch.

So Li Feng is more arrogant than others!

At first, he will definitely cause huge controversy, and will definitely lead to countless screams, but the strong will not care how others look.

Wait until the time passed, his words were verified ... Hey.

As Li Feng expected, after the end of his interview, there was a sound on all major social platforms in Huaxia.

"Hey, he thought he was, how many stinky money can you want? This is NBA, there is no money to win, let alone six joints!"

"Oh, winning the championship in two years, this season has been half a season, that is, the next season's wind is going to win? Buffling does not play a draft!"

"IMHO, Joe's first won the championship, and has passed the 7 years. At that time, there was a PP and other excellent character players. What is the wind? Hi, he and Joe? The position of the Iraq is overlap, and the PP does not get the role of the PP in the Noy, so it is impossible to win in the two years. "

If you have Li Feng, I naturally support Li Feng.

"There is a saying, I think that Qiao Yi is everything possible."

"Oh, if Joy is not retired, he can get eight joints, I said."

"The current NBA has been completely different from the NBA 30 years ago, and there is money to win the championship. Do not believe we are walking."

When the game is about to start, this news has passed to the whole world, so the world's social platforms have been quarrous to this day.

In the course, more and more famous currents have arrived at the scene, and there were still a good thing in the event. There were 79 people in the top 100 in the top 100 in the country.

Big card director, Hollywood big wrist, Gerami Changke ... and even the first few rice countries have come three.

Today's XLT spectral center stadium, starlight!

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