Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1284 Returning

Everyone has a question in my mind: "Does Joe be playing a division? How do I run the position of the ball behind?"

In people's mind, Joy is the first to score the defend, and the score is Joe Yes, and people come here to see Joe's offensive performance.

Now the coach of the wind is to let Qiaoyou go to control the ball guard? Is he idiot? !

Whether it is a live fans, or the fans who are waiting in front of the TV screen, they have begun to jade the coach of the wind, and the snows in the field.

The wind team is standing on the field, and the look is a little dignified.

Obviously, he knows that these people are , but this arrangement is really not what he makes, but Joe is active.

He can only pray that Ji Yi can play a good performance in the game, otherwise he will do a good job in countless fans.

"Zhang Guide, don't you remember that Joe Ye had played a while for a while." On the media seat, Yang Jia is weird.

"Remember, and I remember very clearly." Zhang Weiping was slightly agglomerated.

"That guide you can introduce us to the specific situation of Qiaoyu's control?" Yang Jia said.

A large part of the Chinese fans don't know this, and they have come to the spirit, they are got up in front of the screen.

"It's such a thing, during the 1988-1989 season, because the GN organization is injured, as an experimental lineup, Joey, the first guard."

"Results Joy showed its own all-around, a total of 11 games, a total of 33.6 points, 11.4 assists 10.8 rebounded three-parallel, 11 games in 11 single fields, And three consecutive three pairs. "

"So, if the season Joy has been playing the back of the ball, he is very likely to win all three pairs of seasonings."

Zhang Weiping is a professional commentator in the field of basketball, and various data are open.

The fans in front of the screen listened, I went, Joe's father is worthy of Qiao's father, playing the ball guards so cow.

"Then, if Qiaoyu has been in the NBA, it will control the guard. How will it be a scene?" Yang Jiafu thinking, launched Lenovo.

"The career field is three pairs? Of course, this is our imagination, there is no thing that happens, we can't get any conclusions. In short ... Tonight, Joe is taking control, may give the wind team unexpected changes. "Zhang Weiping said.

Many people have heard that "the genius is 1% of the inspiration plus 99% of sweat", but they don't know, there are two sentences behind this sentence - "But the 1% inspiration is the most important Even more important than that 99% of sweat. "

The inspiration is actually talent, there is no talent, and how hard it doesn't reach the height of the genius. This is very depressed, but I have to recognize this fact.

Joji is to let the talent of the players feel depressed. It is clear that he has been playing the defender, but it is changed to the position of the guards. Can you still crush other excellent point guards, and Tianqi?

With a whistle, the game begins.

After the jump ball, the ball was taken by the Rick team, the Lex team was pushed to the frontcourt, then handed the ball to the lb's hand.

LB hit the small forward position, defending him is the small forward of the wind.

LB holds the ball single, attracting the private room, other players keep switching, take away defensive players.

Just as people think that LB relies on personal abilities, LB quickly shot the ball to the shooter outside the three-point line.

At the same time, Qiaoyou who is responsible for defending the Leike-guarded guard suddenly started, directly to the Leike shooter, at a moment of the opponent, the right hand!

The ball was taken by Joy!

After getting the ball, Joe was started again, and rushed to the retick team of the empty one.

LB annoyed, fists, got up, it is just that his position is before, the speed is going to be Qiao Yi, and it will not catch up!

Arrive near the three-point line, Joey is holding the ball, take a big step, after three steps, the right foot is just stepped on the free thistle, with a force, the body is tall, and the right hand holds the ball and goes. .

A surprise sound was sounded inside and outside the court.

Then, Qiaoyu took the body in the air and pulled the ball into the basket!

At the same time, LB chased it. When I saw Joe, he began to slow down. When Qiaoi took the ball into the basket, LB can only helplessly helpless, looking up, look up. Joe.

This scene was captured by a photographer, and this photo became an eternal classic ...

When Joe is landed, there is a quiet place in the court.

Then, Qiaoyu left his hand, and his right hand was high, and there was a happy voice that built the roof in the stadium!


The fans who watched the stadium outside the stadium were also crazy, shouting "MVP" in the same place, just like a holiday.

The fans who watched the game around the world have also been exhausted.

For example, in the university campus boy dormitory in Huaxia, suddenly the mountain is shaken, killing the pig's voice sounded, the girl in the opposite girl's dormitory is also thoughtful.

No one thinks that Joy will use such a dunk to declare his return, and only take a dozen seconds. Joe is brought such a performance. If you don't say other, you will take this ball to the price. !

In the future, Joe's ball is given the name "Returning to the Return", just like "Theshot", like "Century", became a representative of people.

"Joe, I really didn't expect your state that would be so good, but I won't be admitted to meet the failed preparation."

Lb went to Joy and said in parallel.

"I think you still want to face the media's interview after you want to lose."

PK trash, Joey will not lose, after this sentence, Joey ran to the backfinder, and the teammates celebrated.

The next time, LB took out the attitude of the play-up season. After passing the room, he took the initiative to take the ball, and the rebel player was crushed to enter the ball.

2 to 2 flat.

Then, the wind is served, and Joe is found after half a game ... defense his players only one!

I went, he went to the defensive strength of him, two to three people wraps him. Now this kind of rushed defensive strength, the Lex team actually sent a player to prevent him?

This scene also caused the dissatisfaction of the fans in the field, Nima, single defending Joe, this is the disrespect of Joy!

The snoring!

This is naturally the arrangement of the Lord's coach. He feels that Joyang is re-out, and the state is definitely not, and it is also a ball guard. It does not have to carry him double wraps.

Just he didn't expect that his move was completely irritated.

"Don't look at me? It is a bit means ..."

In the eyes of Joy, there was a cold light. After the defenders took a few times, he suddenly took the jumped.

The defensive personnel react is also very fast, and the cover is jumped.

Then he knew what is called a lag ...

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