Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1285 unexpected assassination

"Qiao Yi has a lot of ability to arrive in Jinjin, and it is one of them."

On the side of the scene, Li Feng saw that the defenders jumped from the Feng Qiao, and said such a sentence.

On the side of, Scarleti, Tiffany attached to nod, but did not give a response, still looked at Joey on the court.

Li Feng felt that he had been cold, and the two watched him wanted to work with him. Why didn't you talk to him?

Baby is bitter, baby is not happy!

On the court, the Leike player who jumped the cover was suddenly found, he has started to decline, Joe is still in the highest point!

Joy is shot when he is going to land!


The ball has passed a beautiful arc in half air, and the response falls into the hotel!

Three points!

Qiaoyou handed his mouth and hammered his chest.

The audience screams!

At the same time, many fans have exposed a look that they don't dare to confuse.

In their impression, the three-pointers are Qiao's short board. She once gathered at the all-star three-pointer competition, got the lowest 5 points in history, which also became a shame record of Joe.

How did this come back to the first three-pointer?

In fact, this is a misunderstanding of Joy, in the early stage of Qiaoyi, his three-pointers' hidden ratio is indeed a bleak, but that is because he is not a three-pointer at all, and the field will not be a three-pointer.

Usually, the offensive time is coming, and the rush is three points, and the hit rate is no height.

However, when the Joy affairs three times, the three-pointer-hit rate is still good, some people have done a statistics, and Joey has a total of four seasons and three-pointers more than 200 times. His three-hit rate in season was 38.3%.

The number of three points in these four seasons is about 60% of the total career!

There is also a data that is also very possible, that is, the finals of the finals, the three-point hit rate of the 1991 finals is 50%, 42.9% in 1992, and still 40% in 1993.

Joe's three-pointer, the final season, the more tensionful competition, the more cautious, the more, the three-point hit rate is also higher.

So Joe is three-pointer.

Moreover, after retiring, Joey can't fly like a young man, I can only practice shooting. This practice will practice a super high three-point play rate ...

Of course, no one is now aware that Joe Ye has developed three-pointers, after he put this three points, the Lex team still did not change the defensive attitude toward Joe, or the outside line, etc. Rush into the inner cable and double wrap.

Opening is a 5-0, which makes the Rick team is very unhappy. The Lex's three giants come out of the play-up attitude, and beyond the LB.

2 to 5!

After the next goal, after the attack and defense conversion, the Lex team also rose to the strength of the playoffs - the whole game!

When the Joy groom was advanced, LB was self-discussed in front of him: "Joe, this goal will not let you be entered."

Joey, laughed: "LB, you have the determination to prevent me, this is very gratified, but is determined to have the ability, right?"

The voice falls, Joe is suddenly accelerated, and the work is to break through the left side of LB.

Qiaoyi's fake movements have become affordable, strong, such as LB is also inevitably, when he moves on the left, blocking Joe.

At the moment of traversing on the left side of LB, Joeei took the ball back to one, such as a lightning shot from the right side of LB.

LB is a super superstar. When you find that you have been swaying, turn it out immediately, at the same time, an early retry player will lead to the front and rear clips, with LB.

Joey saw the situation wrong, immediately stopped the body, wants to force the jump shot, see, and the players high jumped to make a closure action.

Joe's actions attracted most of the other players of the Lex team, they did not notice that the venom players who were missing were appeared in the position not far from the basket.

Just when people think that Joe is forced to force, he suddenly does not look at the passers-by, the bottom of the basket!

The ball, such as the guided missile, is generally accurately fell in the hand of the vented venom. He doesn't need to adjust again, just lay the ball directly!

2 to 7! The wind team continues to lead 5 points!

"Don't forget, I am now holding the ball guard."

In the face of LB chased, Joy is blinking.

Lb: "..."

From the opening day less than two minutes, Joe is invited to explode the bombing, smooth, such as silky, and super tissue capabilities.

Joe's state is not like a person who has not played a career for more than ten years!

Of course, the Lex team is the team's team's team. Even if Joe is so terrible, it is still unable to stop their determination they want to win.

The next time, the Lex team firmly grasped each offensive opportunity, and even in the middle.

If it is changed to the previous wind, it will definitely fall into the passive situation in this wave of attacks in the Lex team.

But with Joe's joining the situation is completely different. Every time the Lex team has, Joe is always a response.

He or uses ultra-high personal single ability to score, or uses superior organizational capabilities to pass the ball to the most suitable teammates.

When the first quarter ended, the score is fixed at 26-128, and the wind is 2 points.

In this section, Qiao Yi is 12 points, and sent 3 assists, two of which helped teammates in the three-pointer.

In other words, there is 20 points in 28 points, Joey's direct or indirect manufacturing of 20 points!

In the second quarter, the game is still anxious, maybe Qiao is in order to preserve physical strength, put more energy in the organization's attack, and the score will decline.

But this section of Joe is still got 8 points, but assists 5 times, half battles, Joe's data has come to 20 points 8 help 5 rebounds 3 steals 1 cap, filled with data columns.

However, the Lex team also completely played the role of the three giants. They played at the offensive superchard, not only squaled, but also in the second quarter.

Finally, the divided grid is 52 to 48, the Lex lead is 4 points.

When I took a break, Zhang Weiping sighed: "I have to make a self-review, the data of Joey in half game has reached 20 + 5 + 5, I still underestimate the king of the basketball."

"Yeah, who can think of Qiaoyu in the first game," Yang Jia also sighed.

When the two players lay, the most famous acrobatic group in the whole country began to perform performance.

The first thing to debut is a clown. He rode a wheelbarrow, and he keeps throwing five things, apples, oranges, bananas, cucumber, and a small fruit knife.

The clown performance is in exchange for the applause. When he is about to retreat, a horrible breath suddenly broke out on him. At the same time, the fruit knife showed a red man, straight to the land of Li Peak door Go!

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