Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1286 Clown


People still scream in the stadium by this scared loudly.

Don't say why the fruit knife will burst red, say that this knife throws away, it is enough to make people fear, not to talk about the happiness of the clown. .

On the media seat, Yang Jia, Zhang Weiping was also scared by this scene, and the two were really scared from the seat.

This is assassination! And it's a person who is in the middle of the audience, it is not a viewer who is watching the live broadcast of the live broadcast!

The audience who is watching live broadcast also has a screaming.

All this happens too quickly, do not give people a time to react!

Sitting in Li Peak, Tiffany is also shocked, but the two women did not scream as others, but the next consciousness wanted to block before Li Peak.

"Two silly women."

Li Feng shakes his head, and two hands are all dial, and the two stomachs have burst into the original position.

At the next moment, Li Feng stretched out two fingers.


A loud noise, the fruit knife covered by the red sand was stabilized by Li Feng.

Under the collision of the two air, it has created a huge shock wave. The shock wave spreads all around Li Feng's fingers, allowing the audience around Li Feng to a certain degree of impact.

The light is overwritten, and the heavy mouth vomits blood!

Scarlett and Tiffany are the martial arts, the problem is not big, but Al Lan Du is just an ordinary person. She is close to Li Feng. This shock wave directly hurts her five internal organs, after a sultry, Al Lan Du can't stand it.

Li Feng brows, he can feel that the breath of Al Lan Du is very weak. If it is not treated in time, it will die in a few minutes.

The venue is quiet!

How people also want to understand why the simplicity of the effect of a fruit knife can produce such a powerful destructive power, shoot movies?

Not just the scene of the audience, watch live live audiences.

"Lying in the trough, is this new show of NBA? I have seen the playing game again.!"

"NBA this special effect can, cattle forces, love, love."

"Hey, I just scared me, this effect is true!"

"Wow, Al Lan Duo's acting is good, lying on the floor is moving, saying it back ... Is there a blood bag in her mouth? Is there a special effect after the later period?"

Perhaps this scene is too difficult to make people believe that most of the audience in the scene is not a new midfield performance program.

Of course, the audience will not think so, after a short story, the audience who has not been affected will begin to panic, and the stadium is chaos, and the situation occurs.

The most feared place like this person is the accident. Once, the light will cause a lot of casualties.

It can be imagined. What kind of rhodial waves will caused in the world after this incident, the influence is afraid that it will exceed the nine demon demon that happened in rice.

"Good skill, I can catch me, I can kill."

On the court, the clown throws away the things on the hand, and go down the wheelbarrow.

"The killing hits?" Li Feng hooked a scratch-torn smile: "You have not used it to kill, why not kill one?"

"Hey? It is good." The clown smiled: "Then you guess why I do this?"

"Before answering you, it is better to answer me first." Li Feng put down the fruit knife, cold channel: "Are you a shadow group?"


The clown made a referring: "Bingo! It's not surprising that it is not surprising to stab irritation?"

"I did not think that you would choose to shoot in this case." Li Feng sighed, then went to say: "But from your hand, your goal is not to kill me, now the problem is now ... "

"How is excavator technology?" The clown smiled.

Li Feng: "???"

Not ... this is a Chinese man, how can I know this terror?

"Don't be surprised, I am Huaxia fan, I like to study Chinese culture, I know more about China's online epidemic term." The clown shrugged.

The reporter on the media seat: "???"

No ... How did this two people talk? We are still waiting for a more exciting picture!

Yes, the fans in the venue were scared, but the reporters on the media seat did not run.

This is the urgent news, when I ran back to the boss, I can live!

Besides, as a news practitioner, although it is not a battlefield newspaper, but they all have a heart that is pursuing the urgent news. Maybe which screen is taken by them, I can get the Pulitice award.

Looking back and accepting a personal interview, participating in several TV shows, writing this memoir, is still unknown double?

"This, then we can better communicate." Li Feng smiled, then his face was sinking: "So you do this to cause confusion, or you want to be famous? Do you want to be a hidden? "

"I am very hidden, no one knows who I am, I only know that I am a clown."

Then the clown held his hands and swept the audience: "Look at these mortals, if you are in the case, isn't it a pleasing thing?"

At this moment, the clown is like the gods overlooking the human.

"That if you will take the head, you will be you. Do you feel pleasing?" Li Feng has been able to control the heart of the heart at this moment.

He saw it, this clown is a madman of anti-social personality!

But he can't kill a clown now, or say ... killing the clown is not enough, it is not necessary to recover the negative impact of this incident to the wind.

Moreover, he killed the clown by the scene of the camera, and it is spread all over the world.

Of course, he can use the system to interfere with the camera, and will also eliminate the memory of everyone in the field, but the world has seen the billion billion billion megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload. Changed?

"Why, the just is bursting?" The clown disdain smiled: "Then you try to see if you can save these people!"

The voice falls, the clown flashes a punch, and the red gas is agglomerated into the roof of the ball.

A loud noise of "bang", the roof of the alley is a big hole, and the concrete fragments are falling down like a rain, and the following is all people who are escaping.

In the face of this scene, Li Feng looks a little indifferent.

This makes Scarleti, Tiffany is very unsubstably, and Li Feng should have the ability to stop this, but why did he have no action?

Is Li Feng not a clown opponent?

Thinking of this, the two women sank to the bottom ...

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