Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1287 Behavior Art

The gravel of the roof continued to fall, built on the people of the Huang Escape, the screams were blown with the screams, mixed with bright red colors, dyed the court as a look of hell.

"You seem to be a little bit painful?" The clown saw Li Feng, a pair of indifferent, couldn't help but ask.

"Tickets have been sold out, this alto is not mine, all of you can't make any losses, what do I do?" Li Feng asked.


Not ... Why do he think Li Feng is very reasonable?

Wait, he doesn't have to make Li Feng distressed, Xiete!

"It seems that you can't stop me," asked the clown.

Li Feng shrugged: "Of course, you can be free, but can you tell me, why do you want to dress up as a clown, because I watched the movie" Clown ", I want COSPLAY?"

I nodded, and I broke a roof after hitting. The huge stone Sso was dropped: "There is such an idea in it, but this is not the most important reason, but there is only a clown body in the acrobric skills. Asphaps, and I can't see the face. "

"Of course, the most important thing is that his first appearance, you know, the night may have a lot of viewers."

There is a 15-minute walk in the NBA midfield, and many viewers will take this time to the toilet to solve the problem of the next three urgent problems.

"Oh, just want to kill someone mean?" Li Fengbei picks up, and the heart is more energetic.

"Kill one hundred is also killing, killing a thousand is also killing, it is better to kill 10,000 directly." The little ugly nodded, and he was a boxing roof, and the large stone was dropped, and many people were killed.

"You are very pursuit." Li Feng shook his head and sighed, cold channel: "So you kill the original clown, fake as him hidden in the acrobatic group?"

"Well, I didn't kill him, I dizzy him, hiding in the bathroom on the side of the room." The clown talking, while raising his hand and waved a punch.

On the media seat, a sports reporter saw a circle.

Li Feng did not wear a microphone with the clown, so they didn't hear it, but they saw the expression of the two, it was a look that a old friend met.

So Li Feng is a group of clown?

This is a super-explosive news!

When some media reporters, some media reporters couldn't help but told this guess in live broadcast.

This remarks immediately let the audience who watched the live broadcast of the pot, trough, and feelings this is not the late special effect, but true?

Li Feng is still the same as this clown, two people planned this attack?

This is the rhythm of Nima to go against the sky!

For a time, there are hundreds of millions of spectators in the world as KB, and there is a boom that caught two people on the Internet.

There are so many people in the field, just Skye and Tiffany know that Li Feng is not a group of clown, but they can't guess how Li Sum will break.

"All this should make you feel a sense of accomplishment?" Li Feng looked at the people who fled, and the tragic innocent people said that there was no expression.

"Of course, this is the greatest behavioral art in history. This is the greatest reality." The clown opened his hands and looked a bit mad.

"If someone puts your author's work thoroughly, should you be very unwilling?" Li Feng hooked a smile of playing taste and said.

The clown is first, then smirked: "Thoroughly wipe it? Who do you think you are, let so many people come to return to life? If you can't do this, don't talk completely."

Li Feng mysterious smiled: "Then I will change you."

"What?" The clown suddenly had a very bad premonition, but he wanted to break your head, I couldn't think that Li Feng can do now, it is hard to kill him? That Li Feng has to have that ability!

At the time of the clown to make Li Feng, Li Feng hit a finger.


Everything in the occasion is stationary. The next moment is like a movie, the dropped gravel flew over the sky and fly back to the roof.

People who were knocked stood up with an extremely weird posture, the blood on the body flowed back to the body, and the wound moment hea ...

The clown ride on the wheelbarrow, and the fruit he threw away was returned to his hand ...

The fruit knife flew back to Li Feng, re-flourishing, the gas was recycled, and everyone he was strengthened by the gas, and the blood of the Allanvo's mouth of the Allanvo's mouth is back to the chair.

Then the clown ride a wheelbarrow, and the player who has returned to the locker room will return to the court ...

Under the backflow, everything is retreating after the origin of the time ...

After 6 minutes, the time backflow is over. At this moment, the second quarter is over less than one minute.

"I went to the handature."

After that, Li Feng got up to the player channel.

Scarlet is facing the color, whispered self-probation: "He is very good, how can I can't support two games?"

One side, Al Lando: "???"

No ... Li Feng is very good, how does Sheri know? This sentence is great!

The media reporters have noticed that Li Feng leaving the scene of the audience, guess what he is going to do.

"Ah, we see that Li Feng left the auditorium, what happened?" Yang Jia was exclaimed.

"It is estimated that there is something urgent to handle it." Zhang Weiping said in the brain.

"It is possible." Yang Jia nodded, in general, the boss will not be returned in advance, but this is not important: "Let's cut the camera back to the court, hey, look at Joe, take the ball ..."

"Hi boss!"


Walking into the player channel, the venom staff will say hello to Li Feng.

Li Feng told the back to the prepared room while he nodded.

When I came to the door, Li Feng stopped and turned to see the men's toilet. Under the eye, he quickly found the clown original player who was dizzy in the compartment.

"No disaster." Li Feng shook his head, first put it to urgently go to the toilet, and quickly walked into the male toilet, opened the door of the space.

After that, Li Feng has walked out of the male toilet, and came to the front door to ring the door.


Soon, the staff of the acrobatic group opened the door and saw the person after Li Feng: "Who are you looking for?"

The acrobatic group has never seen Li Feng, Li Feng did not wear anything that can indicate the identity, do not know him normal.

"I am the boss of the wind team, I am very interested in the clown show your acrobric skills, so I want to meet him." Li Feng said with a smile.

When I listen to the other party is the new boss of the wind, and the staff of the acrobatic group will be very politely invited to prepare him.

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