Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1288 predicting the future

"Come, I will introduce it to you, this is the new boss of the wind team, Li Feng, Li Feng, Li Feng."

The staff took the clap and gathered the companions to together.

The members of the acrobatic group are very excited. The boss of the wind is a big person. If you take this opportunity to meet, there will be more roads later.

It's just that Li Feng's brow is gently frowned: "Mr. Clown? I am special for him."

It turned out that he glanced over and did not find the existence of the clown.

If it is in China, his sentence will definitely make some other people are not happy, but in the evil rice, people have already used this communication mode, straight, not wound around the bend.

In other words, people with high class do not have to give a low-end face, and the low-class person thinks there is nothing, who makes people have money than them?

Therefore, the acrobatic group is not only unhappy, but also said: "I just saw him."

"Should you go to the bathroom?"

"Yes, before Tony went to the bath before 5 minutes, should it be back?"

Li Feng brows wrinkled, he was just from the toilet, Tony did in the toilet, but the killer of the shadow group did not see trace.

So ... where is the clown? Don't he return to the room again before the game?

"Well, since the clown is not there, then I don't bother more, everyone see you."

Li Feng stunned with everyone, turned to go outside.

Just as he came to the door, the door was suddenly pushed from the outside.

"This place is really big, I almost can't find the way back ~"

The clown made an exaggerated expression movement at the door, looking at all people in the field, I was very proud.

Li Fengbei picks up, this understands why not there is just now.

"Hey ... Tony, how can you come back? Li Zi, who is the wind, special to come to you."

"Tony, you are very powerful, you can cause Li's attention!"

Members of the acrobatic group have expressed their envy of Tony.

"Hey?" The clown first glanced, looked at Li Feng: "How come you?"

The clown response allows the acrobatic group's companions a little hair, situation, what is the meaning of this meaning?

"You didn't listen to them? I am a special trip for you. It is the lyrics." For this time, I have repeatedly practiced the breath when I met. "

Li Feng said that it sang directly, and it sang in Huaxia.

Li Feng's voice is thick and magnetically, the melody of this song is also very pleasant, and people who make the acrobatic groups have an effort to indulge in a moment.

"The words have never expressed my affection for one million. For this regret, I think I want to sleep again in the night."

The clown is then singing, and it is also a Chinese language, but some words are pronunciation is not very accurate, and his voice is not as magnetic, and there is a little sharp, it sounds weird.

The members of the acrobatic group were shocked: " , will you speak Huaxia? Do you sing Huaxia?"

"I bought it, Tony, you really make us surprised."

"Tony, honest, how do you know with Li?"

Li Feng is also very stunned, he knows that the clown has research on the Chinese culture, but even the Chinese songs have research, is it too much?

It's hard to ... he is a Chinese man?

The clown shrugged and said: "Can I finish the words with Li?"

Others have nodded, all closed my mouth.

"This" "Looking at you" is a Chinese song I like very much, and I like the version of men and women to sing, oh, this beautiful lyrics, with moving melody, as if I am in me I staged a beautiful love story in front of my eyes, which made people feel touched again. "

The clown is placed in the chest, closed his eyes, and an intert intoxication.

"You all know, it is worth studying Chinese culture." Li Feng smiled.

The clown suddenly opened his eyes: "How do you know that I like to study Huaxia culture?"

"You told me, and you are still an actor, and you will have a shocking behavioral art in the world of hundreds of millions of viewers." Li Feng said.

Members of the acrobatic group have heard that Tony shows acrobatics, not behavioral art, Li always does it make a mistake?

"No, no right, this plan only I know, how do you know?" The less clown, the more you listen to it.

He is planning to do it later, in addition to him, no one knows this plan.

At first, he felt that Li Feng should see that the clown has been furnished, and now he feels that Li Feng should have not seen it.

"If I say I will predict the future, do you believe?" Li Feng blinked, mysterious.

"." The clown can't help but laugh: "I can travel through the future, Li Feng, you have something to say, don't waste my performance time."

The acrobatic group is scared, and it is busy reminding: "Tony, he is the boss of the wind!"

They came to this performance, giving money is the wind, in other words, Li Feng is their employer, which is crazy like this to talk to the employer?

" !" The clown snorted, and raised his hand and reminded him to a punch.

A punch, Red Mang, the man is scared directly.

Li Feng's eyes were a cold, and the body was blocked in front of that person, and the right hand explored, the white dragon claw suddenly opened, just like a whale, the red man went in.


A sudden sound, rising a good smoke in the claw gap ...

"Well?" The little ugly is slightly changed. His punch has five points, Li Feng actually passed so easily?

"Just ... what happened just now?"

The people of the acrobatic group were scared, what is the redness of the red, what is the white dragon?

Clown will also change magic?

"Are you deliberate to find me?" The clown now found that he lowered Li Feng, but he didn't understand how Li Feng found him, is Li Feng really forever?

Li Feng shrugged: "Your midfield is very bad, I must stop this from happening."

"Hey, I don't believe you have a predictive future ability! Go to death!"

The clown knows that the strength can not be retained again, the moment is full, and the fist is bombarded to Li Feng.

"Jumping beams." Li Feng shook his head and sighed, and the white dragon claws explored, and turned the clown in the palm.

Then, Li Feng squatted!


A sudden sound, the clown is directly packed!

This bloody scene was scared to everyone, and some psychological qualities were slightly fainted to the ground.

"System intervention, open!"

Li Feng no longer nonsense, directly using the system to modify the memory of the members of the acrobatic group, and clean up the scene, quickly left here ...

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