Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1289 He put on the jersey!

Shortly after Li Feng, the talents of the acrobatic group found that Tony has not returned, and the performance will begin immediately.

Under the panic, the acrobatic groups have to go outside to find Tony, who knows that Tony has come in.

" , where did you go?"

"Hey ... I went to the bathroom."

"You got ten minutes!"

"Yes, I know, I just remember that I have been squatting for two or three minutes."

Tony looked at your head. He always felt like a memory, but he is not so much now, and the performance is about to start, he must play as soon as possible.

When Li Feng returned to the stadium, the game has ended, and the player has been detained.

Some live audiences also took this air and quickly went to the toilet, everything was so harmonious, only Li Feng know, what happened to be faced.

"Li, have you just went to the toilet?" Scarlett went to Li Feng Ear and asked.

"Li, Scari said that you are very bad." Tiffany came over and said.

Li Feng: "???"

What is the gather? Xiaoye is very hard, Sch Jiali doesn't know?

"Don't listen to Tiffani, I am talking about you very good, how can I don't stop going to wash my hands so soon," Schley is smashed with Li Feng, his face is red.

"..." Li Feng's obstacles look at Tiffany, the girl, you have a big joke.

"" Tiffany smiled.

This interaction was taken by the camera, and played a 10 million spectators around the world. For a time, people were more curious about the relationship between the three people.

"I am going, have you seen it, Scarlett !"

"I saw it, Sheri really had Li Li, God, this is exactly what the little woman in love will do?"

"I am, no, Si Jiali loves to fall in love with Li Feng? My goddess!"

"Shouldn't it be ... Is Li Feng not have a fiancee?"

Yang Jia and Zhang Weiping have also seen this scene, but the two is a basketball commentator, and they are not an emotional program commentator. They can only see what they do, continue to review the last half of the game.

"Zhang Guide, do you think is the next half of the competition?"

"This ... is not very good, but there is a little, Joey's physical strength has a problem. When the second half of the session, Joji has been bent on the knee," Zhang Weiping said.

"Yes, I also found it." Yang Jia did nod, and the completion is a little dignified.

"Qiaoyu recovery training time is too short, physical estimation can not support the audience, if I am a wind team's head coach, I should rest more about a while, put the main energy in the fourth quarter." Zhang Weiping analyzed.

"If this is the case, the wind team is afraid that it is not very good." Yang Jia said.

The first half of the competition wind team can always bite the score, more than half of the credit is Joey, it is the use of powerful individual single-handed ability to serve, and use powerful organizational offensive ability to assist the teammate score.

If there is no Joe, take the attitude of the Sequence Fame with the Lex team, it is pulled out later.

Not only Yang Jia, Zhang Weiping, the other basketball commentators on the media also mostly hold this point of view, the Rick team has three giants, and the wind is only a Joey, although Zoro is the three stars before the league, but with teamwork Very general.

Zeng Joe, the wind is too far from the Rick team.

At the end of the midfield, the player re-debuts, and the two sides are still the whole main lineup.

Seeing this, Huaxia fans think that Zhang is guided, and there are many speech.

But after three minutes, Joe was replaced, and the entire third section was later.

Until then, people discovered that the pre-judgment of Zhang's guidance is really accurate, it is a professional basketball commentator.

Because Joy's end, the wind team lost the main bone, the Lex team took a wave of attack high, and pulled the score to more than 10 points. Wait until the end of the third section, the score is fixed at 85 to 70, the Lex lead 15 marks!

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to move the game when a team gets more than 10 points before the fall behind.

Of course, the team like attacking firepower, such as two years ago, even if it is 20 points to enter the last section, it is not hopeless.

But the wind is not an offensive team, and the Lex's defense is the top three in the alliance. Attack firepower is a batch, even if the Joy is full, it is difficult to catch up with the score.

"I remember that Li Feng said when I was interviewed before the game, this game's wind team was so won, is it so fast?"

"So I said that people don't want too arrogant, low-key points have not been wrong, now it is good, just when the boss's first game is blocked, it is really giving our people in China."

"Upstairs, Li Feng did not say that he represents Chinese people, how can I lose face?"

"Oh, the people in the Chinese people represent the image of Huaxia, do you dare to say that Li Feng is not a Chinese?"

"The sky is not born, your keyboard, the nozzle is as good as the night?"

Because of a story before Li Feng, there is a general ridicule of him on the Chinese network, and some rational netizens feel that this is some of them, and they have quarreled with the spray ...

But no matter what, if the wind is lost, some good things will certainly often take this matter to Li Feng.

"I need to leave."

Li Feng looked at the eyes and said with a smile.

"Do you have to go to the toilet?" Scarlet was surprised. How long is it? How can I go? "

On the side, Al Lan Duo does not care, but in the dark, the ear is erected, and the heart is dark and whispered. "Is Li Feng really unfortunately, frequent urination?"

"Of course not, soon you will know." Li Feng blinked and got up and walked to the locker room.

"Look, Li Feng is gone, he knows that he is shot, so leaving you soon to avoid embarrassment?"

"It is definitely like this. If I am a reporter, I will tell him after the game, I will ask him why the wind is lost!"

"This is afraid that it will become the stain of Li Feng's life ..."

Not only the Chinese fans are swearing about this, but the fans in other countries are also taking this, and the fans of Dongpu, A San, Goryli are even in the Internet. Even rising to the height of people. Let some of the people who know the matter of this matter can't.

Just in people guess whether Li Feng went out of the player's channel on the occasion of the wind, wearing the player's channel, and came to the fight for the wind.

Scarlette: "???"

Tiffany: "???"

Ail Lankon: "???"

No ... How do Li Feng put a jersey? Does he want to play games?

Not only the three women are awkward, the world has seen this fans!

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