Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1291 Super Three points

"I rubbed? This brother can look at it."

"What is you can, it is already great, at least I can't do this."

"Upstairs, your face can be really big, dare to take yourself with Li Feng, with my observation, Li Feng's granting level is at least career grade, his drum is very rhythm, when you are slow, people Instead of judging when he started. "

"The level of luck in the original place is really good, but it is just a good life, I don't believe he can break through Allen's defense."

On the web, because Li Feng's running ball has caused many people's surprise.

Of course, it is just that the city is moving, and the ball can not be lucky into the basket. Allen as the Lex's home point guard, although not a super superstar, but also selected the best defensive two, defense levels Both alliances can be called first-class.

Li Feng wanted to have been an idiotic dream.

Just as people or surprised or ridiculed, Li Feng once again changed the speed of the drib, and the body has made breakthroughs after the two crossed steps.

Allen is slightly changed, and the foot is moved to the left, and Li Feng will break through.

However, at this time, Li Feng suddenly returned the ball back, the waist was screwed, and he suddenly came from him.

Realistic fake movements, strong emergency stops, directly look at countless audience, even the professional basketball commentators on the media have been smashed by this scene.

"Li Feng swayed Allen's defense ?!" Yang Jia did not reply.

", Li Feng Ji, the movement is really beautiful, career-grade movements!" Zhang Weiping excitedly.

"Lying in the trough, let him have passed, I didn't see it wrong?"

"The breakthrough move is too big, and I have passed, I didn't see how he did it."

"The cattle is forcing, it is a small look!"

Countless netizens have blounded in the livelihood to express their views.

There is no snoring on the spot, and it is exclaimed.

At this moment, Li Feng passed the middle line, and a Lex team was rushed to him.

The Allen, who was swayed by Li Feng, also chased it from the back.

Double wrap!

This scene directly gave the audience to the basketball commentator.

No ... this is a special Li Feng, not Joy, and Li Feng only has passed half a game, and there is still a distance from the three points. You will play the double bag, too exaggerated?

Just when the two players of the Lex team were about to form the momentum of front and rear bag, Li Feng suddenly stopped, and jumped after picking up a boast!

"What is this doing, pass the ball?"

"Zoro is now nor guilty, Li Feng must pass the ball to Zoro."

"Not too strong, Li Feng is a posture to shoot."

"Improve the fake, this is not simple?"

"Hey, how do I feel that he is going to shoot, so far distance, too horror?" Zhang Weiping browned, and said.

"Ah, he really shoots!" Yang Jia shouted, watching Li Feng shot at the highest point.

"Hair! This idiot! He knows what you are doing ?!"

"Xie! He won't play at all, he is dragging the wind!"

The fans in the audience are crazy, and they have not yet out.

Just passing the middle line, in such a long distance, you can do it, don't say Li Feng, even if Stephen does not have much grasp of the ball.

If the offensive time is coming, choose this to shoot or have an origin, but now there is still 15 seconds, even if Stephen will not make such a crazy thing in this!

Everyone was exclaimed, and the basketball passed a beautiful arc in the air and fell into the hotel!


The fans who are screaming are like a male duck who is holding the neck, and the sound is all in the scorpion.

On the media seat, a basketball commentator is also scared by this scene.

Until Li Feng's right hand is high, the left hand is on the ear, the scene is only enough to break the roof!

The windy player also came to Li Feng to celebrate, and the Leike players were stagnant and they appeared to be hit.

"Oh, this is really incredible!"

"I saw anything, he actually put the ball into the place where the mid-one step is far away!"

All major media commentators have repeatedly interested.

"Zhang Guide, is I just look at it?" Yang Jia also, he even doubted that he had an illusion.

"Although it is difficult to confuse, this is true." Zhang Weiping said out of a temporary, and his face is weird.

Although Li Feng is very exciting, a ball does not explain too much, maybe he is a message?

Next, this round of the Ragek team is advised to advance in Allen to the frontcourt. When the chance will pass to the LB, a figure suddenly killed from the ramp, one put the ball.

"Is Li Feng!"

"Oh, he is too fast!"

The audience is shocked!

After Li Feng breaks the ball, he rushed into the Lake in the Leike team. When he had just passed the middle line, Li Feng jumped, and he didn't get the highest point. Li Feng shot.

"Hey! Come again!"

"Is he crazy, no one in front, it should be dunk! That's so stable!"

"Maybe he doesn't have a basket?"

"Lying in the trough? You said it is very reasonable, I can't refurbish it?"

"Two upstairs, do you forget the small people on the basket?"


I can't solve, basketball has rolled a beautiful arc in the air, steady fall into the basket.

Connected two points, the differences directly pulled 10 points!

A silent in the ball ...

"I wiped, I turned out again. He just isn't it?"

"The cattle is up to this superior three-point technology, you can compare with Stephen."

"It is no wonder that people dare to play. It turned out to have a superior three-point technology."

Until at this time, people found that Li Feng came to really not only experience the NBA game, he really had two hands.

"Zhang Guide, how do you think Li Feng beat?" Yang Jia couldn't help but ask.

"How to say ... At least from the current point of view, his funny skills, people's skills, the prefers on the court, and the ability of shooting ability is professional grade, but it seems to be, how to see him Down, "Zhang Weiping still did not dare to speak full.

In fact, on the current performance of Li Feng, it has exceeded the vast majority of Huaxians, but he certainly can't say this, saying that it will be sprayed.

He dares to say this unless Li Feng can take a more convincing performance.

In the cheers, the Lex team made the bottom of the ball again.

"This time you must be steady." Allen pushed the ball and reminded loudly.

The Leike player nodded, took out the attitude of the finals, and no matter how to put this ball in anyway.

"Joe, you go up and grab the ball."

The sound of Li Feng suddenly sounded in the heart of Joy, and he didn't say two words, and went straight to Allen in the front field.

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