Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1292 Attack Kaleidoscope

Allen hopped, how he didn't live in half a half, and the people came or Joey? !

Under the tension, Allen wants to pass the ball, and Yu Guang is aiming. He saw no one around LB. Before Joy rushed over, Allen took the ball to LB.

I can pass the ball in the moment, a figure suddenly appeared between him and lb, and gave the ball directly.

It is Li Feng!

"Damn!" Allen did not expect himself to pass mistakes, annoyed, fists, rushing to Li Feng, rushed over.

I lost the ball, grabbed the ball back, this is his attitude!

Just Li Feng's speed is too fast, Allen rushed to Li Feng, who was laid the ball from the randings, and did not stop in Li Feng, Li Feng disappeared from him as a lightning.

Just over half, Li Feng once again played!

Super three points!

In the fourth quarter, less than 1 minute, Li Feng continued to be three points! Directity is directly 6 points!

The audience looked at the scene, live the audience to stay, even the waves of the TV before the TV have been watching!

"Stephen, simple than the three-point technical skills, can you win him?" There is a weird asked with the Cleansing of the 'Shangjing'.

Stephen shook his head, said confused, "Honor said ... I don't know."

If it is said to be a two, it can be said to be three consecutive ... this is definitely not a lot.

This kind of super three points, even if he is also difficult to make three.

"Where is this monster?" Clay's face was more and more.

A Joy is already terrible. If you add a hit rate, you will have a high-end shooter, this vented the strength of the championship!

Not only the waist brothers regard Li Feng as a super shooter, fans, basketball commentators also think that Li Feng's position is super shooting.

On the major social platforms, Li Fengchao has become an entry in the top ten of the heat, and is rising with rockets.

At the same time, the spectral center ballhouse has become a joyful ocean, a wave of offensive high is the most exciting fans, especially in the backwardness of the offensive.

Now no one thinks that Li Feng is going to be backwards, and people have regarded Li Feng as a good helper.

"It's good." Joe came to Li Peak and took his shoulder smiled.

No one can go out of the limelight in front of Qiaoyi, and no one can direct Qiaoji to do the same blue-collar work as just now, and let Qiao's wish, only Li Feng.

"Sorry, grab your limelight, wait for a division, I will put it, how?" Li Feng smiled.

He didn't sign a contract with the team, even if it was 10 days short, it was Joe Yisheng to change his ideas.

Qiao's third time, the attention is too great, the first opponent is the first Lex team, if you return the first game, you will not fight the self-confidence of Joy, But it will let the fans disappointed and will affect the team's share price.

What should I do if I want to make a stable? Only let Li Feng go to the field, he will join hands with Li Feng, and Joe is a confidence.

Qiao shouted Li Feng, signed 10 days with the wind team, and decided that he would be on the game when the team is falling behind, so there is the end of the third section.

So after this game, Li Feng will retire, which is the only NBA game in his first.

"No, you can come out of the wind, I am very happy, we are friends."

"There are nearly 7 billion people around the world, only hundreds of NBAs can be hit, you should cherish this opportunity to enjoy this process."

Qiao Yi knew that Li Feng was thinking of chasing the score as soon as possible, so I showed a three-point three points in the opening.

It's just that the three can also accept it. If it is five ... that is too exaggerated, Joy hopes that Li Feng can use other ways to score.

But he is not good to say, can only say it next to the side attack.

Li Fengbei picks: "You say it seems to be very reasonable ..."

He understands Qiaoyi's meaning, and knows that he is a bit anxious. In this case, then he changed the play.

Soon, the Lex's player began to organize the next attack.

This time Li Feng did not go to break the ball in the first time, but he gave him a hat when he was shooting.

After the cap, the ball is in the hand of Joy, Joe You launched a fast attack, and Li Feng formed a two-faced situation.

After shaking the other party, Joy did not go to the basket, but passed the ball to Li Feng behind him.

When Li Feng took the ball, he just stepped on the free thistle. He didn't do any adjustments, and the right leg was soaring.

"I am going, what do he want ?!"

"Penalty ... penalty penalty cable dunk?"

"No ?!"

This scene made the global audience shocked, Li Feng 180 head, the body of the Chinese people, the free throw line, the buckle basket? Jane!

On the occasion of everyone, Li Feng's body opened in the half-air, the higher the flying, the higher the flying, and the top of the head has been higher than the basket before coming to the basket!

Then, Li Feng smashed the ball into the basket!


The audience boiling!

"My God, what did I see ?!"

"Oh, this is not true, this is not true!"

"This is too crazy, I can't believe my eyes!"

On-site fans hold their heads, and they don't dare to confuse.

The basketball commentator on the media also fooled, and one of them called the strangeness of the image.

"My God, have you seen it, Li Feng fined the ball and slammed the ball, this is the quality ... It's just non-human!" Yang Jia shouted.

"I want to change the previous statement, Li Feng's level is not just a professional grade, and his level should be higher than the general professional grade player, even in the NBA player!"

Zhang Weiping voice is shaking.

Li Feng, Huaxia people, there is such a wonderful performance in the NBA game, let him feel very exciting and proud of him in the Chinese people!

If Li Feng can join the national team, the picture is too beautiful, he can't imagine!

The next time, under the leadership of Li Feng, under the leadership of Joy,.

It is opposite the Lex, because Li Feng's brutal performance, the team morale has a thousands of mistakes, and there have been several mistakes.

In a wave of offensive, the wind is more than superior!

After the anti-Chao, Li Feng did not end, but continued to maintain a strong fighting spirit, and the game will be completely caught together with Joe!

Hand, air change to the basket, the bottom line negative angle jump shot, Li Fenghua as offensive kaleidoscope, use a dazzling show to completely take all the audience!

Wait until the end of the competition, the score is fixed at 95-110, and the wind is single-section, 40 points, of which Li Feng contributes 25 points!

On the reverse of the Ragek team, the newness of the wind is only 10 points, and the attitude of lb and other people have collapsed when the game has not ended!

From this moment, Li Feng became an idol of countless fans.

From this moment, people know that the Chinese people can also play such a gorgeous offensive show!

Li Feng, a famous battle!

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