Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1293 100% winning rate

"Hey, you are great, saying, your existence makes me lose confidence in this season."

After the game, LB took the initiative to find Li Feng, shaking hands with him, hit shoulders, then said.

Li Feng shrugged and smiled: "LB, you are not easy to take."

As the first person in the league of more than a decade, LB is a super star influencing a generation, and the future will be able to enter the celebrities, and historical rankings will be included in the top five men.

Such a player must have a strong winning heart, which can let him say this ... can only say that his mentality is really collapsed.

"Of course, it will not be easily contained, but you will be too terrible with Joey." LB smiled.

The single section is not a single-section record record in the NBA, but in the case of 15 minutes behind the fourth quarter, it is the first to win the team, and the single-section cut 26 points led the team to win. Li Feng is the first.

And the second half of the fourth festival is clearly closed, unless a good opportunity to vote, generally spread the ball.

It is still 26 points ... I can only say that he is too enchanting.

Single section 26 points 6 help 5 rebounds 5 steal 4 cover cap 0 mistake, this is the data of Li Feng.

Plus the audience 35 points 15 to help 10 rebounds, the two segments, two people join hands, even if the Lex team with the three giants is desperate, and which team is an opponent?

"Tell you secret, in fact, this is my last NBA game." Li Feng blinked and laughed.

LB: "???"

No ... What is the last NBA game, is it ...

"Yes, LB, Li Feng, who finished this game, retired." At this time, Joe came to laugh: "Li Feng will become 100% of the conventional winning rate of 100%."

This sentence made Li Feng thought of 100% of the ADC of Huaxia, and couldn't help but smash.

"Really, you didn't lie to me?" LB somewhat couldn't believe his ears.

"Really, after a meeting, I will participate, the public announced this news." Li Feng smiled.

"This is really too ... Suddenly." LB originally wants to say "too exciting", if you come to the mouth.

Although he is excited about this is the last game of Li Feng, it is too much to show excitement.

But in any case, this is a good news, he can't wait to tell the teammates!

On the field, Li Feng, Qiaoyi, LB, talking together

Although Li Feng does not blunt, he uses more advanced emotional into the secret, reading lips will only get a pile of garbled ...

Next, LB took the initiative to exchange jersey with Li Feng, which is the only game in Li Feng, and the value of the jersey must say that LB also wants to collect it.

After the exchange of jersey, Li Feng and Joe were surrounded by the reporter group and started the interview after the game.

Because Li Feng said that only the interviews in Huaxia TV today, Yang Jia, Zhang Weiping got exclusive opportunities to interview Li Feng.

"Li Feng, can I ask you a question?" Yang Jiaxun took the microphone's hand trembled.

Li Feng, smiled: "You first say what you have to ask, I will answer again."

"I am wrong, just ... how can you play so good? Ah, I am not questioning you, I mean ... What kind of experience is now in this?" Yang Jia's use of words I asked.

Li Feng has been sinking for two seconds: "Maybe it is a fate?"

Yang Jia: "???"

Zhang Weiping: "???"

Not ... big brother, can you talk to you? You can't guess it like this!

"Ok, just a little, it is 99% of sweat plus 1% of talents." Li Feng said again.

Although this answer is very empty, at least Yang Jia found the entry point: "That is to say ... you work hard from a small, plus your basketball talent, is there a technology?"

"Oh ... is it." Li Feng nodded, what he can say, I can't say that he has a system that is unless, plus superman's general physical fitness?

"Then how do you like basketball?" Yang Jiaguan asked.

Li Feng sinks for two seconds: "Do you need a reasons for basketball?"

Yang Jia: "... don't need it?"

"Stop stop, stop, two, then say that it is not finished." Zhang Weiping was laughed, this line said that he can say that he can say the next day: "Li Feng, have you considered the entry into the national team, Glue? "

This problem came out, the Chinese audience in front of the TV set breathed breathing.

If Li Feng joins the national team, what is the scene? Don't fight for the old life, I will win the Asian champion, and I can break through the best achievements in the past eight in the world. This is sure!

"To be honest ... No." Li Feng shook his head: "Playing basketball is just my hobby, I have more more important things."

"It is better to teach people to fish, and I can't get too big, but I will try to help more Huaxia players enter NBA, which is also a way to be a country, right?"

Although Li Feng's answer made Zhang Weiping disappointed, he had to admit that Li Feng said is right.

Basketball is a team of team, Li Feng hits such a good in the wind, a part of the reason is that Joey, Sape etiquette, if the player of the national team, Li Feng does not necessarily fight so good.

It is better to cultivate more Huaxia top players through Li Feng's operation.

After receiving the interview with Huaxia TV, Li Feng returned to the locker room.

"Hey, congratulations, 'Joy's wish' task is completed, the task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 2 million experience value, 5 million system points reward."

Host: Li Feng

Level: Half-level (late)

Experience value: 880,200 million

System score: 206 million

Conquer point: 3009

Skills: "Shen Wei", "God", "Talking Seven Steps", "Treasure Sword Law", "Void", "Fang", "Qingshan Guardian", "Scorpio Thirty-six", " "" Exploration "...

Waiting for the task: "Titanic" birth, Booler Joy's request

After reading the personal properties, Li Feng quit the system, laugais for a while, with Jojo, came to the media reception room.

"Lee, will you sign a new contract with the 10-day short expiration of the wind team?"

Li Feng didn't just took a problem.

In the face of many long gun short guns, Li Feng smiled: "No, this is the last game I played in the wind, I have retired in the truth in the game."

This time, the launch of the launch will be exclaimed!


A few minutes later, Li Feng's retired news accounted for a headline of the major network media.

People can't believe this is true, and they have requested Li Feng on the Internet. After that, the wind team officially issued an emergency statement, but the Mount Li Feng has already completed the last game.

Li Feng ... really retired!

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