Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1295 Daniel family

"No, Lee, you are just right."

Shen Jiayi squeezed out a smile and said.

She didn't know how Li Feng came here, but Li Feng's appearance can be said to be very timely.

The members of other units also looked at Li Feng, because Li Feng is the main bone of their exotic hometown.

Li Feng nodded, seeing the white man: "This gentleman, Jiayi accidentally stains your clothes is she is not right, you let her lose money is justified, but let her go home with you, is it too much? "

"I am a good money for her, after all, 86,000 US dollars is not a small money. If she goes home, she can save this money." The white man smiled.

Li Fengbei picks: "So your purpose is to bring Jiayi home?"

The white man is first glance, then laughing: "Mr. Li, please don't misunderstand, I am letting her go home with me, don't do anything else."

It's not good to watch the excitement, he is not good to take Shen Jiayi to do something else, but after you take Shen Jiayi home, what is not to do?

"I usually take only once, I never wash it." Li Feng smiled.

White man: "..."

No ... You say this, it seems like I will wear two times? Laozi is also only worn once!

"I am really happy, I don't want this lady to lose money, but I have to accept punishment, let her wash clothes are punishment to her." The white man is deeply sucking, and the face is ugly.

"Then I will pay for her, you should know that I am very rich, 88,000 US dollars are not what is going to me ... Well, given you a lot of time, I will give you 100,000 "

Li Feng smiled, from the arms, I wrote a check. I wrote a check, and I handed it to the white man.

After coming to the country, Li Feng found that the rich people like this, and the feeling of writing the check is really cool, so Li Feng also went to the bank to handle the relevant business.

Also don't say, it is a case of writing a check, it's really feeling.

Shen Jiayi had to cry, this lady was originally owed by 80,000 8. You said this, let this lady owes you 100,000. Where is this lady going?

Shen Jiayi's three views is very positive. The matter is that she is provoked. She can't get so much money. I can only let Li Feng help, but this money will definitely be returned.

As a result, Li Feng directly increased to 100,000 ... Since the heart!

"Do you know who I am?" The white man has a feeling of being humiliated. It has never been tight of the check to others. If someone else tears the check to him, except his father!

"I don't know, and I have no relationship with you with you." Li Feng shrugged and laughed.

White man is angry: "Okay, then I will tell you, I am ..."

Li Feng has been busy: "I am not interested in knowing who you are, anyway, no matter who you are, you don't have money."

Li Fengming has tens of billions of dollars, plus gold, antiques, sparsh, and system points for Tongyang, returning to the old Tong Dan ... Then, his family is afraid of a trillion US dollars.

So he said this sentence is really not blowing.

White man: "???"

What is it? This Huaxia is dare to say that he has no money?

"Kid, you are too arrogant, this is the little gratie of Daniel Group Luk Daniel!"

Daniel's hand can't see it, jump out.

"Daniel Group, one of Daniel, the three financial groups of Mi,"? "

"Oh my God……"

"Daniel Group's assets said that there are hundreds of millions of dollars? It is rich than the world's richest."

Legend has three major families, and the financial industry in Miki is controlled by these three families, and the Daniel family is one of them.

The most cattle in the rice country is the financial industry, but there is no one in the world's rich list, which is reasonable?

Because there is no one on the list, the outsiders don't know how much wealth has these three families, and they can only rumors to guess. One of these rumors is that the wealth of these three families is above trillion.

Daniel as a young master of Daniel family, the wealth of its mastery is definitely an astronomical figure, Li Feng is a team boss, what do he takes to Daniel?

"Daniel family?" Li Feng browned slightly, and the face was a bit weird.

Daniel family is also a household in Huaxia, because the secondary school history book is related to the Daniel family.

The Daniel family has hareves in the 1840s, and the industries have the most popular, steel, finance, and Daniel family name, and master the 90% energy industry in the rice country, thereby understanding that Daniel family has more cattle.

"Now I know that you are with my gap?" Luke Daniel smiled, proudly: "Li Feng, given the game I just read your game, you also play very good, as long as you leave here, I You can not pursue your disrespect for me. "

He is not a fan of the fan, and even Joe's fans are not, but this celebration of this celebrity will not be absent.

For Li Feng, which is nothing to flying on the court, Luke Daniel is very good, but now ... huh, huh.

"Sorry, I really don't know what gaps I have, I only know that you have 8,000 clothes, I took out 100,000 tickets, enough for you to buy a set of exact same clothes."

Li Feng swayed the check and smiled.

At this time, some people have already picked up the mobile phone, Luke Daniel brow, Daniel family has a guideline, which is low-key and low-key.

If you don't expose your identity, you are now known that he is a young master of the Daniel family, and the other party shakes the global Li Feng, which is taken to take it to the Internet will explode.

Daniel is not afraid of something, with the strength of the Daniel family, but the big things can be pressed, but things are big, and the development of his family is unfavorable.

"Forget it, a set of clothes, I am not so small."

Luke Daniel shook his head, and he looked to Shen Jiayi: "Beauty, just now I have a joke with you, you don't have to pay, don't put it in your heart, oh, we will soon see you again."

After saying that he was so powerful, he looked at Li Feng at a glance, leaving a black bodyguard left here.


Li Feng read the eyes of Luke Daniel threatened when he left, and his heart was slightly vigilant.

Some old man said, strategically despise the enemy, pay attention to the enemy, he can't care about the threat of Luke Daniel, but must be alert to the opponent secret.

I don't know, what kind of counterattacks will be made next after Luke Daniel ...

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