Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1296 is suddenly not tired

"Li, thank you, if you are not you, I really don't know what to do."

Shen Jiayi Liansheng Dao Dao.

Li Feng shook his head and smiled: "You are brought to rice, no matter who encounters this kind of thing, I will stand up for the first time, and I will never let you be dismantled."

At this time, all unit members including Shen Jiayi are a touch.

Like Li Feng, it is generous, and the boss who is considering employees. They are really in the first time. If there is a good boss, they will give Li Feng to a vote.

"Yes, what happened just now, how can you sprinkle the drink to Luke Daniel?" Li Feng asked.

"I just walked normally, then he hit me next to me ..." Shen Jiayi said.

"I can testify that it is really the best."

"Yes, Jiayi is in front, the man hits it from behind, it must be deliberate."

"I think he looks like Jiayi, I want to use this way with Jiayi."

Hearing here, Li Feng probably guess things through, not nodded: "I know, this is not in Jiayi, then you pay attention to safety, you can call me in the first time in any case."

"Well ... this way, I will send you back to the hotel. In the next few days, you will stay in the hotel. If you want to eat, let the hotel will send it."

Shen Jiayi et al. Also moved again.

The next time, Li Feng signed the surrounding fans, took a photo, found Scarlett, Tiffany, carrying two women to the taxi who played by Shen Jiayi, and sent them to the hotel after they left. .

"Wow, Li Feng, you are a good boss." The back row, Scarlett said.

"I think so." Tiffany nodded, meaning the finger: "The Chinese beauty called Shen Jiayi, it is really that I see it, if I am her boss, I should be more to her. More attention. "

"Yeah, have a lot of gold, you are young, such a boss is also very attractive to the women's attractiveness?" Sheri laughed.

"Affirmative, if I am Shen Jiayi, I am afraid that I will fall in love with this boss." Tiffni said exaggerated.

Li Feng: "..."

No ... You are in the group to bury me, is it? Don't hit the room for three days?

"Suddenly a bit tired, let's take a break directly after going back." Li Feng hurts, and there is no fine.

At this time, the two women can't sit.

"No, I have to improve the realm." Shergie first proposed against opinion.

"Li, how long have we not met, do you remember?" Tiffany said some remarks.

"Hey, playing a game, it is really tired." Li Fengqiang laughed and said.

"Okay, we don't say Shen Jiayi, this is always?" Where did Sherry can't see why Li Feng suddenly said, definitely is angry.

Say, this is because they said that Li Feng is careful, so Li Feng has such a reaction?

"Hey, you said this, I suddenly didn't feel tired." Li Feng smiled and came to the spirit.

Scarlett smiled with Tiffany, and the "shameless" of Li Feng has a more adequate understanding ...

There were no real estate in XLT, but before this, Tiffany leased a holiday villa. After Li Feng opened the car to the villa, the two women joined hands, when I first went first.

After coming to the living room, Li Feng looked on the sofa when the TV installed.

Under normal circumstances, when a man has two top beauty, it will not sit on the sofa like Li Feng to watch TV.

But Li Feng doesn't have any other choice. Although the two women look like it with the sisters, it is actually the first day, you said that Li Feng will help who cultivate?

No matter who help, everyone is a problem!

Scarlett glasly with Tiffany, smiled: "Ah, today is so tired, there is a sweat."

"Yeah, you must take a shower first, or you are uncomfortable."

"Let's join?" Sheri laughed.

"Okay." Tiffany nodded, and then held her second floor.

Li Feng looked at the TV picture in front of him, but the mind was all the dialogue just now.

No ... I don't have to throw Xiaoye, just right?

Li Feng lost in a time ...

After 10 minutes, Li Feng, who had just received his mind suddenly received a text message, and Li Feng didn't care about picking up the phone and found that it was sent by Tiffany.

The content is very simple, that is, an expression that hook your fingers.

Finally, Scarleti also sent a one-scale information.

Li Feng was sitting in the original place for two or three seconds, and then came to the spirit, quickly juition to the second floor ...


The next day, there is a luxurious suites in Hilton Hotel XLT City.

"Wang Yu!" Shen Jiayi threw down the king, holding the last card: "I only have a card."

"Ah, how is your speech today, why?"

"God, this is already your third bomb, and there is no reason."

Two colleagues who play with her, there is no love.

Surrounded, watching the other flight attendants can't help but smile: "It must be saved by Li yesterday, Jiayi is purely sprouting."

"Just, if you change it to me, I have long been a god of Li."

"Fast, see, Jiayi blush, was said to be central, hehe."

"Hey, you have these little wolf hooves, you know that I am talking about me?" Shen Jiayi was light, and he got up and went to "twist".

For a time, the suite is smiling, and the wind is filled.

Because Li Feng yesterday, the crew did not go out, and then played in the room.

Originally, they didn't want to play mahjong, but I didn't bring it in the country, asked the hotel, the hotel did not sell, only a few poker fight landlords.

On the occasion of the shackles, the door was suddenly rings, and the women were busy stopping.

"Please come."

The voice is falling, the door is pushed away, and the hotel manager came in with two security guards: "Ladies, who is 1306?"

Everyone looked at Shen Jiayi.

Shen Jiayi got up: "It is mine, what happened?"

"Mr. Luke lost a watch worth $ 1 million. He suspected that you stole his watch, now I have to enter your room, please cooperate." The hotel manager said.

At this time, Shen Jiayi and others were in the spot.

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