Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1297 Justice will be late

"It's impossible, I didn't have a room yesterday night. I was called here to play card today. How can I steal Lower ..."

"Wait ... Luke, Luke Daniel?"

Shen Jiayi thinks this is the key to the middle, and it will change the color!

Other crew people also responded, it became angry.

Shen Jiayi is very clear, they are not very clear. It is not a person who is not clean, how can it stole?

Now they understand, it turned out that Lux Daniel that deliberately touched Qi Qi last night, there was anything to say, and it was undoubtedly!

"Yes, it is Mr. Luke Daniel, it seems that you are not taking care of it." The hotel manager can't help but laugh.

Shen Jiayi: "???"

What did I just express this meaning?

"Jiayi, they must be good, and deliberately put them into you, this time you must not let them check the room, first alarm."

"The alarm is not good, the Daniel family is so big in the rice country, and there are also their people in the bureau."

I returned to the hotel last night. They checked the Daniel family on the Internet and found that this family was strong than they imagined, terrible.

However, the information about the Daniel family is rumors, the official information is very small, the more like this, the more I want Shen Jiayi, I think the Daniel family is mysterious and powerful.

"What should I do, I can't let them knead it?"

"Right, I will call Li!"

"To pair, Li Chi is not afraid of Daniel family!"

The flight attendants have suggested, and the rooms are in the room.

"No, I don't want to add trouble to Li." Shen Jiayi shook his head and said firmly: "Yourself ourselves, don't do a heart, not afraid of knocking, I don't believe that I don't think things, others can Press the crime in my head! "

The voice falls, Shen Jiayi took the house card and got up and walked out of the room.

The hotel manager's mouth brings a tauntful smile, and makes an eye on both security guards, followed together.

When the flight attendants looked at each other, but also quickly, but a flight attendant deliberately dragged, took out the phone to the phone to call Li Feng: "Li, Jiayi encounters trouble ..."


Shen Jiayi took the house card opened 1306 room, turned to the hotel manager: "If there is no such thing in my room worth a million dollars, I hope that your hotel will apologize to me."

"Of course, our hotel never marks a good person, and never let a bad person." The hotel manager laughed.

"It seems that it is not a barrier of the hotel manager?"

"The police will tell this way?"

I heard the stewardess of the flight attendant, the hotel manager's mouth is marked: "This is not important, ok, let us go in and try it carefully, don't waste everyone."

"Good!" Shen Jiayi deeply smoked, pushed the door, please go in.

"Generally speaking, the little secrets will hide it, then where will she hide the watch?"

The hotel manager touched the chin to consider a while, and after half of the eyes, he said, he said: "Bedroom!"


Shen Jiayi quickly stopped in front of him, he said: "With my private items in the bedroom, you can't go in."

In the morning, she was called to play cards. I didn't get a packing of things at all. I took off my clothes last night. Let these men see how can it be?

"Don't let go? Then you are a deficiency!" The hotel manager can't help but laugh.

"I ..." Shen Jiayi was said, she said after half, "I need to organize it."

"Oh, transfer to the bootsty? Do you think I will give you a chance? Let's open!" The hotel manager pushed Shen Jiayi, with two security guards walked into the bedroom.

The flight attendant is indignant: "Rely, these rice people are too polite!"

"Push the customer as a thief, but also rudely, it is really a bastard!"

"Forget it, let it endure." Shen Jiayi sighed, educated her from the little family, I must have more tolerance, now she is going out, it is in a foreign country, except for patience, she can't find it. Good way.

"Well, believe in justice, believe in the law." A flight attendant comforted.

"Although Justice will be late, it will never be absent, but the law in the country is, the law will only protect the rich people."

"Oh ... you said it is very reasonable, I actually be right."

It's not ten years ago, many of the Chinese people already know what is the situation in the country, it is a paradise, but it is just a paradise of the people ...

During the speech, they followed the hotel staff to Shen Jiayi's bedroom.

When I entered the door, everyone saw a white underwear in bed, plus a black stockings.

Seeing that the hotel manager looked at Shen Jiayi with two security guards. It seems to look forward to it.

Shen Jiayi face is red, cold: "This is the reason I don't let you come in."

"Is it? Then I am not just right." A voice came from everyone.

Shen Jiayi's face is slightly changed, turned around, and see Luke Daniel led a group of black clothes.

"Mr. Cark, how come you personally, this small matter is handed over to me." The hotel manager came to Luke Daniel's body and nodded.

"This is not a small thing, I still have to stare at you." Luke Daniel shrugged and laughed.

"Yes, you have a self-staring at us and there is a power." The hotel manager continues to nose, and then turned to two security guards: "Search, try carefully, don't let go of any suspicious place!"

Two security guards just had to act, Luke Daniel suddenly said: "No, I have to come to you."

The voice is falling, Luke Daniel went to the bed, leaned over and took the set of white underwear, turned to see Shen Jiayi: "Wi-mou? Good taste, you should look good."

Shen Jiayi Xiuji Microstruck: "Please let it put it down, it is my private item."

"But I doubt that you have hidden inside." Luke Daniel touched his hand, smiled: "Okay, there is no, that is in stockings?"

The voice falls, he put down the white underwear, and the hand stretched into black stockings.

"Wait!" Shen Jiayi is anxious: "I know that I haven't hidden!"

The stockings are very thin, they can see the following sheets, hidden hidden things are simply a look.

"Yes, but I still want to check it." Luke Daniel smiled slightly, reached out and picked up stockings.

On the other side, the hotel staff laughed under the hands of Luke Daniel, laughing and wretched.

Shen Jiayi is full of face with other flight attendants!

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