A big man, what is the clothes take a woman, and his expression is too disgusting?

Although Luke Daniel is Shen Jiayi's clothes, a vacant sister feels that he has also been humiliated, which is the same as a woman.

"Oh ... Sure enough." Luke Daniel shook his head, and then he looked at Shen Jiayi: "But I can imagine, you will wear it will definitely be very Six."

"You are currently!" Shen Jiayi was completely anger, this is the people of the red fruit to play her!

"Hey, don't be excited, I am just statement, and ... I believe soon I will see this scene, when you are alone," Luke Daniel smiled, finally put down Shen Jiayi's black Stockings.

When the flight attendant feels disgusting, this Luke Daniel looks quite handsome is quite temperament. How do you say that it is so wretched?

Is this unpredictable?

They don't know, Luke Daniel is indeed a very gentleman with a very gentleman in his friend. He only reveals the most evil side when we are with the base.

Obviously, these hotel staff and flight attendants from Huaxia, are the bottom people in his eyes.

"Since you are not here, it must be ... under the pillow."

Luke Daniel's mouth hook, walked to the bedside position, reached out and opened the pillow, and suddenly revealed a watch that was pressed below.


The flight attendants were surprised to cover their mouths, and they turned to see Shen Jiayi.

"No ... how will it ... I didn't steal his watch at all!"

Shen Jiayi is all, she did not see Luke Daniel today, how can I steal his watch?

"We believe you!"

The flight attendant expressed his position.

Nowadays, people who have a bit of brains can guess that Shen Jiayi leaves the room in the morning, Luke Daniel lets the hotel staff secretly into the Shen Jiayi room, plugging his watch to Shen Jiayi's pillow.

Otherwise, the hotel manager will directly ask for the bedroom search? Luke Daniel will directly search the pillow?

conspiracy! No, it's not a conspiracy, it is a positive! It is clear you, you have no way to fight!

"Look, I guess it, is I am like Holmes?"

Luke Daniel turned back to the people and laughed.

"Where can Holmes can compare with Luke Young Grand Series, you are more than Molmes!"

The hotel manager took a horse to shoot, not afraid of Holmes to push away the coffin board coming out with him.

"Oh, there is nothing, I can only find that some orders will not pay attention to the details."

Luke Daniel shrugged, then he picked up the watch, taste: "This is the Patek Philippe Star Yueku flying wheel 6002G watch, the world is limited, one of them is 13 million Huaxia coins on the Beijing BL auction. The price was taken by a rich. "

"My table should be cheaper, only spend $ 1 million, but it is directly bought from Patek Philippe headquarters," more commemorative. "

"You stole my table, if I go to the court, you are afraid that you have to be sentenced to life imprisonment."

In any country in the world, more than $ 1 million in the world will be severely criminalized, and Luke Daniel does not deliberately scare Shen Jiayi.

"But I didn't steal your table at all! It is your string to fall!"

Shen Jiayi has a little collapse, what she did wrong, why is Luke Daniel to be so?

"Failure?" Luke Daniel's mouth evoked a scratch: "Mi country is a country that speaks evidence. Since I say that I am framing you, please ask for evidence, if you can't get evidence, I But you have to tell you. "

"Theft of crime is added ... Double crime and punishment, I am afraid to tell you 200 years of imprisonment?"

Just in Shen Jiayi, I didn't know how to be good, a sintered voice came from the outside of the bedroom: "If the fact proves, it is indeed that you will be able to play down Shen Jiayi, what should you be sentenced to imprisonment?"

"Li Zong ?!" Shen Jiayi looked back, and suddenly saw Li Fengzheng is stepping around the frost.

"Ah, it is Li, Li is always!"

"Jiayi is saved!"

"Li is always, their plan will definitely be bankrupt!"

Although it is not long with Li Feng, Li Feng also lacks understanding, but the flight attendant naturally is willing to believe in Li Feng, and it seems that as long as Li Feng has appeared, everything will not be difficult.

"Sorry, I'm late." Li Feng came to Shen Jiayi to apologize.

"No ... no, I ... I don't want to trouble you." Shen Jiayi said.

At this moment, she really felt that she was bullied outside. She went home to see her family, almost cried.

Of course, she didn't treat Li Feng as my father ...

"What is the trouble, you are brought to the country, I have an obligation to bring you back to Huaxia, whoever dares to stop, I will give him a heavy price!"

To put it here, Li Feng looked over to Luke Daniel in his face.

"Hey, it is you." Luke Daniel snorted very badly.

He is odd, why he has indicated that Li Feng dares to come over, Li Feng really thought that he was a team owner to provoke the Daniel family in Miki?

"Why can't I be me?" Li Feng smiled: "I still think, I know that you are a small master of the Daniel family, don't you dare to manage your breakdown?"

"Li Feng, it seems that you are very confident to yourself." Luke Daniel spit out a turbidity and smiled: "Then you will try it, can you take Shen Jiayi from my hands."

"I have to do things, no one can stop." Li Feng smiled and did not retreat.

"You have to fight against me? Well, let's take a legal process, see Shen Jiayi will be sentenced to life imprisonment."

Speaking here, Luke Daniel looks to Shen Jiayi: "Shen Jiayi, you have to remember, you will take a prison because of me, but because Li Feng, I want to blame him to don't have to work!"

Shen Jiayi's finish change: "No matter what the results, I will not hate Li, I want to provoke our relationship ... you want to think!"

Li Feng rushed Shen Jiayi raised his thumbs up.

"Okay, this is what you said, don't you regret it!" Luke Daniel smiled and took out the phone.

"Slow!" Li Feng suddenly pressed him, taste: "Mr. Luke, I think the alarm first look at the monitoring, what do you say?"

"Monitor?" Luke Daniel laughed, said to the hotel manager: "You tell him."

The hotel manager stands out to be acknowledged: "Hey, you still have faces to monitor? In order to steal success, she has already monitored the hotel to destroy, the case is not taken at all!"

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