Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1299 Chasing Star Scene

Shen Jiayi: "???"

Lying in the trough! Can you still have a look, I have a weak woman to destroy monitoring, even if you want to plant, you have to take a reason to have a reason to say.

"Jiayi has been with us from the morning, how can we go to damage monitoring?"

"Oh, I am wondering, your monitoring room should have a special person, Jiayi a woman, how can you enter the monitoring room to destroy monitoring?"

Shen Jiayi's colleagues have hugging her.

"Oh, destroy monitoring needs to monitor the room? Just take an instrument and access to the monitor." The hotel manager is smirked.

One flight attendant: "???"

This sounds so much like a movie picture, your spyware, look, is it?

"Then you have taken out the evidence of my destruction." Shen Jiayi spit out a touch of turbidity and cold channel.

"It is only doubt that there is no relevant evidence, but I believe that after the police came here, I can quickly collect your criminal evidence." The hotel manager is smirked.

Shen Jiayi is urgent: "You ..."

"Don't be excited, give it to me." Li Feng pressed her shoulders and smiled: "Since you want to let the police intervene, then call the police station."

Shen Jiayi was shocked in his heart: "Li, this is not good ..."

They dare to call the police station, indicating that there are their people in the police station, and they will take advantage of their advantages, and if they come to some help, is it more advantageous?

"I know what you worry, but you have to believe me, no matter who come here, I will guarantee you safe." Li Feng smiled.

Li Feng's voice is like what magical is general, Shen Jiayi's mood suddenly calm down.

"Don't hit the South Wall." Luke Daniel scratched, and took out the phone and went to the XLT Police Station.

In less than 10 minutes, several police came here.

"Mr. Luke, who stole your watch?"

As soon as here, the leader of the leader asked.

Luke Daniel refers to Shen Jiayi: "It is her."

The white people nodded, and the cold eyes looked to Shen Jiayi: "Let's take it with us."

The voice is falling, and the two blacks behind him will take the handcuffs to Shen Jiayi.

"Wait a minute." Li Feng stopped in front of Shen Jiayi, saying that there is no expression: "Only by Rark Daniel's unilaterally recognized, you will take away Shen Jiayi, this is the rule?"

"What are you talking about, you say it again?" White is a long eyebrow, and a face is not bad.

"I said ... Before making a decision, you should listen to this lady say, isn't it?" Li Feng said that there is still no expression.

"Do you dare to resist law enforcement?" The white people have ever angry, and pull out the pistol and point out Li Feng. "Hold his head, kneel down!"

In the United States, the police have a lot of freedom, and ordinary people must fully cooperate with the police, once let the police find that you have threatened him, he has a big possibility to shoot.

Especially when you are not white ...

"Do you make sure I do?" Li Feng immediately knew that the police of the rice is very angry, but it is still anger after seeing it.

The white people have ever angry: "" The damn Huaxia, you dare ... "

"Hey BOSS, don't you think he is somewhat familiar?" At this time, a black police reminded.

"I also think he has some eyes ..." Another black police also became puzzled.

The white people have a long laugh: "How, he is your friend? Friends can't! We are a police, it is serving taxpayers, Mr. Luke Daniel is the largest taxpayer!"

"No, BOSS, I think he is very similar to a taxpayer, XLT is a big taxpayer." The black policequered the chin Sissora for a while, half of the hierarchy, said: "BOSS, I think it, He is Li Feng, last night with Qiaoyi, a play of Li Feng, the wind team owner Li Feng! "

"Ah, I also thought, that is, he is not wrong, Xie, I haven't recognized it!" Another black police responded, it looked some excited.

Li Feng: "???"

Shen Jiayi: "???"

other people:"???"

No ... I didn't recognize it in my clothes. Feelings, you have also seen the look when he didn't wear clothes?

"I said ... guy, you tell me clearly, what makes me put on clothes, you almost didn't recognize it?" Li Feng laughed.

"Ah ... I mean ... I almost don't recognize it in a suit. I only remember what you wear in the jersey." The black warned smile.

Li Feng said, he said: "Scare me, I thought you were voyed."

When you come out, you can't help but laugh, you can't help but laugh, and the atmosphere in the room is suddenly cheerful.

The black man is not embarrassing, this is full of expectations: "Li, you are too good, I am your fan, can you sign me?"

"Of course, this is my honor." Li Feng nodded.

That black police is excited, and now you have to take the paper and let Li Feng sign.

Luke Daniel brows jumped, and the anger of the heart was already can't control.

Special, I call you coming over to make you chasing stars? A hunger barrel, waste!

"Hey, Idmond, pay attention to your identity." White people can't see it, what is the Germun brain, when Lux Daniel is looking for Li Feng sign, is this not a light in Mao?

"BOSS, what happened to my identity?" Aidmond was a bit.

White is a long: "... Li Feng blocked us from law enforcement, is a suspect! And you are a police, you should arrest him instead of finding him sign!"

"But Mr. Li is also a super taxpayer." Edmond two hands, it looked somewhat innocent.

Another black police also said: "Yes, the wind team contributed a lot of taxes to XLT, creating a lot of employment opportunities. If Mr. Li is, it will cause a very bad impact on the XLT police station."

At this time, the white people have a little wax, but he still bite his teeth: "Edmund, this is the order!"

Of course, he knows what arrested Li Feng means what it means, but Luke Daniel is not he can bear.

The two harm have to take it light, he can only choose to arrest Li Feng!

"Well, BOSS, you are a head, I listen to you." Edmond sighed, turned to the colleague, and the two had to wear handcuffs to Li Feng.

"Two, can you listen to me first?" Li Feng felt that the two black brothers were not bad, I didn't want to come hard with them.

"Of course, you please say." Aidon shrugged.

"The truth is the truth, this Lux Daniel deliberately planted the lady, and I have the evidence that he planted straps, do you want to look?"

Speaking of this, Li Feng is going to take something from the upper pocket.

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