Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1300 Full Closeup

"Hey! You don't do this, put down your hand!"

White people re-took guns and aimed at Li Feng.

Shen Jiayi and others were scared, and they were afraid that the white people had an excitement to deduct the trigger.

Luke Daniel nodded, this white is a good dog, and he can hold a little later.

"Hey, don't be so excited, I just want to take a USB flash drive."

Room Li Feng took a small and exquisite USB flash drive from his arms.

During this process, Shen Jiayi et al. Made a cold sweat for Li Feng. What should I do if his behavior makes it shot?

Also, the white people have long lost ingredients ...

The white people have been very dark, but fortunately, Li Feng did not take out dangerous items, or he didn't shoot it.

Open, in case Li Feng killed, he will take a little in the fierce team to be dressed in the fierce wind team, not open, Luke Daniel will definitely be unhappy, he wants to be pressed by the previous Guardian crime ...

Making a dog is really difficult ...

"The evidence you said is this?" Luke Daniel did not survive in the white people, a dog would be a dog, it would not have to rush to bite people, and a positive confrontation. He doesn't mind.

"Yes, this is evidence." Li Feng played a USB flash drive and smiled.

"What is there in this okole?" Luke Daniel hired and smiled.

He has always carefully cautious, when the watch is placed in Shen Jiayi room, the monitoring will be closed, and it is not tracked, hit, what evidence can Li Feng can take?

"A small video." Li Feng shrugged, then turned to see Shen Jiayi: "Use your notebook."

"Ah, ok." Shen Jiayi quickly took his notebook, and sent it to the front of Li Feng.

Li Feng plugged into the USB flash drive, laughed: "After reading this video, I believe that everyone will know how the whole thing happens."

Hearing here, Luke Daniel has a bad hunch, but soon he shook his head and put this idea to the mind.

He is very clean, it is impossible to leave a flaw, and it is more impossible to take a video by Li Feng, so Li Feng wants to let him see what video, is Shen Jiayi's not proves?

Thinking of this, Luke Daniel smiled and said: "Well, I have to see what evidence you can take."

Li Feng shrugged and took the video.

At the beginning of the video, it is the scene of the 1306 room entrance, watching the time displayed in the upper right corner of the video, it is 8:15 this morning.

Seeing this, Luke Daniel couldn't help but smashed the hotel manager.

The hotel manager is also good, the 1306 room entrance has not monitored, even if he also makes people turn monitoring, so how did this video Li Feng get?

At this moment, a spurious figure suddenly appeared in the picture, this is a spiritual boy, wearing a shoe cover on the foot of the hotel, with a white glove.

When he came to 1306, he left a left and right, then took out a house card and opened the door to go in.

Everything thought that the next picture was that he came out from the room. Who knew the lens and turned, the picture came to the interior of the room!

What is even more incredible is that the lens has been moving behind the staff!

What is Nima horrified? !

"Ah, this is ... ?!" Shen Jiayi is surprised to see Li Feng.

Li Feng's mouth smoked, suddenly some speechless.

He is through the system to get this video, and he still spends 1000 system points. After the video, he didn't look, did not expect the system to give the lens, the whole process!

This special, how do he have to explain this video with Shen Jiayi?

"This should be taken behind him." Li Feng said strongly.

Luke Daniel: "???"

Hotel manager: "???"

No ... do this kind of thing and find the same person, and take the process to shoot, is there such a stupid person in the world?

But Shen Jiayi believes, because in addition to this, she can't think of other possibilities.

At the time of everyone, the ghost hotel staff had come to the bedroom, I saw him seeing the bed Shen Jiayi's clothing first, and then reached out the right hand to play it in hand. Get up.

After seeing this scene, Shen Jiayi became a pretty face, and these stinky men, how do you have a virtue, how do you have such an ordinary clothing to have such a big attractive?

Still Li Zhengzheng, he ... , what is Li's eyes?

Shen Jiayi turned his head to Li Feng, found that Li Feng's face has revealed a smile?

"Ah, do you like this? Heaven, not ..." Shen Jiayi is so shy, but I don't know why, she didn't feel any angries because of Li Feng's appreciation, and even some ... Self?

Why is that?

But no matter what, this continent is with that stockings, she is definitely not wear again ...

This hotel staff probably took a one or two minutes. This is reluctant to put the clothes down, then take a watch from the upper pocket.

At this time, the lens gives the watch a close-up, which is from the Star Yalui flying 6002 watch that is taken under Shen Jiayi pillow!

Then, the staff stuffed the watch to Shen Jiayi pillow, and he all wears white gloves to prevent fingerprints.

After finishing these, the staff was slightly sorted out, and finally didn't forget that Shen Jiayi's clothing smelled, revealing an extremely intoxicated expression.

Then he left the 1306 room for him.

The moment is closed, and the video is over, and the room is silent.

"Well, things will be very clear after things, then the problem is coming, the people in the video are the hotel staff?"

Li Feng asked the hotel manager and asked coldly.

The hotel manager Zhang Zhang said: "Hey ..."

He now I don't understand how Li Feng is moving this video.

"You just need to answer or not." Li Feng said without expression.

"I ..." The hotel manager is looking for Lux Daniel, a face.

"Oh, I know, it turned out that you deliberately bow, Miss Shen Jiayi, you are too shameless!" Luke Daniel pointed at the hotel manager's nose.

Hotel manager: "???"

No ... this is clear that you refer to me, how can I sell me? Don't use it?

"What do you still do, don't hurry to bring them back to the police station?" Luke Daniel gave it to the white people.

Dead priests are not dead, and Li Feng even took out this evidence, and he planted the plan of Shen Jiayi and bankrupt.

Now it can only be a strong number of broken wrists, first clear your suspect again.

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