Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1302 is so powerful! I really like!

Although Luke Daniel's hand is not willing, but it is still animate to shoot the gun.

"Li, you have seen it, my people have put down the gun, you also put down the gun, be careful to walk." Luke Daniel worried that Li Feng shot him for a while, and said.

"Let you go out first." Li Feng swept the black man and said.

"Li Feng, don't be too much!" Luke Daniel anger, from Li Feng Ji's performance can be seen, Li Feng should Karni Kung Fu, if his hand goes out, Li Feng shot him, he has a few points Probably possible?

In the morning, I should put the old tube home.

"Don't let them go out, let them thrown the guns to the ground, kick me here."

Li Feng went to Luke Daniel, and took a gun and pointed to his head.

"No! After they put down the gun, can you shoot free? Lee, I don't want to die, but I am not afraid of death, I have to throw it together, I don't want to be my whole!"

After all, Luke Daniel is growing up in the family, although it is afraid of death, but the key moment is still blood.

Just then, two black police were quietly put on the gun bag ...

"I advise you to do it as so." Li Peak did not return.

Although Li Feng did not look back, two black policet stopped the actions.

See Li Feng not actions, Luke Daniel said: "Li Feng, what do you know? First, you will be attacked, and I will threaten me. Is this in the country to judge how long you know?"

"Let's put down the gun, let's talk about it, don't do things, this is not good for you."

"Li, you will put down the gun first, there is something to say." Shen Jiayi also came over and said.

She didn't expect things to develop to this point, Li Feng can say that she can say that her family's life is touched, and I am worried about Li Feng.

"Yeah, Li, let's go out, more things is not as small as less, or count."

"Mr. Luke, you apologize with Shen Jiayi, today, this matter is, ok?"

Other flight attendants are also worried that things are big, and they have stood out.

Li Feng shrugged: "Since everyone doesn't want to make things big, I will put the gun."

The voice was dropped, he hangs down the right hand of the gun.

At this moment, Luke Daniel's mouth evoked a mocking smile. Next moment, a black man standing in the dead end of Li Feng suddenly raised the trigger!

"" "" "" ......

Gun ring!

Others were shocked, Shen Jiayi and other flight attendants were scared.

Until the black man stopped the shirt, the gunshots stopped!


"Ah, killing people!"

"How could this be!"

The flight attendants thought that Li Feng must already be covered with bouquity, but said that they have discovered that Li Feng still has no injury, and there is a touch of smile on his face.

"Damn, how can you nothing?"

Luke Daniel has been standing, and it is clear that the ball is emptied. Li Feng is not a little, is it?

The black man who shoots is also stupid. His gun law is very accurate. It can be said to be a hundred in 50 meters, and he is with Li Feng than three or five meters away, how can I not play Li Feng?

"Is this your sincerity?"

Li Feng suddenly spread his hand and showed 10 yellow orange oranges of the palm.

"This is ...?" "Luke Daniel pupil, detachment," "Wu Dao strong ?!"

"God, Li He ... can't take all bullets?"

"My God, I am dreaming, how can I have this kind of thing?"

"Li He is ... I am so powerful! I like it!"

"Li Zhong ..."

In the eyes of the stewardess, the pink small stars were blocked, and the worship of Li Feng was quit!

Although they don't understand how Li Feng does this, Li Feng's behavior is handsome, just like a superhero in the movie, a few do not love heroes?

The white people have a long face, and suddenly I don't think it hurts.

The big man of the empty hand, just smoked him, a slap is too cheap, giving him a feeling that I just got a small life.

Two black police have suddenly been a bit of a greatest, but the people who have been taken will become them.

Luke Daniel's hand is also a colorful color, the martial arts, this Huaxia man is actually a military strong, damn, this time they kicked to the iron board!

"Is it your own gun?"

Li Feng turned his head to see the black man who shot, asked coldly.

The sweat on the black man face is like a waterfall, and the back is wet by sweat.

"Do you say how I should punish you?" Li Feng played with the warhead in his hand and played.


The black man swallows the mouth of the mouth and didn't dare to speak.

"Waste one hand, don't shoot again later."

The voice falls, Li Feng pops up a bullet.


The bullets are broken, playing in the black man's hand, bringing a plaque flower.


The black man is screaming, and the right hand is squatting.

"You should thank you not killing you." Li Feng shook his head, turned to look at Luke Daniel: "Is you let him open?"

"No, there is absolutely no, it is his own self-propelion!" Luke Daniel hurriedly denied it.

Haol, he thought, Li Feng is a singer, it is absolutely no noisy when you can do it, and it is still good.

"Oh, then how do you think this thing today?" Li Feng took the warhead and asked.

"You said, you say how to solve it." Luke Daniel only wants to leave here as soon as possible, and others are not important.

"Talking so much? OK, you give Shen Jiayi's $ 10 million in the spiritual loss fee, this is over."

Li Feng threw the warhead and said with a smile.

"Ah? Lee, you ... are you kidding?" Shen Jiayi stunned, 10 million US dollars, mental losses? My day, she has never seen so much money in this life!

"What jokes, he planted you, I didn't send him into a prison. This money is you should take, don't welcome it." Li Feng turned his head to persuade.

He knows that the difficulty of sending Luke Daniel into prison, even more difficult to kill Luke Daniel, but he can't kill Ruk Daniel now, after all, so many people look, kill Good return.

Only let Luke Daniel have a blood, hurt, if Luke Daniel remembers this lesson, no longer finds Shen Jiayi's trouble, then this is over.

If Luke Daniel is not evil, you have to find Shen Jiayi trouble, then Li Feng has only let him regret it to this world ...

"Okay, I will give it!" Luke Daniel had almost no hesitated, he agreed.

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