Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1303 What is this goddess?


Luke Daniel also did not waste, and the check will start writing a check. After writing, he handed down to Li Feng, "" 10 million US dollars. "

"Don't give it to me, give Miss Shen." Li Feng rushed to Shen Jiayi station.

Luke Daniel did not speak, turned to Shen Jiayi: "Miss Shen, this is your mental loss fee."

"I ... I can't want, too much, I can't want it." Shen Jiayi was scared, tens of millions of dollars, direct financial freedom of finance. "

If this is what she earned, she is absolutely two words, but this is ... this is ......

Shen Jiayi didn't know how to describe it, said to be extorted, Luke Daniel did cause her spiritual loss, but it is not, this money is too much.

"You are a silly girl, to you is a $ 10 million is an astronomical figure. For Mr. Luke, this is a little money. If you don't accept, you can't look down on Mr. Luke."

Li Feng went to Luke Daniel, and after receiving the check, he was in the hands of Shen Jiayi.

Luke Daniel: "..."

I am so prefer that you can look down on me, who will not have money?

"Yes, Jiayi, you will accept it."

"Li has said that this is said, you don't even look down on Mr. Luke, but also look down on Li."

"Accept your best, don't pay for Li's pain."

The flight attendant has persuaded it.

In fact, they are very envious, 10 million US dollars are too attractive to these ordinary people, they will want those who get this 10 million dollar compensation are not themselves.

But they won't work as a good to give up this compensation. They can only press the envy of the emotions in the heart, and then the words of Shen Jiayi say the words of the blessings, because they are good sisters.

Shen Jiayi smiled: "Li, this is too much?"

Li Feng smiled: "You think, if I have not been able to take evidence, are you going to be sentenced to life imprisonment?"

"It seems like this ..." Shen Jiayi said unsure.

"You think tens of thousands of dollars will be replaced in the prison for a lifetime?" Li Feng asked.

"You can't do it, don't do it!" Shen Jiayi said loudly.

"So this is you should, accept it." Li Feng smiled.

Shen Jiayi: "???"

It sounds very reasonable this, but she always feels uncomfortable?

But no matter what, Li Feng's words also put her to open her, and she nodded and received this payment of 10 million US dollars.

If you change a person here, you will feel that Shen Jiayi is doing, others don't give money, this is also a holiday?

Shen Jiayi is such a woman, she is optimistic, up, for people are straight, three views are very positive, others have money, she sometimes envy, but she never jealous, she has always believed that life is struggling.

This is also one of Li Feng feels that she is particularly reason.

"Can I go?" Luke Daniel deeply sucking and said.

"Don't leave me, stay in this?" Li Feng turned a white eye and said without goodness.

If this is a child, he is still cultivating with Scarlett, Tiffany, which is equivalent to destroying the time with the two best beauty, or there is too many live people, Li Fengbao is not allowed to be directly Elite Luke Daniel.

"Of course, I'm going, then I am gone, goodbye."

Luke Daniel strongred anger, smiling and waving with everyone, and then took people to leave here.

White people have to leave with them, who knows that Li Feng will call him: "Hey, you leave."

The white people have long been stiff, the machine has turned around, and a strong laugh: "Li ... Mr. Li, do you need me to help?"

"I asked you a question, just I just be extorted?" Li Feng said.

"No ... No, this is the transaction, fair trade." White is a face, saying.

"Oh, then I am relieved." Li Feng nodded, then laughed: "In fact, I am not afraid of you from going to Neur, anyway, no evidence, isn't you?"

White people have a long face, squeeze out a smile, but also a smile, say: "Yes, Mr. Li, we have no evidence, and will not do a small action behind, please rest assured."

"Well, let's go." Li Feng waved, like a few flies.

After these people left, Li Feng glanced for a stewardess and smiled: "You have not given up your companion in the critical moment, I am very pleased, I want to give everyone a $ 100,000 bonus, of course, Except Shen Jiayi "

The flight attendant can't believe in your ears!

They have said a few fair words, the boss will give them $ 100,000 bonus, and is 100,000 per person?

God, what is this goddess?

If you know that Li Feng has a non-married wife, they have to have a god of Li Feng!

"Wow, boss, you are so good, love you!"

"Boss boss, you are the best, boss boss, I love you!"

Several lively open flight sisters rushed over, slammed their arms, holding thighs of thighs, showing their excitement.

Shen Jiayi looked at it, and I was a little envious. How did she not think about this expression? Now, now, will it be too obvious?

Li Feng is also crying, but he is not good to push them away, can only be painful and happy ...

At the same time, a system prompts the audio.

"Hey, congratulate the host, save the goddess Shen Jiayi (1) task completion, task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 1 million experience value, 2 million system points, 20 conquer points reward."

Host: Li Feng

Level: Half-level (late)

Experience value: 89.02 million 100 million

System score: 208 million

Conquer point: 3029

Skills: "Shen Wei", "God", "Talking Seven Steps", "Treasure Sword Law", "Void", "Fang", "Qingshan Guardian", "Scorpio Thirty-six", " "" Exploration "...

Waiting for the task: "Titanic" birth, Booler Joy's request

"Hey, the task is completed ..."

While receiving the help phone, Li Feng also received the task sent by the system. Generally, it said that he received the task related to a goddess, indicating that he won the goddess of this goddess.

Thinking of this, Li Feng looks on the big bed.

Shen Jiayi is secretly taking Li Feng. After seeing Li Feng's eyes, he looked at his eyes. He saw her underwear and stockings.

"Ah!" Shen Jiayi was pretty red, and quickly walked over the past, putting the underwear and putting it into the trash can.

After finishing these, she shimged Li Feng at a glance, Li Feng's face was red, and quickly turned his head.

When the flight sister is calm down, Li Feng smiled: "Jiayi, I will accompany you to the bank, and the check is over."

After that, Li Feng took the room first.

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