Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1308 Four Problems

"What are you doing, but I am going to do it, isn't it?"

Li Feng expression is exaggerated to look at the four hand of the weapon.

"Hey, small ZEI, tell you the truth, our studio is indeed informal, there are several people in the hands."

"If you don't want to die, I will sign the contract. I will take you to eat the fragrant drink. If you don't sign, Laozi will give you you, find a place for no one."

"As for you ..."

Zheng Dadou looked at Shen Jiayi and smiled: "Look at you so beautiful, I will definitely won't kill you, but you should not let my brother happy."

"Hahahaha, big friend, this girl can, a few like a few people like!"

"Look at this body, slim, this face, true, and the female tourists signed more than a few days ago."

"Don't say it, I will get she gets it later. Let's let the brothers say a few happy."

Everyone got up and down Shen Jiayi and the evil laughed.

Shen Jiayi's pale is pale to Li Peak, and Xiao said: "Li, I am so afraid."

"Reassured, they are a group of earth chicken tiles, can't hurt you." Li Feng was comforted.

"Hey, who do you say is the soil chicken tile, believe it does not believe in Laozi big mouth to smoke you?" Zhao Neng was not happy, and the work will be pumped forward.

"Zhao ... no, boss, you don't quench, this kid is a small hanging wire, forced to force in front of the woman."

"And I listened to this girl, this buddy is very handsome, in case of his face, it can't let him start as soon as possible."

Zheng Dagoyed himself said.

Li Fengbei picks: "Zhao Neng is your boss?"

"How is it, unlike?" Zhao Neng raised his eyebrows and cold channels.

"Like, too like, I will say it, how can Zheng Dagu, such a wretched and greasy man, may be a boss, or you are more powerful." Li Feng smiled.

" , how do you talk?" Zheng Daxie was not happy, Lao Zi just helped you say good words, you have a special turn to bury me, there is no conscience?

"Cough, I think he is very good, very in line with my temperament." Zhao said with a smile.

The remaining four big men have nodded: "Yes, Zhao Lao must domine!"

"We are in the momentum of Zhao Lao Da, and he will follow Zhao Lao."

Zheng Dadoy wants to cry without tears, you say that Laozi is so older, or a horse under the hand, is not shameful?

"Well, so so, don't, Mr. Zhao, do you say that we also use the contract?" Li Feng smiled.

"Don't think that you will take me two horses, I will let you go." Zhao Can smiled coldly, then look at Shen Jiayi: "Of course, if you give me a girlfriend, you can sign it."

Shen Jiayi quickly hid Li Peak, avoiding Zhao Neng's Chinese.

"Soil ... No, Zhao Lao Da, I feel very good with my girlfriend, I will give her to anyone."

"This way, you answer me a few questions, if your answer makes me satisfied, we will sign, how?"

Li Feng made a move of Shen Jiayi and said.

" , how do you talk to us?"

"Let me don't believe me now?"

"The code, our boss looks at her is her blessing, you still dare to bargain? Is it dead?"

"Hey, why, what are you doing so loud, isn't you afraid of scaring children?"

Zhao Neng put his hand, wait for the younger brothers to close their mouths, he smiled: "What is the problem, you talk."

"First, is the actor you are looking for to travel or learn from the country?" Li Feng asked.

"Of course, the movies we take are mainly to face the Chinese people, don't find the people to shoot for the people?" Zhao Neng laughed: "You talk about the second."

"Well, the second question, is it disagreeable to sign a contract, let you use this way forced signing?" Li Feng asked.

"That must, come here to sign this, no one can go." Zhao Neng said: "Do you have a third question?"

"Yes, after signing with you, are you forcing them to shoot according to your requirements? What will you do if you don't shoot?" Li Feng asked.

"Hey, you are also called the problem? All signed a contract must be taken according to our requirements."

"Of course, if you want to shoot it, give me 1 million US dollars, I will let you go, otherwise we will see it in court."

Zhao Neng said that he finished, then frown: "You will have the fourth question?"

Li Feng nodded: "Yes, there is indeed the fourth issue, this question is ... Your ancestor is the Chinese people, why do you want to blame your compatriots? Do you not feel guilty?"

"Compose?" Zhao Neng smiled: "I specially entered the nationality of the country, it is a rice country, who is the compatriots with you?"

"Take again, people don't destroy their own days, I can only praise myself, others are good or bad, I don't have to do."

Zhao Union caused the resonance of others: "It is, the boss often educates us, life and death is rich and rich, you are in our hands, don't you understand?"

"The boss also educates us, the rich insurance is demanding, do you not seek to seek a rich?"

"So you have a good review, maybe you can become a star of the movie world under our operation?"

Li Fengbei picks up, silencely nodded.

On the one side, Shen Jiayi is angry and shaking, double boxing.

"See you don't have other questions? Then I will ask you a question."

"You call me, first said a 'tu', this 'tu' is awkward, what do you want to say?"

Zhao Neng asked.

"Targes mean?"

"I also think that he should want to call you to the heaven."

I have the younger brother guess.

Li Feng has turned over white: "I said, your imagination is too rich? I just want to say that he is a dirt, only this."

Zhao Neng: "???"

Zheng Dadang: "???"

other people:"???"

They are all shocked. Both Li Feng dare to say this, he really don't know how to write the death!

"Is it forced with me? Give me him, and I can't recognize it!"

Zhao Neng's emblem ordered.

Four people who took guns played in the legs and raised their legs.


Shen Jiayi's consciousness sounded, but immediately reacted, his worried is a bit of a bit, Li Feng can be a man who can catch up with bullets!

"Turkey dog."

Li Feng smiled and didn't see what he had, he heard the "" "" "" "" four sullen sounds.

Next moment, four big men flew out and fell directly after the ground.

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