Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1309 Toy Gun?

"You ... Who are you ?!"

Zhao Neng was almost scared by Zheng Doyi.

I will fly out, I don't see well at all!

Li Feng's mouth hook: "You guess?"

Zhao Can sink for two seconds: "You guess I guess it?"

Li Feng: "???"

No ... this is ok, I dare to shake the machine with him at this time?

"Zhao ... Zhao Lao Da, he can't guess you don't guess?" Zheng Dagoyed said on the side.

Zhao Neng: "??? This is really a problem, but it doesn't matter, I have a gun."

The voice is falling, and Zhao Neng took out a golden version of the eagle from the back, aimed at Li Feng: "I didn't expect that I also have a gun? This is the eagle of the desert, the gold version, the power is huge, and a shot can be in you. Boom on a hole! "

"Hey, they have a gun in a few hands. Is Zhao Lao General? You are so true!" Zheng Daxie gave Zhao to Zhao.

"Look at it is a bit like a toy gun." Li Feng stared at this shot for a while, and said weird.

Shen Jiayi has also returned to calm, and Li Feng, who has a bomb, she is really not worried.

Moreover ... Li Feng is not said, this shot looks like a toy gun, it should be a toy gun, she believes Li Feng's judgment.

Zhao Neng faces slightly changed: "What toys, Laozi will use toy guns? Who is the cold!"

Zheng Dab is like a cat that is stepped on the tail. It is a jumping, pointing to Li Feng shouting: "You said who uses a toy gun, don't believe me, I am shot!"

At the same time, Zheng Dadou reached out and pulled out a white gold version of the desert eagle from the back.

But I don't know why, maybe it is too nervous, Zheng Dawei hand shakes, the gun did not take stability, even fell to the ground!


A crisp, desert hawk disintegration, and a part of the part.

If it is a real gun, it is definitely not this movement on the ground, and the plastic feeling of this part is too heavy, some are painted, revealing white inside.

Time is solidified here ...

"If I said, only my gun is a toy gun, do you believe?"

Zheng Dynasty praised a spit, and he said.

"I said that I don't believe, do you believe?" Li Feng said weird.

Zheng Dayou wants to cry without tears!

Shen Jiayi laughed directly.

I am going, this Zheng Dadoy is too stupid. It's stupid and shocking ghosts. Shen Jiayi is curious. How is he lived now!

Zhao Union is full of green gluten!

Lying in the trough nima, I am a gun, I am enough, what do you take? Now, now, stuffing it?

The stuffing is also awkward, you still say it directly, can you still stupid?


Zhao Neng was spitting for a while, spitting a turbidity: "Zheng Dagoya, I have said, with you ranked in the studio, you are not qualified."

"You can fell, you are not eligible to hold the gun, I will buy the toy gun. Are you a pit in my mind?"

Zheng Dadoy's face is slightly changed: "Ah, Zhao Lao Da, I ... I just feel fun, I don't dare."

"Forget it, don't take the case." Zhao can shook his head, then look to Li Feng: "See it, that is the toy gun, I don't believe it."

"Try it." Li Feng nodded.

Zhao Neng: "??? You didn't understand what I said, try the meaning of shooting, shot, you will die, don't understand?"

"I know, so I let you shoot." Li Feng nodded, and there was innocent.

"Lying in the trough, you are very kind!" Zhao Can anger.

"I have been quite a kind, but you don't dare to shoot? Nothing?" Li Feng hooked a smile.

"Lying in the trough?" Zhao Neng was angry: "Do you think I don't dare to shoot?"

"Then you open!"

"I am really open!"


"I am really open!"

"Open, don't open you is my grandson!"

"I am special ..."

Zhao Neng cried, he hit a player, how did it even shoot?

"It seems that you really don't."

Li Feng shook his head, and the foot came to Zhao Neng, and reached his finger, and then topped on his own brain.

Then, Li Feng lightly pressed Zhao Neng's finger.


In the gun, a plastic bullet pops up from the gun, playing on the forehead of Li Feng, and then unable to fall in the ground, even a red point can not leave on the forehead of Li Feng.

"Look, I said it is a toy gun."

Li Feng took a step and said.

Zhao Can first stunned, and then sat down.

His jobs have been so many years, they have never seen Li Feng, this is the simulation gun, not to touch it in hand, I can't tell if I have true and false.

If Li Feng is biting, it is fake, and it is also actively bucking the trigger!

Doesn't he haven't thought about it once the gun really will there?

"Oh my God……"

Shen Jiayi was also shocked by Li Feng. When she shot, she mentioned her eyes.

Li Feng is an air-handed bomb, can be played with a bullet ... Li Feng can't pick it up again?

At that moment, Shen Jiayi seems to seem to have a picture of Li Feng in the blood of the blood, it is really scary!

After half, Zhao Neng went back to God, crying and loving his face: "Big brother, I am wrong, I should not provoke you, let's go, I don't sign you."

Zheng Dadou wedd from Yan Yan, he was really afraid that Zhao Neng's brain was birroaded, and Li Feng was hard.

"I didn't listen to it, do you let me go?" Li Feng smiled.

"Big Brother, do you play this? Isn't it just right?" Zhao Neng did not understand.

"I am a Chinese man, you are a rice, you caught my Huaxia compatriots, will I leave this?" Li Feng bruises.

Make the Chinese people to start, forcing them to sign, forcing them that they are not being movie, this behavior is bad, let Li Feng have heard them immediately killed them.

Zhao Neng is a bit: "Then you ... what do you want to do?"

"Do something meaningful." Li Feng's mouth hook, turned to Shen Jiayi: "Jiayi, you go out first."

Shen Jiayi nodded, and the complexity came out of this apartment.

Shen Jiayi walked, Li Feng took the air barrier in the room.

"Tell me all the information that is killed by your pit, I only give you 10 minutes."

Li Feng went to Zhao Neng and said.

Zhao Neng is shaking: "Big Brother, I said, I all said, don't kill me, I have a small little, a family wants to point to me, I can't die."

"I can not kill you." Li Feng nodded, I took a sentence "because you kill you too cheap you!"

After 10 minutes, Li Feng got all the information of all victims.

"Big Brother, I have said that I have said, can you leave?" Zhao Neng swallowed his mouth, and the trembling said.

"Of course, but I have to do something before going."

Li Feng's mouth evoked a brutal cold, slowly walked to Zhao ...

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