Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1311 is said

"Hey, host, you have a new task, is it right to see?"

Li Feng on the taxi heard the reminder is a glimpse: "When this time is there?"

That is, he has space to transfer these two big cards, he dares to be so waves every day.

Otherwise, you will come to the task at any time, and the mission goal is completely uncertain, he will really be separated.

Oh, yes, I have to count on mobility, otherwise his women are ordinary people, and the probability of encountering danger is too high.


"Task: Save the goddess Shen Jiayi (2)"

"Task Objective: Save the goddess Shen Jiayi from Luke Daniel, if the task fails, deduct the host 10 million system points for punishment."

"Task Reward: 2 million experience value, 5 million system points."

"Luke Daniel!"

Li Feng is a cold, and the heart is killing!

He gave Luke Daniel two opportunities. I didn't expect that the other party not only didn't cherish it. It also changed to provoke, I really thought that I didn't dare to kill him?

The taxi driver suddenly felt a cold, hit a cold, and the hand was shaken to drive the car to the road tooth.

At this moment, the ringtone of the mobile phone ringed, Li Fengbei picks up, turn it on: "Hey, I am Li Feng."

An anxious voice came from the phone: "Li, not good, Jiayi is taken away in the street!"

"Tell me the address."


"Who are you, what do you want?"

Shen Jiayi, who was taken to the bus, lost color, and asked.

"Miss Shen, please don't be afraid, I will not hurt you."

Sitting in the back row, he is taking the red wine, Luke Daniel, is said.

"It's you?!"

Until at this time, Shen Jiayi discovered Luke Daniel, and suddenly a heart is sinking to the bottom of the valley.

Lux Daniel wants to do what, she is clear, this time she is taken away, can she still have a living?

"Yes, it is me, how, didn't you think?"

Luke Daniel is very proud.

He is not a man who is easily given up. He wants what he wants to get, you will be able to get, no means!

"What do you want to do, I warned you not to come."

"What do I want to do, you should be very clear."

Luke Daniel reached out to Hook Shen Jiayi's chin, the Shen Jiayi, who was scared, was stopped by the two black giggles behind him, and he was not allowed.

Next moment, Luke Daniel hooks Shen Jiayi's chin, and lifted it: "The woman's face is really exquisite ..."

"You don't touch me!"

Shen Jiayi turned his head and opened the hand of Luke Daniel.

"Haha, temper is also very strong, I like it!"

Luke Daniel laughed, then raised his hand, it was a slap in the face of Shen Jiayi.


A crisp, Shen Jiayi's pretty face has a bloody five fingerprint!

This slap gives Shen Jiayi!

She is a parent's palm of her parents, don't talk to her, even if I returned, I've been very little to her.

After growing up, she was born in the national color, although she would comply with some of the same sex, but in general, she is very popular in the school in the school.

Luke Daniel This slap is the first time, the face is hurt, and the heart is more hurt!

"Low women dare to refuse me, are you qualified?"

Luke Daniel once again hosted Shen Jiayi's chin and said.

"Even if you die, you won't let you touch me!"

Shen Jiayi smiled, he was biting his tongue.


Luke Daniel saw that it was not right, and even the command was busy.

The two black people are professionals, and they will be scored on Shen Jiayi's neck, Shen Jiayi has never dizzy.

"If you want to die? Which is so simple! Give it to me!"

Luke Daniel snorted, took out the phone allocated a call.

Soon, the phone is connected, Li Feng's voice came from the mobile phone: "Let me guess, are you Luke Daniel?"

"It seems that you already know." Luke Daniel's mouth hook.

"If you want people to know, unless you want to ask, you are coming to ask for mercy." Li Feng said in the phone.

Luke Daniel: "???"

Not ... I am now a kidnapper, I have a special brain, I will ask for mercy with you?

"Oh, Li Feng, you really have enough arrogance." Luke Daniel spit out a turbidity, cold channel: "Shen Jiayi in my hand, I just bubble a supermodel last night, so I won't move her. If you If you want to save her, there is still a little time, how is it, do you want to save her? "

"Man, your body is not big." Li Feng laminated.

Luke Daniel: "... I don't have any body ?!"

This sentence directly fell Luke Daniel, the man can't say that he can't do it, and you can't let others say that you can't, this is a provocative, very serious provocation!

More critical is that Luke Daniel is also said to be said by Li Feng. He is indeed a bad body ...

No way, 14 years old, Luke Daniel has already joined a few girlfriends, and his maids have several people who have been scourked.

Being a giant, never lacking the beauty of the active to send the door, Luke Daniel does not understand the temperance, and it is really imposing.

"The reaction is so fierce? It seems that I have said it is, hey, young people, don't think that you are still young, you will regret it."

"Of course, I didn't care about this, I am a martial arts, not the same as you."

Li Feng said that it is easy to say.

"Hair! Li Feng, you succeeded me, very good, you are very good!" Luke Daniel spit out a touch

"Then, do you want to kill me? Yes, send people to kill, I can kill me!" Li Feng was soaring.

"Call" Luke Daniel spit out a touch of interest, smiled: "Li Feng, how do you think this can extend with my call time, find my position? Don't dream, you can't find me!"

"I call you, I want to tell you, Shen Jiayi is mine, and you ... I can't live a few days, hahahaha, hahaha ... ?!"

Laughing Luke Daniel suddenly like a male duck who has been held in the neck, instantly cars!

Because one hand gave his shoulder, and the latter row was only Luke Daniel with his two hands, plus a coma to Shen Jiayi.

So who is this hand? !

Opposite, Luke Daniel's two hands were also a face ridicule. Suddenly changed his face, and glarped on the right side of Luke Daniel.

Luke Daniel's neck is stiff to go, seeing this life that is the most fearful thing - Li Feng, who is talking to him, is sitting on the right, smiling and looking at him.

This moment, Luke Daniel only felt a wet on the leg ... scared the urine!

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