Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1312 talks about compensation

"Hey, I haven't seen it for a long time, Mr. Luke."

Li Feng raised his hand and greeted.

"Gigbling ..."

Luke Daniel's mouth shaking, the upper and lower teeth collides a series of "giggling" sound.

"Hey you, what it is scared."

Li Feng took the mobile phone in front of Luke Daniel, let him take a photo.

Luke Daniel looks at the expression of his fear on the mirror, and suddenly hesitate!

Opposite, Luke Daniel's two hands quietly went to the gun.

"If I am your words, I will never do this."

Li Feng turned his head to see them, ridiculous.

At this time, the two hands stopped the movement of the guns, and they did not dare to move in the same place.

"Very good, this is a child."

Li Feng smiled slightly, then looked at Shen Jiayi, who was fainted in his head: "She is dizzy by you?"

Shen Jiayi's breath is stable, so Li Feng is not worried.

During the speech, Li Feng came to Shen Jiayi. I want to wake up her, who knows him a good head, but saw a blood-red five fingerprint on her left cheek.

Li Peak is cold, and the temperature in the carriage suddenly decreases!

Luke Daniel just felt cold in both hands and couldn't help but hit it.

"Who can answer me, who is the finger print on the face?"

Li Feng's voice is like a cold wind that is blown out of Jiu Hell, once again let Luke Daniel feel the chills.


At this moment, the extended version of Karede suddenly stopped.

Then, the black baffle between the cab and the rear cavity rose, and a white old man wearing a swallow tuxeda appeared in the vision of everyone.

"Humpers save me!"

Luke Daniel is like seeing the savior, exciting shouting.

Li Fengbei picks: "Hunt? Wardao strong?"

Heng characterized nodded, the complexion, "young people, you really make me surprised."

Just now, he sat in the co-pilot and closed his eyes. He suddenly felt that a rich murderous murderous gas came from the latter compartment, and quickly let the driver stop.

After opening the baffle, he found that Li Feng did not know when he had come to the back, and the whole process did not have his awareness.

"Well, then?" Li Feng face.

He can feel that Hunter's physical strength is brewing, but this force seems to be SSS level, and there is no threat to Li Feng.

Hungt is hysterested, then she said: "This thing is that my young master is wrong, I am willing to persuade Shaoye to compensate this Miss."

"Hunter?" Luke Daniel did not dare to believe his ears.

He called Hunter to XLT, just want him to help him find a venue, don't say killing Li Feng, at least play Li Feng a meal?

The result is not yet started, Hunt will let him compensate Shen Jiayi? Hunt is not drinking too much in the morning, in your own head?

"Young master, Li Feng coming is too surprising, I am not aware of, so I am worried about his realm is on me, although this possibility is very low, but for your safety, it is necessary to use it."

Hunter ended over Luke Daniel, this only said: "Young master, this is true for you, the master knows, will not help you talk."

"This ..." Luke Daniel understood what Hunter would recognize it, and some entangled.

Li Feng smiled: "You don't think it, do something wrong, just apologize, then make certain compensation, you can change the forgiveness of others?"

Hunter stunned: "Mr. Li does what?"

Li Feng smirked: "You don't apologize, make up compensation is your business, I also choose to forgive your right."

"Moreover, Shen Jiayi is the victim, even if it is going to talk to her."

"Mr. Li said, then, Mr. Li woke up Shen Miss, let's talk to her." Hunt put the body very low.

"Al." Li Feng nodded and woke Shen Jiayi.


Shen Jiayi woke up, first sent a excitement, waiting for her to see Li Feng instantly settled down, surprise: "Li, you saved me?"

Li Feng nodded: "The danger is not completely released, but I am, no one can hurt you."

"You tell me first, who is playing you, Luke Daniel?"

Shen Jiayi found that he was still in the extended Kelred, and the face was slightly changed: "Yes ... it is what he played."

Thinking of the slap in the first place, Shen Jiayi is still a lingering.

"Is it hurt?" Li Feng asked with distressed.

"Fortunately ..." Shen Jia should nodded, but her moved this moment, and suddenly hurts.

Seeing this, the distressed color of Li Feng is more confidential, and I quickly took out a back spring and said: "I will eat the medicine first. I don't hurt the medicine."

Shen Jiayi did not have him, with a eat, and suddenly found a pain in the injury.

Returning to spring, but the treatment of trauma, one can be effective, and the injury will restore the injury within one hour.

"I really don't hurt." Shen Jiayi is very surprised.

"Ah, you and so on." Li Feng said on a bright, and took a small porcelain bottle from his arms, poured a little liquid in his hand, and applied it to Shen Jiayi's face.

Shen Jiayi's consciousness wanted to hide, but finally just closed his eyes, eyelashes, shaking it, was applied by Li Feng on her face.

When Li Feng was applied, Shen Jiayi felt cool, couldn't help but ask: "What do you give me?"

"Tong Yanshui, you will be restored after your face, it is still more water." When Li Feng opened the mirror function of the mobile phone, let Shen Jiayi took it.

Shen Jiayi saw that the finger print on his face did not see, and it is indeed more tender than before, and the current excitement: "Really, thank you, Li, you really ... Wait, what you just said, children ...... Tong Yanshui? "

"Yes, Tong Yanshui, what happened?" Li Feng nodded and put the small porcelain bottle back into the pocket.

"200 million Huaxia currency a bottle of Tong Yan, you will take me to remove scars?" Shen Jiayi asked with a confidence.

"Hey, you said this, what happened to 200 million bottles, as long as you recover quickly, there is no more than 220 billion bottles." Li Feng was angry.

Shen Jiayi is completely touched, or there is so many bad people around, she is not sure that she will hug Li Feng.

Luke Daniel: "???"

Hunt: "???"

other people:"???"

No ... If you are so beautiful, there is no one, have you put us in your eyes?

"Mr. Li, I think we will talk about compensation problems first." Hunt did coughed and reminded.

Li Fengbei picks: "OK, Jiayi, I will give you a suggestion, let Luke Daniel compensate $ 1 billion, you can try to forgive him."

When you come out, everyone is color!

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