"Jiayi, close your eyes."

Shen Jiayi's consciousness closed his eyes, then she had some doubts, why Li Feng wants her to close your eyes.

Is it ...?

Thinking of this possible moment, Shen Jiayi is a white, and the heartbeat accelerates.

At the same time, Hunter only felt the cold and flew up.

"Hunt, take me together!"

Luke Daniel shouted quickly.

Just Hunter dare to pause, Li Feng can be a half-level strong, and I am destroyed by him unkinding.

"Very smart choice, but nothing is used."

Li Feng shook his head smiled, and the white dragon claw explored, and he turned Hunter in his hand.

"Mr. Li, I am the housekeeper of Daniel family, don't kill me!"

Hunter struggled and found that it would be high as soon as possible.

Look at the two hands of Luke Daniel, the face that is already frightened, and shakes.

Perhaps the ultimate fear makes the two lose rationality. When Li Feng grabbed Hunter, the two biting his teeth, and the trigger was deducted against Li Feng.

"" "" "" "" ......

Bullets are pouring!

After hearing the gun, Shen Jiayi will immerse the eyelash, strongly want to open his eyes.

But Li Feng did not speak, she was still forced himself to resist this impulse, let the gunshots continue to ring on their ear.

Luke Daniel's eyes showed a hopes of hopes.

Last Li Feng is a bullet under hand, this time Li Feng's hand is occupied, can you still use your hand to pick up?

However, next moment, Li Feng's body has a faint golden light in four weeks. If the bullet hits this layer of gold, it will be rare to enter. After the high speed is rotated in the half-air, it will fall.

Luke Daniel only felt that he was exhausted, and the spirit went halfway.

This two black bodyguards are completely silly, and they will be killed in the door, they must open the door.

Just waiting for them to open the door, the two cyan is penetrating their heads, bringing a plaque.

"Two idiots."

Li Feng shook his head. Two ordinary people want to escape in front of him this half-level strong, can only say that they have no clear awareness for the military strongest.

"Mr. Li, please calm down, you must calm."

"There is also a half-level strong in Daniel family, and more than one, please calm down?"

Hungt said with a vibrato.

"Oh?" Li Fengbei picks: "Then you tell me that a total of a total of half-God-level strong people in the Daniel family?"

"Triple, a half-god, a half-term, there is a half-god peak old ancestor."

Hunter forced himself down and said.

At this time, he needs to do it is calm, don't, the more you die, the faster it.

"Not bad, you don't lie."

Just, Li Feng used Hunter to read the heart, knowing that he said is the truth.

Hung Shi has a doubtful color: "You have long you early?"

"No, I just know what you think in your heart." Li Feng shook his head smile.

Hungt is colored!

What is known that he is thinking about his heart, is the Li Sum will not read the heart? It is also said that Li Feng learned a micro-facet psychology, and can verify that the other party is lying through the expression of other people.

"Do you think that you tell me about the Taniel family's three half-level powerful people, I will be afraid, don't dare to kill you?"

Li Feng asked.

"No ... is not, it is absolutely not."

"I can't humiliate, this is the general rules of the world. We are in the first, and you should also kill us."

"Just I think this matter is not a better solution, such as solving it with money?"

Hunte's head is cold-sweating, considering the language.

His originality is of course threatening Li Feng, but he can't admit that it will irritate Li Feng.

Irritating a half-level power is a very idiot.

Li Feng didn't help but laughed out: "I am not lacking."

For most people in the world, maybe the money is a good party to solve the problem, but the Li Feng is not.

Hunter's constant stylus.

Just then, Luke Daniel said: "Our home has collected a few antiques from Huaxia, very valuable antiques, you will definitely be very interested!"

"Oh?" Li Fengbei picks, some means: "What antiques you talk about."

"There is a bronze statue of the bronze of Huaxia, and there is a slave" Lanting Collection "."

Luke Daniel sinks a little, saying.

One of the heirs of the Daniel family, Luke Daniel is more understanding to the Chinese culture, so he said that the two antiques have great appeal to the Chinese people.

Dragonhead bronze statue does not have to introduce, as one of the 12th of the Yuanmingyuan twelve student, is the only animal that does not exist in the real world, has a very special meaning of the people in China.

As for Wang Xizhi, "Lanting Collection" is even more powerful, and now people generally believe that Wang Xizhi has all disappeared in the long river of history, and it is very rare.

However, if there is a fan of Wang Xizhi, it will cause the attention of countless people, and the price will definitely fry to a very exaggerated point.

"Lanting Collection" is also known as the first book in the world, and is evaluated by the ancients as "noble group, ancient and modern mother and two". Its value is higher than the other works of Wang Xizhi.

Li Feng certainly knows the value of these two cultural relics, it is very impressive for a while.

On the one side, Shen Jiayi, closed eyes, is equally excited.

Dragonhead Copper, "Lanting Collection", my God, she is not dreaming?

"It seems that you don't lie, but how do you guarantee that" Lanting Collection "is genuine, isn't it a fake?"

Li Feng sinks a little, asked.

Luke Daniel said: "It is Grandpa told me that the family of Daniel family will not lie, everyone knows this."

"You said it seems to be a little."

Li Feng's eyes flashed, taste: "If you are all true, then their value is indeed worthy of your little life, call you Grandpa, this two things I want."

Listening this, Luke Daniel is happy.

"Young master, you are too great, it is a future heir of Daniel family!"

Hunter used the voice to send Luke Daniel to a hit.

"Hey!" Luke Daniel snorted, did not take care of him.

He still remembers, Just now, Hengte wants to drop himself, this matter is like a thorns in his heart, it will not let Luke Daniel let's let Luoke Daniel.

"Young master, just now I want to use escape to attract Li Feng's firepower, in exchange for the opportunity you escape."

Hunte's breath continues to move.

Luke Daniel took a nod and took out the phone allocated old Daniel's phone.

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