Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1316, a family, don't say two words

"Hey, Grandpa, I have encountered some trouble ... Well, I have a half-level power ..."

"What ?! You are idiot, how can you get a half-level strong ?!"

Don't say that Li Feng is a super powerful, even Shen Jiayi's ordinary person, he heard this exclaimed call from the phone.

"I didn't expect him to be a half-level strong ..."

Luke Daniel never been embedded by Grandpa, it is very wronged for a while.

"You this idiot, I have long been ignorant from low-key low-key, you don't listen, do you not listen, this is kicking to the iron plate?"

Old Daniel is very angry, but the sound is not flustered.

He knows that Luke Daniel can call, there is no danger of life.

"I'm sorry my grandfather, I don't want to keep your teaching."

Luke Daniel really regretted, I knew that Li Feng was so forced, he would never enroll Shen Jiayi.

"Okay, let's say what he wants?"

Old Daniel asked.

"He wants the dragon's bronze statue to Wang Yizhi's" Lanting Collection "." Luke Daniel said.

"Lant Ting Collection"? No! That is my baby! "Lao Daniel's tone is toned again, this is one of his favorite Huaxia cultural relics!

It doesn't say how he likes Wang Xizhi or "Lanting Collection" itself, but this thing is the world's unique.

This kind of people don't have, only he feels, it is really not how much money can be measured.

"Grandpa, I know you like this kind of artifact, but if you don't give him, I will die."

Luke Daniel said with a cry.

At this moment, Li Feng took a mobile phone and said: "Mr. Daniel, in fact, I don't have a favorite of cultural relics, if you don't want to give it."

"Really?" Lao Daniel did not expect Li Feng so much, it was a bit amazed.

"Of course, I am really, I never joked."

"But ..." Li Feng's words turned, and smiled. "You can't keep your grandchildren's little life."

"You ...!" Lao Daniel strongly smeared, said with a discouraged tone: "I can do other things to exchange."

Li Fengbei picks: "Oh? Listen to what you mean, you still have the cultural relics that compare the value of" Lanting Collection "? First, I will not be interested in the cultural relics that will flow in China. I am not interested in other countries."

"This ..." Lao Danier made a difficult, and his good things in his hand have been there, but they defined in the range from Huaxia. He didn't really take the cultural relics that can be compared with the "Lanting Collection".

"I use a few pieces of cultural relics to change, don't you do?" Lao Daniel spit out a touch and said.

"Of course, I am not taking it to sell money." Li Feng smiled: "I only give you 10 seconds to consider time, if you can't give me a satisfactory answer within 10 seconds, your grandson's small life can Gone."

"10, 9, 8 ..."

Li Feng directly starts a countdown.

"Okay, I will give it!" Lao Daniel said.

"OK, then you will prepare first, I will call you a good place."

After that, Li Feng also gave the mobile phone to Luke Daniel.

Luke Daniel just said to the old Daniel, I heard the phone, I was bothering over, and I had a slight slight slight.

He is one of the future heirs, although it is unrest, but it is not hopeless.

But after this matter, he is afraid of a little hope, this is not a billion, this is a missed hundreds of trillions, or the dollar!

"Okay, don't think too much, money and famousity is the body outside, can keep the life is the greatest luck."

Li Feng took the shoulder of Lurk Daniel and comforted.

Luke Daniel nodded, just asked Li Feng, suddenly remembered that he fell to this point today, it is because Li Feng, Li Feng special, is it comforted?

"As a foreign man, I don't know how to advise you, in short, you have to open it yourself."

Li Feng took Luke Daniel's shoulder, just like a thoughtful brother.

Luke Daniel broke his teeth and lived!

Lying in the trough, he has never seen it more shameless than Li Feng!

Shen Jiayi, who has been closed, did not hold back, and smiled directly.

Li Tong is too damaged. At this time, you will go to the comfort of Rock Daniel, which is simply taking salt in his wound!


"I like!"

"Yes, have you in XLT? Let's drive there, so that the next transaction is convenient."

Li Feng said.

"Some." Luke Daniel spit out a turbidity, said to the driver: "Drive the car to No. 187, Romeo Road."

"Yes, young master!"

The whole process was used as a driver who wiped the face, forced himself from the extreme fear, re-launched the car to the distance.

"Li, can I open your eyes now?"

Shen Jiayi, who has been closed, said.

Li Feng looked at the two corpses not far from the feet, sighed: "Can't do it, you first lean on the back of the chair for a while, wait until the place, I will wake you again."

"Oh ... ok." Shen Jiayi was disappointed, but he didn't say anything, and it was not tired to close his eyes.

Li Feng nodded and closed his eyes on the back of the chair.

Despite this, Henke's heart does not have any idea to take the opportunity to escape.

In front of the strong in which you have a realm, even if the other party is snoring, you should not have the thoughts of escaping, this is a little life.

After half an hour, Cadillac Caled took into a villa.

After the place, Li Feng let Luke Daniel re-dials the old Daniel phone and told him.

"My grandfather will immediately fly from NY, about three hours, ask Mr. Li to wait patiently."

After hanging up the phone, Luke Daniel said.

"Okay, let's go to drink coffee and chat."

Li Feng nodded and took Shen Jiayi.

"Okay, open your eyes." Li Feng said.

Shen Jiayi opened his eyes: "Wow, this place is so beautiful."

After seeing the view of the luxury villa in front of you, Shen Jiayi couldn't help but sigh.

"You are already a rich woman in $ 1 billion, you like to buy a set."

Li Feng said.

"What, I can't want this money." Shen Jiayi said firmly.

"Don't say two words, you have to accept this money." Li Feng put his hand, domineering.

Shen Jiayi suddenly glanced, and then played with red.

Li always said that he is a family with him, is it hints what she?

On the car, Luke Daniel had a eye to Heng.

Hunter understood what he meant, when you shake his head: "Don't have this unrealistic idea, even if he has entered the villa, we have no possibilities."

When he finished him, he took the car.

Luke Daniel's faces change several times, and a bittering also followed.

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