Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1317 Old Daniel

Three hours later ...

"How did your grandfather have not arrived, is it giving up you?"

Li Feng put down the red wine glass and asked in the taste.

After entering the villa, he took the red wine with Shen Jiayi and drunk on the sofa.

Luke Daniel, Hunt, incorporated into a waiter, in the side of the tea.

Luke Daniel quickly put down the tray: "I will give my grandfather again."

One minute ...

"Mr. Li, my grandfather has already got off the plane. It is riding from the car to come here. It will be reached around 10 minutes."

Luke Daniel said.

"Very good." Li Feng nodded, and the best in Jiaoji raised the high cup: "CHEERS ~"

"Cheers ~" Shen Jiayi, who is taking Li Feng, and drinking him up.

After the cup, Li Feng couldn't help but sigh: "Jiayi, your wine can be, the three provinces, the arrogant?"

"No ... is not, I am a blue island." Shen Jiayi put down the wine glass, and took the hand to the face.

"Really fake?" Li Feng was surprised: "The trick is half a fellow!"

Prior to this, Li Feng didn't really checked Shen Jiayi's account. When I heard Shen Jiayi is blue is blue, I have been interested.

"Half a fellow? Is there a blue island in your parents?" Shen Jiayi also came to the spirit.

What is this? This is called fate!

"No, but I am in the University of Blue Island, the University of Blue Island." Li Feng played a high cup and laughed.

"Ah, no, I am graduating from the University of Blue Island. What professional is you?" Shen Jiayi was so excited that she was too close to Li Feng, alumni, my day, she did not know!

"Economic management, what about you?" Li Feng asked.

"Oh, then you are in the old campus, I am a specialty of specialty, in the new campus." Shen Jiayi was a little disappointed. She thought Li Feng and her a campus.

If so, with Li Feng's age, they live together in a campus together in a campus.

"No wonder." Li Feng shook his head.

When I got up college, Li Feng is the school of the old campus. There is no two winds for a while. If the two people in a campus, Shen Jiayi should heard that he is only right.

Also, Shen Jiayi is so beautiful, and it is definitely a school flower when college, and Li Feng is impossible to have no impression of Shen Jiayi.

Next, the two talked for a while and found that they were universities at the same year, and this year Li Feng was 24 years old, Shen Jiayi was 25 years old.

The fate between the two is overflow.

Original Shen Jiayi has a good sense of Li Feng, adding alcohol's stimuli, at this moment, there is some blurred.

On the side, Luke Daniel heard his face.

No ... Li Feng doesn't say that Shen Jiayi is his beloved woman. Why do he even graduate from Shen Jiayi, I don't know, this is a special pothole!

At this moment, a lengthening version of the Rolls-Rocks came to the door of the villa.

"Jiayi, let's go out to meet."

I heard the moving Li Feng pulled Shen Jiayi to go out.

Originally Shen Jiayi is still nothing, this starting is in power, and there is a little floating at the feet, and the legs are soft in Li Feng.

Li Feng is stiff: "Are you okay?"

"I'm not ... Nothing." Shen Jiayi shook his head, and he was busy.

Who knows that this red wine is a bit big, and the hands and feet will not listen to the call. Shen Jia should think that it will not be able to stand it straight.

Li Feng couldn't help but smash: "Well, don't be able to do it, first this way, wait until you get things, I will send you back to rest."

"Ok ... ok." Shen Jia should nod, this is only in Li Feng.

Out of the living room, Li Feng saw a white old man from the left side of the extension phantom.

"Grandpa, you are finally here!"

When I saw this old man, Luke Daniel almost cried.

This is like a person who dropped the cliff. After two days of lack of water, I saw the feeling of the rescue team after two days, and a feeling that I finally lived.

Who knows that the old people just read him, quickly go to the right side of the back, opened the door.

This scene was scared Luke Daniel, and Grandpa can be a homeowner. Why do you want to open the door to others?

Who is the people sitting in the rear seat, should it be ...? !

Li Feng also picks up the eyebrows and faces the color of the face.

Obviously, Lao Danier came over this time, and it was a helper who was more heavy than himself.

Under the eyes of everyone, one wearing a black suit, a bow tie, a white hair combing into a big back.

When I saw this old man, Luke Daniel blinked his eyes, then shocked: "Grandpa, how did you come ?!"

Come is the father of La Danier, August Daniel!

"Hey, why do I come, do you have no number in your heart?"

August was cold and lively, and the cold voice said.

Luke shrilled his neck, and he said: "I am sorry to be too grandfather, I don't deliberately."

"Okay, your account is going back!" August was looking to Li Feng, arched: "Mr. Li from Huaxia?"

"It's just!" Li Feng also arched his hand: "Mr. Daniel, old old?"

August: "???"

Old Daniel: "???"

Luke: "???"

Not ... What is your special English, what is the old Daniel, the father of the old Daniel is old Daniel?

"I am August Daniel, Ruke's grandfather." August spit out a touch of turbidity.

"I am Phillis Daniel, Luke's grandfather." Lao Daniel said.

"I am a good friend of Li Feng, Luke." Li Feng smiled.

Everyone: "..."

How is the good friend, is a good friend who has such a pit?

"Mr. Li is very humorous." August is clear and ugly.

"Humor is not talking, it is a bit happy." Li Feng shrugged.

"Why do you have fun?" Augustic was confused.

"Can you make a fortune? If you are in your words, you can get two heavy treasures soon. You are not happy?" Li Feng smiled.

August pupil, and then went to say: "I listened to Phillis that you are also a half-level strong?"

"You don't believe?" Li Fengbei picks up, it seems that it is not very happy.

"I just can't believe it, you are too young." August sighed, and his eyes looked at Xiao So, just like being waved on the beach.

"This is ... then trying to try, you will believe it." Li Feng said with interest.

Augus is watching, staring at Li Feng.

On the one side, Phillis is ready to preparation.

At this moment, it seems to be solidified, the atmosphere is downs to the extreme, Luke, Hunt will soaked soon, so that Shen Jiayi has a feeling of breath.

I don't know how long it took, August shook his head and smiled: "Forget it, I am old, I can't move. Phillis, take things out."

In this way, the atmosphere is relaxed instantly.

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