Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1318 eats the soil specialty

Hunter reluctantly touched himself, and then found that his back has been soaked in cold sweat.

Phillis is a mid-term strong, August is a strong in the late gods, and the two are coming, and it will definitely prepare for the shot.

At this moment, Hunt really thought that the two sides had to play, scared all the pants!

Fortunately, I finally gave up August gave up this plan. Otherwise, the three half-level strong people handed over, and the light can shock him.

Even his SSS strong people are afraid, don't lit up with Luke Daniel of ordinary people.

Hunt did not find that when Auguste said, "calculated", Li Feng's eyes flashed a disappointment.

"Yes, my father!" Phillis nodded and opened two boxes after opening the trunk.

At this time, Li Feng has used the upper and perspective, and the items inside are observed through the box.

One box is a dragon first bronze statue, and another box is a pair of written calligraphy works. It is that Wang Xi's "Lanting Collection".

"System, can you tell out their true and false?"

Li Feng is not an antique identification expert, if it is not particularly obvious flaw, he can't see it.

"This identification needs to consume 100 system points."

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "Are you looking down on me? 100 points also use the comment with my opinion? Directly!"

If the system has eyes, it will definitely turn over a white eye at this moment.

"Drip, deduct the host 100 system points, identification ..."

"Drop, the end of the identification, the two antiques are genuine."

With the system's back book, Li Feng is relieved.

"What you want is in the box, let's deliver in one hand, how?" Ogus asked.

"Yes." Li Feng nodded, looking down to Shen Jiayi, who was almost in his arms, asked: "Can you still stand stability?"

"Ah ... I ..." Shen Jiayi didn't know how to say it.

"Forget it, see you are not like it." Li Feng shook his head smile, shook a hand and released the cloud hand, and the dragon claw took Hunter Luke to grab the hand.

Next moment, Li Feng pushed the two to his body, pushed to Augustic.

August can't finish your face, and then nodded.

Phillis is deep sucking, and two boxes will go to Luke.

Before and after coming to Luke, Phillis put down two suitcases: "Things are here, can you give me people?"

"Open the box and let me check the inspection. Although Li Feng has used the system to identify, it is still necessary to play a full set of play, otherwise it will not be in the past.

"Of course, I can." Phillis leaned over two boxes: "Do you want to come over?"

"There is no need, I believe in the reputation of the Daniel family." Li Feng smiled slightly, the dragon claws were soone, Luke, Hengt was free.

The Phillis Eye Hand will grasp the two people, and the feet have fallen out.

At the same time, Li Feng controls the exploration of the cloud to catch two boxes, and the next moment is disappeared.

August pupils shrink: "Space storage equipment?"

"It is the old old Daniel, and I have seen it." Li Feng smiled.

Shen Jiayi: "???"

What space storage is equipped, it is very magical.

"I can't see how to talk about it, I have one more." August was invisible.

"It is a former ethnic length of the Daniel family, and I don't have anything else, but I have always been very curious. The space of the space I have gone is not a best." Li Feng said in some distressed.

"Space storage equipment is best, to see how much it can be installed, just like the 100 cubic meters of things." August said.

"No ... How much do you just say? 100 cubic meters?" Li Feng is stunned.

"Mr. Li is not surprised. My space storage equipment is circulating the ancestors. It is a rare best in the world." The proud of August's face is a bit.

On one side, Phillis sighed: "I can only install 30 cubic meters, the gap is too big."

"Do you have anything?" Li Feng noodles change.

"Yeah, although space storage equipment is very small, our family still has some piece." Phillis smiled.

"It's amazing, it is a Daniel family." Li Feng thumbs up, then sighed: "I can't get it more than you, all of them have only one spatial storage equipment."

"Forget it, it is more tears, I have a special product brought from Huaxia."

The voice is falling, and Li Peak has appeared a height of the hill.

"Want Want Snow Cake, Want Want Xianbei, Mi old, three squirrels ... dried fruit, puffed food, fruit dry, sauce, there should be, you also rush all the way, definitely hungry, just take it casually, Well with me. "

Li Feng said in front of this pile of snacks.


Auguste can't help but take a breather.

Lying in the trough, this special looks more than 50 cubic meters, Li Feng's space storage equipment is not small.

Just ... take the storage equipment to install snacks, have you so violently?

"How, don't like it?"

Seeing that they stand in place, Li Feng browned micro-wrinkle: "Yes, I also bring some fruit."

The voice is falling, and it is a few pile of hills. The high fruit appears in front of everyone.

Apple, banana, pear, peach, pineapple, watermelon ... Six fruits, six hills, each hill has a volume of 50 cubic meters.

August is directly ignorant with Phillice.

Lying in the trough, what kind of storage equipment is too installed?

Now I think about 100 cubic meters of storage space that will be proud of them, in front of Li Feng's storage equipment!

"Cough, Mr. Li, how big is your space in the space storage equipment?"

Auguste is red and asked.

"There is no specific calculation, but I estimate that I have to get 100,000 cubic meters." Li Feng thought about it.

After upgrading to the half-stage, the system is upgraded to 256 lattice, each lattice 500 cubic meters of space, may not be 100,000 cubic meters.

"???" Auguste is half-awaited, and finally spit out a turbidity: "Breeding!"

The voice falls, August turns.

100,000 cubic meters, this is a super-large warehouse!

For an alteration, if it is a 10,000 cubic rice, it can be filled with 100 long as high as a 10 room, which is exaggerated.

And regardless of Li Feng, it is true, his space storage equipment is definitely better than yourself, and where is he still going?

Phillis smiled and shook his head, and Li Feng arch was arched: "Mr. Li, we have a couple, say hello!"

After that he fell one hand, with Luke, Hunt chased it.

Waiting for them to drive, Shen Jiayi didn't dare to confuse: "They are like this ...?"

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