Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1319 Wine

"Yeah, how do they walk so?"

Li Feng is some unexpected, and some disappointment is.

What I can't understand is that August is indeed a murder. How did you change your idea?

Disappointed, Daniel family has a lot of good things.

Li Feng also thinks to play with old Daniel with the old Daniel, let the old old old Daniel to save people, and do more things.

Luke Gart can change back to Dragon Belt Bronze Statue with "Lanting Collection", the former owner with the current owner, at least half of the replacement of the Daniel family?

Oh, don't give the opportunity!


"Grandpa, why don't you kill Li Feng?"

After sitting on the extension of the phantom, Luke Daniel couldn't help but ask.

"Luke, are you idiot? Didn't you see how Li Feng has many calm?"

August is directly reprimanded.

"Stained?" Luke Daniel's complexion: "What do you mean ... Li Feng is not afraid you with Grandpa?"

"Yes, he is not afraid, and even a little faint expectation." August was flashing in the eyes of August.

"Will this will be a strong calm?" Hunt asked Xiao.

"There is this possibility, but I don't dare to gamble." August spit out a turbidity: "The battle between the half-level strong, is difficult to end once, and you are still around."

Just now, he tried to Li Feng's realm, but Li Feng did not have a set, so until now he is not clear what Li Feng's specific realm is.

He is a half-day, Phillis is a half-god, and the two teamed up to kill a half-term, and there is a great session. If Li Feng is a half-peak?

Although this possibility is very low, it can be used as an old antique living for a hundred and ten years old, but there is one tenth of the possibility, he will try our best to avoid it.

"That is waiting for us to go, you will go back to Li Feng with Grandpa?" Luke Daniel proposed.

"You are idiot, don't have a martial arts talent, even the brain is so stupid!"

"Phillis, delete Luke from the successor list!"

August's anger, directly on Feli, which decided to decide Luke Daniel's future destiny.

Phillis is lower, and you should take a look: "Yes, my father!"

Luke is a grandchildren who love him, otherwise Luke will call him 10 billion, and he will not be so refreshing.

Original Luke is one of the heirs, because there is no martial arts talent, so it is very low, but it is not possible to inherit the owner.

The most important thing is that people on the heirs roster, the status of the Daniel family is high, the resources that can be mobilized are much higher than ordinary members, the higher the rankings, the greater the right.

This decision of Augustte, Luke may not have it, and the status of the Daniel family will fall.

Although Luke has long agreed to this result, there is still a feeling of having a good gray when he heard this decision.

Since then, he is a happy meal at home. You can only get a fixed dividend every month. Although it is still a good life, the living level is far more than before.

All this is because of a woman, if he does not provoke Shen Jiayi, it will not fall to the field today!

For a time, regrets swallowed like a tide.

After half of the half, Phillis asked: "Father, is this matter?"

Luke suddenly raised his ear, and things have not been able to recover. He is now thinking about revenge.

Only killing Li Feng and Shen Jiayi can make him remorse to alleviate some!

"Of course, it will not." August was cold, said: "" Waiting for your grandfather to go, let's come back to find Li Feng to report! "

Luke's breath suddenly became rushing. He has never seen Zeng Zeng, but he has heard the legend of Zeng Ji's grandfather. It is a super power in the Western world!

Zeng Zeng father, Zeng grandfather plus grandfather, they three people teamed up, Li Feng will die!

Phillis spiritual earthquake: "Yes, father!"


"Oh ... the car is driven away, how do we go back?"

Wine is still playing, and Shen Jiayi, who is here, has become a drunken state from microenchin.

"It doesn't matter, it is good to call a taxi online."

Li Feng smiled and took out the mobile phone, he would call the car with a taxi.

"Don't, I don't want to go back now."

Shen Jiayi shook his head and reached out to block the phone screen.

It's just that she is in the drunken state. This reach out not only unable to block the mobile phone screen, but also let her not master the balance, and the body is going to the past.

Li Feng's mouth smoked, even busy her waist: "You said that you are not good, don't drink so much, now drink more now? Hey."

"Who ... Who is not good, I am also ... I can still drink!" Shen Jiayi said with Li Feng and said that he did not accept.

"Well, people who drink too much said this." Li Feng sighed and said: "Do you want to eat some medicine?"

"No ... don't eat, it is medicine ... three ... three points to poison, you don't harm me." Shen Jiayi shook his head refused.

Li Feng is almost ignorant: "Your woman, can I get to poison?"

"I don't care, I am not eating." Shen Jiayi continued to shook his head, but the more you shook her, and I almost couldn't help but spit it out.

"Forget it, don't eat it without eating." Li Feng shook his head, directly horing Shen Jiayi: "Let's take a break in the room, wait for you to wake up and go back."

Li Feng may not deliberately account for Shen Jiayi cheap, the bedroom is in the second floor, Shen Jiayi is now hard to go alone.

Shen Jiayi not only does not mind, but also very happy to squat on the shoulders of Li Feng, just like a well-behaved kitten.

"Li ... Lee, I like you."

Li Feng is stiff, the foot is standing in the original place.

"Li, you just said ... I am ... is your beloved woman, I am so happy."

Shen Jiayi closed his eyes on Li Feng's shoulder and continued.

"Cough, that is to deceive Luke Daniel, you drink too much, don't talk." Li Feng smiled and quickly came to the second floor, just found a bedroom and went in.

After the Shen Jiayi is placed in the bed, Li Feng will leave.

"Wait ... Wait!" Shen Jiayi suddenly pulled Li Feng, said: "Li ... Li, I really like you, don't ... leave me."

Li Feng fell in his heart, and said that he was strongly said: "You drink too much."

In the face of such an active confession, it is a man who will be happy? If Li Feng pays full, he will be left in this sentence.

"Who is drinking too much, I am not ... I didn't drink too much." Shen Jiayi continued his blurred, some unconsciously said: "Li Zhong ... stay with me, don't go ..."

After saying Shen Jiayi hard ...

I didn't pull it? !

Shen Jiayi is already in the spot!

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